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My internet returns a word? lols..


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I am using no database. all sessions.

Line 175.

*                             battle_action.php
*                            -------------------
*   begin                : 2/24/2011
*   copyright            : (C) 2011 William Hughes aka Sim
*   email                : [email][email protected][/email]


if($_GET['action'] == "attack")

if($_GET['action'] == "fight")

function reset_stats()
   //player start up stats
   $_SESSION['player_hp'] = 100;
   $_SESSION['player_str'] = 100;
   $_SESSION['player_def'] = 100;
   $_SESSION['player_att'] = 100;
   $_SESSION['player_dodge'] = 100;
   $_SESSION['player_dmg'] = 100;

   //enemy start up stats
   $_SESSION['enemy_name'] = "First Oppoment";
   $_SESSION['enemy_hp'] = 100;
   $_SESSION['enemy_str'] = rand(1,100);
   $_SESSION['enemy_def'] = rand(1,100);
   $_SESSION['enemy_att'] = rand(1,100);
   $_SESSION['enemy_dodge'] = rand(1,100);
   $_SESSION['enemy_dmg'] = rand(1,100);

die($_SESSION['enemy_str'] . ":" . $_SESSION['enemy_def'] . ":" . $_SESSION['enemy_att'] . ":" . $_SESSION['enemy_dodge'] . ":" . $_SESSION['enemy_dmg']);

function fight()

  //calculate players hit roll
  if($_SESSION['player_att'] > $_SESSION['player_dodge'])
   $_SESSION['player_hit_roll'] = $_SESSION['player_att'];
   $_SESSION['player_hit_roll'] = $_SESSION['player_dodge'];

  //calculate enemy hit roll
  if($_SESSION['enemy_att'] > $_SESSION['enemy_dodge'])
   $_SESSION['enemy_hit_roll'] = $_SESSION['enemy_att'];
   $_SESSION['enemy_hit_roll'] = $_SESSION['enemy_dodge'];

//calculate the damagerolls
//damage roll is calculated by the str of the striker - def of the strikee
//if damage roll = less than or equal to 0 then damage roll is = 1
//this is the number that is randomized to see how much damage is inflicted

  //calculate player first
  $_SESSION['player_dmg_roll'] = $_SESSION['player_str'] - $_SESSION['enemy_def'];

  //if negative then = 1

  if($_SESSION['player_dmg_roll'] <= 0)
   $_SESSION['player_dmg_roll'] = 1;

  //calculate the enemy's in the same fashion
  $_SESSION['enemy_dmg_roll'] = $_SESSION['enemy_str'] - $_SESSION['player_def'];

  //if negative then = 1

  if($_SESSION['enemy_dmg_roll'] <= 0)
   $_SESSION['enemy_dmg_roll'] = 1;

//calculate the damage bonus
//this calculation subtracts the str from def, and if positve it is
//added to the damage inflicted
//calculat players damage
$_SESSION['player_dmg_bonus'] = $_SESSION['player_str'] - $_SESSION['enemy_def'];

//check if negative and convert to 0, if it is
if($_SESSION['player_dmg_bonus'] < 0)
	$_SESSION['player_dmg_bonus'] =0;

//calculate the enemys in the same fashion
$_SESSION['enemy_dmg_bonus'] = $_SESSION['enemy_str'] - $_SESSION['player_def'];

//check if negative
if($_SESSION['enemy_dmg_bonus'] < 0)
	$_SESSION['enemy_dmg_bonus'] = 0;

//Lastly there is the multiplyer
//this is a damage multiplyey. the str is divided by the enemys defense
//and this number is how much the damage is multiplyed
//for example, pstr = 10 and estr = 5 then the damage multiplyer = 2

  //calculate players
  $_SESSION['player_multiplyer'] = (int) ($_SESSION['player_str'] / $_SESSION['enemy_def']);
  if($_SESSION['player_multiplyer'] = 0)
   $_SESSION['player_multiplyer'] = 1;

  //calculate enemys
  $_SESSION['enemy_multiplyer'] = (int) ($_SESSION['enemy_str'] / $_SESSION['player_def']);
  if($_SESSION['enemy_multiplyer'] = 0)
   $_SESSION['enemy_multiplyer'] = 1;

  $roll = rand(1,$_SESSION['player_hit_roll']);

  //check to see if hit
  if($roll <= $_SESSION['player_att'])

  }//oppoment gets first strike

function player_attack()
//unset message

//the player attacks routine, basically three checks are perfomed here
//hit or miss, damage if hit, and victory
//calculate hit or miss
$roll = rand(1, $_SESSION['player_hit_roll']);

//player missed
if($roll > $_SESSION['player_att'])
	$_SESSION['msg'] = $_SESSION['enemy_hp'] . ":You missed!!

//player made it this far. attack successfull
//calculate random damage
die($_SESSION['player_dmg_roll'] . '-' . $_SESSION['player_dmg_bonus']);
$roll = rand(1, $_SESSION['player_dmg_roll']);
$roll += $_SESSION['player_dmg_bonus'];
//$roll = $roll * $_SESSION['player_multiplyer'];
$_SESSION['enemy_hp'] -= $roll;

if($_SESSION['enemy_hp'] < 0)
	$_SESSION['enemy_hp'] = 0;

//check to see if enemy is dead
if($_SESSION['enemy_hp'] == 0)
	$_SESSION['msg'] = $_SESSION['enemy_hp'] . ":You have defeated the enemy!! Press Fight to begin another battle...
	$_SESSION['msg'] = $_SESSION['enemy_hp'] . ":You hit the enemy and inflict $roll damage....

//display messages

function enemy_attack()
//the enemy attacks routine, basically three checks are perfomed here
//hit or miss, damage if hit, and players death
//calculate the hit or miss first
//roll number
$roll = rand(1, $_SESSION['enemy_hit_roll']);

//check to see if hit, if miss, exit sub
if($roll > $_SESSION['enemy_att'])
{//this misses and exits sub, bringing up players turn
	$_SESSION['msg'] .= $_SESSION['player_hp'] . ":Enemy Misses...

//if it is here, it means a hit, calculate damage
//even if damage is 1 then the roll will always be 1

//calculate random damage
$roll = rand(1, $_SESSION['enemy_dmg_roll']);
//add damagebonus
$roll += $_SESSION['enemy_dmg_bonus'];
//now mutiply by multiplyer
//$roll = $roll * $_SESSION['enemy_multiplyer'];

//now subtract damage from player hp, check if negative
$_SESSION['player_hp'] -= $roll;
if($_SESSION['player_hp'] < 0)
	$_SESSION['player_hp'] = 0;

//now print the hit and damage
$_SESSION['msg'] .= $_SESSION['player_hp'] . ":You have taken $roll damage....";

//check to see if player is dead
if($_SESSION['player_hp'] == 0)
	$_SESSION['msg'] .= "$msg 
You have been defeated by the enemy!!  Press Fight to begin another battle..";

//with more studying one could put in a counterstrike, routine, but i think
//one would have to have another stat, or calculate with the bonus or roll


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