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Hey guys, need help with...everything D;


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Greetings, completely new to the world of not only mccodes but coding as a whole. Got it to learn more than anything. Anyway, just wanted to know how to change the background colour, text colour and all the basic noob stuff if you guys wont mind, would really appreciate it. Not sure where to do that, I've tried clicking on everything...file manager, ftp accounts, the whole lot xD I'm also having trouble with a few bugs, clicking on 'home' or 'announcements' results in a 404 error. If anyone is willing to help, would really make my day.

Edited by Tufz
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http://www.w3schools.com Go to HTML.

By the way. Do you have a valid license?

Why is it everytime someone new comes along and says they need help with their game Someone has to say "do you have a valid license?' Just because he's asking a question about mccodes don't mean he has to have a license. I know a lot of people who have a copy of Mccodes who use it as a learning tool as to what NOT to do.

Now to answer your question, you can edit the header.php file and style.css file. Play around with the colors till you find something you like. Back up your original copy so if you screw up majorly you have a good working copy.

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Why is it everytime someone new comes along and says they need help with their game Someone has to say "do you have a valid license?' Just because he's asking a question about mccodes don't mean he has to have a license. I know a lot of people who have a copy of Mccodes who use it as a learning tool as to what NOT to do.

Now to answer your question, you can edit the header.php file and style.css file. Play around with the colors till you find something you like. Back up your original copy so if you screw up majorly you have a good working copy.


It's always good to stay on the good side of life and do good things.

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Haha xD damn I had a feeling this would happen...

Well, Octarine...I guess your the only one I can trust here, you spent so much time trying to help out a useless newbie like me. ^^ So, What d'you say? Want to help out? I would really appreciate it, this whole thing is a learning process for me.

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is he using the latest version of mccodes.. cuz it doesnt look secure to me.. i think the hacker did an xss worm on his website^^ and i dont think that goverment crap is real xD anyway...

i cant help you get it back since i get annoyed really much cuz that hacker used a redirect on your site to mccodes.com..... buttt ... take a look at this-.-""

http://tinyurl.com/7evg2ff <-- reinstall and ask someone to secure it.... or else i think it will just happen again xD

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Well, I really don't want to leave the game there, there was so much more to learn... :( I guess I'll have to make a new one, but can any one of you lot become a co-owner of it alongside me? Just asking for a bit of help and support - now that would really make my day :D

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The best thing is... install the stuff on your own PC, (with xampp or wampp) and play there

only where you are pretty sure it is all ok deploy on some external server

yet... I would say that only the last 2 version of McCode are safe... otherwise STAY AWAY from that code.

As personal suggestion: wait about 1-2 months till "New Worlds Engine" is ready... in the mean time learn PHP / MySQL and HTML and then when it's ready use that instead of McCode ;-)

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As for the redirect; I've never seen the point of it; just tell your browser

not to pay attention to meta redirects; or change their timing; or ... any

number of obvious solutions.

did it , and hacked the game back for him xD but i suggest him (Tufz) to get the latest version cuz that one is much more secured! or he needs to secure it by someone else.. lol almost all tricks i tried worked in 1-3 tries

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i do not really know how to ip ban users.. since i didnt do that before but you can try this.. (and put in your own ip to test, after that put back the hacker's IP Address) GL


// Just put this code on the top of the page(s) you dont want the hacker to be at, like login.php & register.php
$ip = ""; // Put the blocked IP in here
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $ip) {
 header( "refresh:10;url=http://trololololololololololo.com/" ); // Put an website in here where you want the hacker be sended to
 echo '<center><img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/jp8xm1.jpg"><br />
 <h1>Your access is denied at this Server!
 You`ll be redirected in about 10 secs. If not, get lost-.-"</h1></center>'; // Put your text/error in here
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