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Weapon info


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I'm trying to add Weapon Power into a page but the code for some reason does not work,

as i'm still learning it could be tottally wrong,

heres the code


$p=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid IN({$ir['weapon']})");





the table is items and the query is called weapon,


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Well, as this is mccodes, the field names for you weapons are;


  • equip_primary
  • equip_secondary


This is with by default anyway, unsure if you've changed it.

Now, to select the weapon power from an item, you would do;

* Make sure $ir is global'd, if needed.
* Show weapon power
$get = $db->query("SELECT `weapon` FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`={$ir['equip_primary']}");
$r = $db->fetch_row($get);
echo "Item Power: {$r['weapon']}";


And that will display your weapon power.


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Well, as this is mccodes, the field names for you weapons are;


  • equip_primary
  • equip_secondary


This is with by default anyway, unsure if you've changed it.

Now, to select the weapon power from an item, you would do;

* Make sure $ir is global'd, if needed.
* Show weapon power
$get = $db->query("SELECT `weapon` FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`={$ir['equip_primary']}");
$r = $db->fetch_row($get);
echo "Item Power: {$r['weapon']}";


And that will display your weapon power.


Works a charm, thanks sniko +1

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