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Mono District not working?


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I have been wanting to check out Mono District for the past few days, though it doesn't appear to be working?

When I go to monodistrict.com, I am presented with the following error:

QUERY ERROR: Table 'monodist_mono.settings' doesn't exist

Query was SELECT * FROM settings

I know that MCCODES gets neglected quite a bit, though their website, for almost 2 days? (Perhaps longer, this was when I noticed it)

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This what happen dabs and coldblooded asked Rick,Pudda,JDub to run Mono District but something happen and we the players wonder what happen so i sent a few e-mails to them then i was asked if i would be a Administrator so i saided yes and after i became one i removed Pudda & Rick from Administrator status and they wanted to keep JDub as code even when he was inactive but he logon again but he was still not active.My job is to being more players to the Game but not to code and i worked on that. But they asked BioHazard for help and he became Administrator alone with JDud. TheMe and ColdBlooded was switch to helper by BioHazard or JDud. I am not certain what BioHazard did on the game but JDud was still doing nothing. But BioHazard Recently he stop being Admin to work on his own game so now only Administrator is Dabomstew.

Edited by Vorless DarkChaos
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