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Returns wrong value.

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$tablets=mysql_query("SELECT inv_qty FROM inventory WHERE inv_itemid='620' && inv_userid='$userid' LIMIT 1");


You now have {$tabletsone} metal tablets left.

I am trying to get it to print out the number of item (620) that are in the inventory file. It returns a value of 1 every time.

I've tried using fetch_array and fetch_assoc as well.

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It is returning 1 because you have "$tabletsone=mysql_num_rows($tablets);".

Change this to mysql_fetch_assoc or mysql_fetch_array.


$query=mysql_query("SELECT inv_qty FROM inventory WHERE inv_itemid='620' && inv_userid='$userid' LIMIT 1");
echo "You have $tablets[inv_qty] metal tablets left!";
Edited by bluegman991
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Thank you everyone. I did all the changes that you suggested and it now it returns nothing ...

$tablets=mysql_query("SELECT inv_qty FROM inventory WHERE inv_itemid='620' AND inv_userid='$userid'");


You now have {$tabletsone['inv_qty']} metal tablets left. Gives me ... You now have metal tablets left.

I even added tried changing it to ("SELECT `inv_qty` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid`='620' AND `inv_userid`='$userid'",$c)

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No it wont. It will output how many of that item he has. He had LIMIT 1. Limit 1 means he is only selecting 1 row. Mysql_num_rows counts how many rows were selected. Therefore mysql_num_rows will always be 1 as long as he has limit set to 1.

But each item isn't stored in it's own row, it is stored in the inv_qty field. So he needs to fetch the row first. Then output the field in which inv_qty is stored.


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