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How can I get the money like this? $4,500 from $4500


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I used to use the grpg but found many bugs and glitches. I'm going to create a new game with it but before I start there has been 1 thing bugging me for a while. The money shows up as say $5000 and I want it to say $5,000. Is there a simple way to change it?

If anyone could help, I also think you may be able to edit it in classes.php


function Get_ID($username){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers` WHERE `username` = '".$username."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
return $worked['id'];

function mrefresh($url, $time="1"){
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$time.';url='.$url.'">';

function car_popup($text, $id) {
return  "[url='#']".$text."[/url]";

function item_popup($text, $id) {
return  "[url='#']".$text."[/url]";

function prettynum($num,$dollar="0") {
// Basic send a number or string to this and it will add commas. If you want a dollar sign added to the
// front and it is a number add a 1 for the 2nd variable.
// Example prettynum(123452838,1)  will return $123,452,838 take out the ,1 and it looses the dollar sign.
       $out=strrev( (string)preg_replace( '/(\d{3})(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/', '$1,' , strrev( $num ) ) );
	if ($dollar && is_numeric($num)){
		$out= "$".$out;
return $out;

function Check_Item($itemid, $userid){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `itemid`='$itemid'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

if($worked['quantity'] > 0){
	return $worked['quantity'];
} else {
	return 0;

function Check_Land($city, $userid){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `land` WHERE `userid`='".$userid."' AND `city`='".$city."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

if($worked['quantity'] > 0){
	return $worked['quantity'];
} else {
	return 0;
//userid	companyid	howmany
function Give_Share($stock, $userid, $quantity="1"){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shares` WHERE `userid`='".$userid."' AND `companyid`='".$stock."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$itemexist = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($itemexist == 0){
	$result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `shares` (`companyid`, `userid`, `amount`)"."VALUES ('$stock', '$userid', '$quantity')");
} else {
	$quantity = $quantity + $worked['amount'];
	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `shares` SET `amount` = '".$quantity."' WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `companyid`='$stock'");

function Take_Share($stock, $userid, $quantity="1"){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shares` WHERE `userid`='".$userid."' AND `companyid`='".$stock."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$itemexist = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($itemexist != 0){
	$quantity = $worked['amount'] - $quantity;
	if($quantity > 0){
		$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `shares` SET `amount` = '".$quantity."' WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `companyid`='$stock'");
	} else {
		$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `shares` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `companyid`='$stock'");

function Check_Share($stock, $userid){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shares` WHERE `userid`='".$userid."' AND `companyid`='".$stock."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

if($worked['amount'] > 0){
	return $worked['amount'];
} else {
	return 0;

function Give_Land($city, $userid, $quantity="1"){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `land` WHERE `userid`='".$userid."' AND `city`='".$city."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$itemexist = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($itemexist == 0){
	$result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `land` (`city`, `userid`, `amount`)"."VALUES ('$city', '$userid', '$quantity')");
} else {
	$quantity = $quantity + $worked['amount'];
	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `land` SET `amount` = '".$quantity."' WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `city`='$city'");

function Take_Land($city, $userid, $quantity="1"){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `land` WHERE `userid`='".$userid."' AND `city`='".$city."'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$itemexist = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($itemexist != 0){
	$quantity = $worked['amount'] - $quantity;
	if($quantity > 0){
		$$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `land` SET `amount` = '".$quantity."' WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `city`='$city'");
	} else {
		$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `land` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `city`='$city'");

function Give_Item($itemid, $userid, $quantity="1"){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `itemid`='$itemid'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$itemexist = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($itemexist == 0){
	$result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inventory` (`itemid`, `userid`, `quantity`)"."VALUES ('$itemid', '$userid', '$quantity')");
} else {
	$quantity = $quantity + $worked['quantity'];
	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `quantity` = '".$quantity."' WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `itemid`='$itemid'");

function Take_Item($itemid, $userid, $quantity="1"){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `itemid`='$itemid'");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$itemexist = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($itemexist != 0){
	$quantity = $worked['quantity'] - $quantity;
	if($quantity > 0){
		$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `quantity` = '".$quantity."' WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `itemid`='$itemid'");
	} else {
		$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `itemid`='$itemid'");

function Message($text){

return '<tr><td class="contenthead">.: Important Message</td></tr>

<tr><td class="contentcontent">'.$text.'</td></tr>';


function Send_Event ($id, $text){

 $timesent = time();

 $result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `events` (`to`, `timesent`, `text`)".

