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Wonder if somebody is interested


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As I'm developping a little toy of mine, mainly for the fun, and during that development I had to face an odd situation where MySQL myIsam nor InnoDB would be fast enough. Yes it's odd but it happens. And yet the situation can be solved by storing things manually without the help of any DB. Yet this storage do require a quick retrieval and within a HUGE number of records.

I'm willing to share my solution (pseudo code or C# based) with the community if there is a little interest about it.

The basic idea here is VERY quick data storage, then index creation and then the data will be not touched basically and therefore only query from that time on. Who would be interested in such info?

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Here is my info, if you need more details then ask and I will try to answer:


BTW spudinski, memory is certainly quick but will fail when your data set is larger than your available memory plus it will be dropped as soon as your process quit or your computer restart / switch off. Also, binary trees in memories are not complex at all to build and offer the same advantage as the one I presented: log2(n) access time instead of n for simple lists (where "n" is the number of records and this returns the worse case scenario).

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