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[mccode] Working Proxy Blocker - Blocks MOST Proxies [$10.00]

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This code is designed to block proxies. Remember that there is no sure way to block all proxies, but this is damn near close!

All you need to do is add the contents of the file OR include this file into your login and register script.

it'll prevent those annoying users from coming back

Easy to edit the text too.

Coded By Me..

To see if it works click this link: http://www.corrupted-streets.com/magic/proxyblock.png

Or if you want to check your self go to a proxy site and put in: http://www.corrupted-streets.com

Price Is $10

Paypal Payments sent to [email protected]

Include Ur email when you've sent the money so i can send you the file

Thanks, Alan . AKA . Crazy-T

Guest Anonymous

Re: Working Proxy Blocker - TESTED WORKS 100% READ!! [$10]

lmao - nope, sorry, doesn't work.

Blocks non-proxy access as well.


Re: Working Proxy Blocker - TESTED WORKS 100% READ!! [$10]

In that case, I'll work with the code as it was one of the sites I work on that it was tested on.

I'll see if I can allow AOL proxies while blocking .. proxies!

Guest Anonymous

Re: Working Proxy Blocker - TESTED WORKS 100% READ!! [$10]


Problay blocks aol users

Quite possible, but as I connected directly from within a NOC, kinda negates that argument.


Re: Working Proxy Blocker - TESTED WORKS 100% READ!! [$10]

This proxy blocker uses a PHP socket function and a specified port (makes sense to me at least)

You could've got through as you were using Port 80?


Re: Working Proxy Blocker - Blocks MOST Proxies [$10]

All you guy's are thinking. A proxy is a user's ip that has 3 .'s or more in it is a proxy. Your wrong! Dynamic ip user's, AOl user's and many more user's have got 3 .'s in there ip. Try figuring out something else.


Re: Working Proxy Blocker - Blocks MOST Proxies [$10]


Well, i hate to break it to you, but i'm on AOL AND using a proxy, i can get on :)

So kinda fails.

lol goog mod ;)

  • 2 months later...

Re: [mccode] Working Proxy Blocker - Blocks MOST Proxies [$10.00]

So what do you do, have a little filter that catches IP's that are generated from proxy servers? Why would you even want this, to prevent a few possible multi transfers, while loosing out on many people who wont cheat? No Thanks

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