 "VALUES ('$id', '$timesent', '$text')");


function Is_User_Banned ($id) {

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `id`='$id'");

   return mysql_num_rows($result);


function Why_Is_User_Banned ($id) {

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `id`='$id'");

   $worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

   return $worked['reason'];


function Radio_Status () {

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `serverconfig`");

   $worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

   return $worked['radio'];


function howlongago($ts) {
  if ($ts<1)
      // <1 second
      return " NOW";
  elseif ($ts==1)
      // <1 second
      return $ts." second";
  elseif ($ts<60)
      // <1 minute
      return $ts." seconds";
 elseif ($ts<120)
      // 1 minute
     return "1 minute";

 elseif ($ts<60*60)
      // <1 hour
      return floor($ts/60)." minutes";
  elseif ($ts<60*60*2)
      // <2 hour
      return "1 hour";
    elseif ($ts<60*60*24)
      // <24 hours = 1 day
      return floor($ts/(60*60))." hours";
    elseif ($ts<60*60*24*2)
      // <2 days
      return "1 day";
    elseif ($ts<(60*60*24*7))
      // <7 days = 1 week
        return floor($ts/(60*60*24))." days";
  elseif ($ts<60*60*24*30.5)
      // <30.5 days ~  1 month
      return floor($ts/(60*60*24*7))." weeks";
    elseif ($ts<60*60*24*365)
      // <365 days = 1 year
      return floor($ts/(60*60*24*30.5))." months";
      // more than 1 year
      return floor($ts/(60*60*24*365))." years";

function howlongtil($ts) {
  $ts=$ts - time();
  if ($ts<1)
      // <1 second
      return " NOW";
  elseif ($ts==1)
      // <1 second
      return $ts." second";
  elseif ($ts<60)
      // <1 minute
      return $ts." seconds";
 elseif ($ts<120)
      // 1 minute
     return "1 minute";

 elseif ($ts<60*60)
      // <1 hour
      return floor($ts/60)." minutes";
  elseif ($ts<60*60*2)
      // <2 hour
      return "1 hour";
    elseif ($ts<60*60*24)
      // <24 hours = 1 day
      return floor($ts/(60*60))." hours";
    elseif ($ts<60*60*24*2)
      // <2 days
      return "1 day";
    elseif ($ts<(60*60*24*7))
      // <7 days = 1 week
        return floor($ts/(60*60*24))." days";
  elseif ($ts<60*60*24*30.5)
      // <30.5 days ~  1 month
      return floor($ts/(60*60*24*7))." weeks";
    elseif ($ts<60*60*24*365)
      // <365 days = 1 year
      return floor($ts/(60*60*24*30.5))." months";
      // more than 1 year
      return floor($ts/(60*60*24*365))." years";

//level 2 - 500

//level 3 - 1500

//level 4 - 3500

//level 5 - 6000

function experience($L) {



 for($x=1; $x<$L; $x++) {

   $a += floor($x+1500*pow(4, ($x/7)));


 return floor($a/4);


function Get_The_Level($exp) {


 $end =0;

 for($x=1; ($end==0 && $x<100); $x++) {

   $a += floor($x+1500*pow(4, ($x/7)));

   if ($exp >= floor($a/4)){

} else {

  return $x;





function Get_Max_Exp($L){


if ($exp == 0){

return 457;

$end =1;


for($L=1;($L<100 && $end==0);$L++) {

  $exp = experience($L);

  //echo $exp;

  if ($exp >= $user_class->exp){

	return $exp;





class User_Stats {

function User_Stats($wutever){

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers` ORDER BY `username` ASC");

$result3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers` ORDER BY `username` ASC");

	while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

		$secondsago = time()-$line['lastactive'];

		if ($secondsago<=300) {




	while($line3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

		$secondsago = time()-$line3['lastactive'];

		if ($secondsago<=86400) {




$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers`");

$this->playerstotal = mysql_num_rows($result2);



class Gang{

	function Gang($id) {

   $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `id`='$id'");

   $worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

   $gangcheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers` WHERE `gang`='".$id."'");

$this->id = $worked['id'];

$this->members = mysql_num_rows($gangcheck);

$this->name = $worked['name'];

$this->formattedname = "[url='viewgang.php?id=".$worked[']".$worked['name']."[/url]";

$this->description = $worked['description'];

$this->leader = $worked['leader'];

$this->tag = $worked['tag'];

$this->exp = $worked['exp'];

$this->level = Get_The_Level($this->exp);

$this->vault = $worked['vault'];

$gangcheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers` WHERE `gang`='".$line['id']."'");

$members = mysql_num_rows($gangcheck);



class User {

 function User($id) {

   $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `grpgusers` WHERE `id`='$id'");

   $worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `id`='".$worked['gang']."'");

   $worked2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

$result3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cities` WHERE `id`='".$worked['city']."'");

   $worked3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3);

