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My phone is bricked i think?


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ok so i have a i5500 galaxy europa , and i was experimenting with it so i rooted it , and downloaded rom manager but my phone wasnt on the list of devices to flash clockwork recovery so i clicked on a random one "dell streak" and it said successfull but when my device was ment to reboot it didnt , black screen and it wont power on at all . ANY ONE CAN HELP?

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Android right? So it's a Linux kernel with an app layer and a few other things.

I'd suggest getting into normal user mode, and copying everything important to a memory card, and then wiping the device.

That coupled with a re-install should work.

But Andriod support forums will be able to give better advice.

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@Spudinski: It is fair enough to assume he had it all backed up already as he was going to flash his phone's rom... ;)

@Ecko: Samsung is better to flash with Odin, check xda forums to see what and how to do it, even there might be a few decent rom's there ;)

Edited by Lithium
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its not about the rooting , i think its about rom manager and because when i tried to flash clockwork recovery to install roms it didnt show my phone model so i clicked on a random phone and now my phone wont start up at all , no signs of life. i used universal and root

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yes but what if they dont find out , i will try send it into repair tommorow , i will blame it on kies and say that i was updating to 2.2 but then my laptop ran out of power more than half way through or i accidentaly pulled out the usb and then i took the battery out and left it for 5 mins and put it back in and now there is no response from my phone.

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yes but what if they dont find out , i will try send it into repair tommorow , i will blame it on kies and say that i was updating to 2.2 but then my laptop ran out of power more than half way through or i accidentaly pulled out the usb and then i took the battery out and left it for 5 mins and put it back in and now there is no response from my phone.

Sadly, their not idiots. You could certainly try it though. But I did something similar to my phone. You can buy a magical chip "thing" which forced your phone into download mode. You can either build one or buy one of eBay. Google up about it, i'm sure you'll find something.

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The problem with "flashing" anything is you are writing to the devices operating system in which your phone does not want you to. Not even an operating system, you are writing probably to a set of custom lines that tell the OS what to do (like writing to xml for adobeflash or php). I have flashed many a PSP to know that if you just clicked a random device, or maybe even one similar, youve added lines to your "xml" that the OS doesn't recognize or even want. Since traditionally you are not supposed to do this, it is very possible that there is no safeguard and your phone is what we call, a paperweight.

Imagine if you will if i wanted to flash your windows operating system, i ram a program, when it popped up it said, select your OS and didn't have my windows on it, so i just hit MAC and hit GO, do you think youll still be able to boot windows? Luckily you can always boot another OS to get your stuff in windows, but your cellphone is a whole other story. You have impeded its ability of even turning on.

Sometimes the flash(os)(firmware) can even control voltage to the battery, as seen in the newer PSP's, and flashing the wrong way, the wrong one, by random chance, could leave you with an unrecoverable PSP.

Lets say inside your phones flash memory is a file named control.x and this file controls all of the actions your phone needs to perform to wake up and start. Lets also say on your flasher program you selected the wrong phone, maybe in this wrong selection it also has a file named control.x, but this file controls the touch screen, or numberpad. You could have very well flashed your main bootup actions, to act as your numberpad, which will never work.

The best suggestion is to take it down to a knowledgeable store and really be nice to the guy you want to help you and see if he can reflash your phone (he probably cant).

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oh i think you mean a jig dave , if the service centre wont help , i will certainly buy a jig ant try to boot my phone up in download mode , because when thats done i can flash a proper clockwork recovery and 2.2 back onto my phone.

Thats the one! I'd do that instead of sending it off to the manufacturer. It also makes it easier to install custom roms but once you've got your jig make sure you enable download mode by flashing your kernal!

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i think that samsung would have to change the whole motherboard of my device to get it started . they might buy into my story as it has happened to many people and kies ( the samsung update installer) isnt a very smart piece of software as quite a few times it stops responding , closes down , doesnt detect the device etc... , so i think they might buy it , and if they do then they shoud either repair or replace my phone .


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to quote myself

Lets say inside your phones flash memory is a file named control.x and this file controls all of the actions your phone needs to perform to wake up and start. Lets also say on your flasher program you selected the wrong phone, maybe in this wrong selection it also has a file named control.x, but this file controls the touch screen, or numberpad. You could have very well flashed your main bootup actions, to act as your numberpad, which will never work.

A jig might be able to get you in again via your pc, but without having the original firmware or os to boot into... Grab your friends phone thats the same model and download his firmware. Basically in USB mode of anything it tells it what folders to show, its purposely not going to show you the internal flash though.

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