  	$result4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `id`='".$worked['house']."'");

   $worked4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4);

$result5 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `userid` = '".$id."' ORDER BY `userid` DESC");

$checkcocaine = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `effects` WHERE `userid`='".$id."' AND `effect`='Cocaine'");

$cocaine = mysql_num_rows($checkcocaine);

$speedbonus = ($cocaine > 0) ? (floor($worked['speed'] * .30)) : 0;

$this->weaponoffense = 0;
$this->weaponname = "fists";
$this->armordefense = 0;
if($worked["eqweapon"] != 0){
	$result6 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id`='".$worked['eqweapon']."' LIMIT 1");
	$worked6 = mysql_fetch_array($result6);
	$this->eqweapon = $worked6['id'];
	$this->weaponoffense = $worked6['offense'];
	$this->weaponname = $worked6['itemname'];
	$this->weaponimg = $worked6['image'];
if($worked["eqarmor"] != 0){
	$result6 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id`='".$worked['eqarmor']."' LIMIT 1");
	$worked6 = mysql_fetch_array($result6);
	$this->eqarmor = $worked6['id'];
	$this->armordefense = $worked6['defense'];
	$this->armorname = $worked6['itemname'];
	$this->armorimg = $worked6['image'];

$this->moddedstrength = $worked['strength'] * ($this->weaponoffense * .01 + 1);

$this->moddeddefense = $worked['defense'] * ($this->armordefense * .01 + 1);

$this->id = $worked['id'];

$this->ip = $worked['ip'];

$this->style = ($worked['style'] > 0) ? $worked['style'] : "1";

$this->speedbonus = $speedbonus;

$this->username = $worked['username'];

$this->marijuana = $worked['marijuana'];

$this->potseeds = $worked['potseeds'];

$this->cocaine = $worked['cocaine'];

$this->nodoze = $worked['nodoze'];

$this->genericsteroids = $worked['genericsteroids'];

$this->hookers = $worked['hookers'];

$this->exp = $worked['exp'];

$this->level = Get_The_Level($this->exp);

$this->maxexp = experience($this->level +1);

$this->exppercent = ($this->exp == 0) ? 0 : floor(($this->exp / $this->maxexp) * 100);

$this->formattedexp = $this->exp." / ".$this->maxexp." [".$this->exppercent."%]";

$this->money = $worked['money'];

$this->bank = $worked['bank'];

$this->whichbank = $worked['whichbank'];

$this->hp = $worked['hp'];

$this->maxhp = $this->level * 50;

$this->hppercent = floor(($this->hp / $this->maxhp) * 100);

$this->formattedhp = $this->hp." / ".$this->maxhp." [".$this->hppercent."%]";

$this->energy = $worked['energy'];

$this->maxenergy = 9 + $this->level;

$this->energypercent = floor(($this->energy / $this->maxenergy) * 100);

$this->formattedenergy = $this->energy." / ".$this->maxenergy." [".$this->energypercent."%]";

$this->nerve = $worked['nerve'];

$this->maxnerve = 4 + $this->level;

$this->nervepercent = floor(($this->nerve / $this->maxnerve) * 100);

$this->formattednerve = $this->nerve." / ".$this->maxnerve." [".$this->nervepercent."%]";

$this->workexp = $worked['workexp'];

$this->strength = $worked['strength'];

$this->defense = $worked['defense'];

$this->speed = $worked['speed'] + $speedbonus;

$this->totalattrib = $this->speed + $this->strength + $this->defense;

$this->battlewon = $worked['battlewon'];

$this->battlelost = $worked['battlelost'];

$this->battletotal = $this->battlewon + $this->battlelost;

$this->battlemoney = $worked['battlemoney'];

$this->crimesucceeded = $worked['crimesucceeded'];

$this->crimefailed = $worked['crimefailed'];

$this->crimetotal = $this->crimesucceeded + $this->crimefailed;

$this->crimemoney = $worked['crimemoney'];

$this->lastactive = $worked['lastactive'];

$this->age = howlongago($worked['signuptime']);

$this->formattedlastactive = howlongago($this->lastactive) . " ago";

$this->points = $worked['points'];

$this->rmdays = $worked['rmdays'];

$this->signuptime = $worked['signuptime'];

$this->lastactive = $worked['lastactive'];

$this->house = $worked['house'];

$this->housename = ($worked4['name'] == "") ? "Homeless" : $worked4['name'];

$this->houseawake = ($worked4['name']== "") ? 100 : $worked4['awake'];

$this->awake = $worked['awake'];

$this->maxawake = $this->houseawake;

$this->awakepercent = floor(($this->awake / $this->maxawake) * 100);

$this->formattedawake = $this->awake." / ".$this->maxawake." [".$this->awakepercent."%]";

$this->email = $worked['email'];

$this->house = $worked['house'];

$this->admin = $worked['admin'];

$this->quote = $worked['quote'];

$this->avatar = $worked['avatar'];

$this->gang = $worked['gang'];

$this->gangname = $worked2['name'];

$this->gangleader = $worked2['leader'];

$this->gangtag = $worked2['tag'];

$this->gangdescription = $worked2['description'];

$this->formattedgang = "[url='viewgang.php?id=".$this->gang."']".$this->gangname."[/url]";

$this->city = $worked['city'];

$this->cityname = $worked3['name'];

$this->jail = $worked['jail'];

$this->job = $worked['job'];

$this->hospital = $worked['hospital'];

$this->searchdowntown = $worked['searchdowntown'];

if ($this->gang != 0){

	$this->formattedname .= "[url='viewgang.php?id=".$this->gang."']formattedname .= ($this->gangleader == $this->username) ? " title='Gang Leader'>[[b]".$this->gangtag."[/b]][/url]" : ">[".$this->gangtag."]</a>";


if ($this->rmdays != 0){

 	$this->type = "Respected Mobster";

	$whichfont = "green";

} else {

 	$this->type = "Regular Mobster";


if ($this->admin == 1) {

	$this->type = "Admin";

	$whichfont = "blue";


if ($this->admin == 2) {

	$this->type = "Staff";


if ($this->admin == 3) {

	$this->type = "Pre

	$whichfont = "red";


if ($this->admin == 4) {

	$this->type = "Congress";

	$whichfont = "red";


if ($this->rmdays > 0){

	$this->formattedname .= "[b]<a title='Respected Mobster [".$this->rmdays." RM Days Left]' href='profiles.php?id=".$this->id."'><font color = '".$whichfont."'>".$this->username."</a></font>[/b]";

} elseif ($this->admin != 0) {

	$this->formattedname .= "[b][url='profiles.php?id=".$this->id."']<font color = '".$whichfont."'>".$this->username."[/url]</font>[/b]";

} else {

	$this->formattedname .= "[url='profiles.php?id=".$this->id."']<font color = '".$whichfont."'>".$this->username."[/url]</font>";


if (time() - $this->lastactive < 300) {

	$this->formattedonline= "<font style='color:green;padding:2px;font-weight:bold;'>[online]</font>";

} else {

	$this->formattedonline= "<font style='color:red;padding:2px;font-weight:bold;'>[offline]</font>";





$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `id`='$gang'");

$worked2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

$gangname = $worked2['name'];

$gangleader = $worked2['leader'];


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  • 2 weeks later...

ok a example would be


$var = 1348; // this could also be result it's just for the example
# echo value
echo number_format($var); // results in 1,348
# or maybe you want it in a query =>
mysql_query('UPDATE `table` SET `field` = "'.number_format($var).'" WHERE `field` = "Clause"'); // results in UPDATE `table` SET `field` = "1,348" WHERE `field` = "Clause"
# You could also do
echo '$'.$var; // Results in $1,348

but the best bet is to make your own function similar to this example

function currency_format ($amount, $ymbol) {
	$amount = ( isset($amount) && is_numeric($amount) ) ? abs($amount) : 0 ;
if ( !empty($amount) && (!empty($ymbol) && strlen($ymbol) < 3) ) {
	RETURN $ymbol.$amount;
} else {
# Testing:
echo currency_format('19288','$'); // Results in $19,288

just a quick example

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mysql_query('UPDATE `table` SET `field` = "'.$var.'" WHERE `field` = "Clause"'); // results in UPDATE `table` SET `field` = "1,348" WHERE `field` = "Clause"

Would actualy be

mysql_query('UPDATE `table` SET `field` = "'.$var.'" WHERE `field` = "Clause"'); // results in UPDATE `table` SET `field` = "1348" WHERE `field` = "Clause"

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it's there here on line 20


function prettynum($num,$dollar="0") {
// Basic send a number or string to this and it will add commas. If you want a dollar sign added to the
// front and it is a number add a 1 for the 2nd variable.
// Example prettynum(123452838,1)  will return $123,452,838 take out the ,1 and it looses the dollar sign.
       $out=strrev( (string)preg_replace( '/(\d{3})(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/', '$1,' , strrev( $num ) ) );
       if ($dollar && is_numeric($num)){
           $out= "$".$out;
   return $out;


insert prettynum() functions around the number you want to add commas to

for ex $ ".$worked['money']." returns $10000

insert $".prettynum($worked['money'])." and it will be $10,000

and to not put the $ in front, just put ".prettynum($worked['money'],1)." and that will place a dollar sign outside of your number

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