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Gang surrender accept, SQL error.


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Re: Gang surrender accept, SQL error.

Interesting, i manually started a war in the DB then manually made a surrender in the DB and accepted it and it worked...

then i got a gang to declare and surrender and suprisingly enough, it didnt work...Im moved the code around so the "Delete from gangwars was at the top and the delete for surrenders was at the bottom so i could keep on testing it without having to send a new Surrender every time....

I then got a gang to declare war then made a surrender and also an error...

So this leads me to think that the error is in either declare war function or the surrender function...Any ideas?

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Re: Gang surrender accept, SQL error.


mine works

First error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/dtoorg/public_html/yourgang.php on line 842

which is

  if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER'])


using this code


function gang_staff_surrender()
   global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$gangdata;
      echo '<form action="yourgang.php?action=staff&act2=surrender" method="post">
         Choose who to surrender to.[b]
            <input type="hidden" name="subm" value="submit">
            Gang: <select type="dropdown" name="war">';
            $wq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warDECLARER=".$ir['gang']." or warDECLARED=".$ir['gang']);
            while($r = $db->_fetch_row($wq))
                  if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER'])
			       $w = "You";
				   $f = "warDECLARED";
			       $w = "Them";
			       $f = "warDECLARER"; 
                  $d = date('F j, Y, g:i:s a',$r['warTIME']);
                  $ggq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r['$f']);
                  $them = $db->fetch_assoc($ggq);
                  echo '<option value="'.$r['warID'].'" name="war">'.$them['gangNAME'].'</option>';
            echo '</select>

                  Message: <input type="text" name="msg">

                  <input type="submit" value="Surrender"></form>';
       $_POST['war'] = abs(@intval($_POST['war']));
       $wq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warID=".$_POST['war'].") or die(mysql_error());
       $r = $db->fetch_row($wq);
       if($gangdata['gangID'] == {$r['warDECLARER']})
        $w = "You";
        $f = "warDECLARED"; 
        $w = "Them";
        $f = "warDECLARER"; 
       $db->query("INSERT INTO surrenders VALUES(NULL,".$_POST['war'].",".$ir['gang'].",".$r[$f].",'".$_POST['msg']."')") or die(mysql_error());
       $ggq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r['$f']) or die(mysql_error());
       $them = $db->fetch_row($ggq);
       $event = str_replace("'","''","[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID=".$ir[']".$gangdata['gangNAME']."[/url] have asked to surrender the war against [url='gangs.php?action=view&ID=".$them[']".$them['gangNAME']."[/url]");
       $db->query("INSERT INTO gangevents VALUES('',".$ir['gang'].",unix_timestamp(),'".$event."') , ('',".$r['$f'].",unix_timestamp(),'".$event."')") or die(mysql_error());
       echo 'You have asked to surrender';


Which is just the mysql querys changed to $db->querys!

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Re: Gang surrender accept, SQL error.


function gang_staff_surrender()
   global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$gangdata;
      echo '<form action="yourgang.php?action=staff&act2=surrender" method="post">
         Choose who to surrender to.[b]
            <input type="hidden" name="subm" value="submit">
            Gang: <select type="dropdown" name="war">';
            $wq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warDECLARER=".$ir['gang']." or warDECLARED=".$ir['gang']);
            while($r = $db->_fetch_row($wq))
                  if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER'])
			       $w = "You";
				   $f = "warDECLARED";
			       $w = "Them";
			       $f = "warDECLARER"; 
                  $d = date('F j, Y, g:i:s a',$r['warTIME']);
                  $ggq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r['$f']);
                  $them = $db->fetch_assoc($ggq);
                  echo '<option value="'.$r['warID'].'" name="war">'.$them['gangNAME'].'</option>';
            echo '</select>

                  Message: <input type="text" name="msg">

                  <input type="submit" value="Surrender"></form>';
       $_POST['war'] = abs(@intval($_POST['war']));
       $wq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warID=".$_POST['war'].") or die(mysql_error());
       $r = $db->fetch_row($wq);
       if($gangdata['gangID'] == {$r['warDECLARER']})
        $w = "You";
        $f = "warDECLARED"; 
        $w = "Them";
        $f = "warDECLARER"; 
       $db->query("INSERT INTO surrenders VALUES(NULL,".$_POST['war'].",".$ir['gang'].",".$r[$f].",'".$_POST['msg']."')") or die(mysql_error());
       $ggq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r['$f']) or die(mysql_error());
       $them = $db->fetch_row($ggq);
       $event = str_replace("'","''","[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID=".$ir[']".$gangdata['gangNAME']."[/url] have asked to surrender the war against [url='gangs.php?action=view&ID=".$them[']".$them['gangNAME']."[/url]");
       $db->query("INSERT INTO gangevents VALUES('',".$ir['gang'].",unix_timestamp(),'".$event."') , ('',".$r['$f'].",unix_timestamp(),'".$event."')") or die(mysql_error());
       echo 'You have asked to surrender';
function gang_staff_viewsurrenders()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$gangdata;
print "<form action='yourgang.php?action=staff&act2=viewsurrenders' method='post'>
Choose who to accept the surrender from.

<input type='hidden' name='subm' value='submit' />
Gang: <select name='sur' type='dropdown'>";
$wq=$db->query("SELECT s.*,w.* FROM surrenders s LEFT JOIN gangwars w ON s.surWAR=w.warID WHERE surTO={$ir['gang']}");
if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER']) { $w="You";$f="warDECLARED"; } else { $w="Them";$f="warDECLARER"; }
$ggq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r[$f]);
print "<option value='{$r['surID']}'>War vs. {$them['gangNAME']} (Msg: {$r['surMSG']})</option>";
print "</select>
<input type='submit' value='Accept Surrender' /></form>";
$_POST['sur'] = abs((int) $_POST['sur']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT surWAR FROM surrenders WHERE surID={$_POST['sur']}");
list($_POST['war']) = $db->fetch_row($q);
$wq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warID={$_POST['sur']}");
if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER']) 
$db->query("DELETE FROM gangwars WHERE warID={$_POST['sur']}");
$event=str_replace("'","''","[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$ir[']{$gangdata['gangNAME']}[/url] have accepted the surrender from [url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$them[']{$them['gangNAME']}[/url], the war is over!");
$ggq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r[$f]);
$db->query("INSERT INTO gangevents VALUES('',{$ir['gang']},unix_timestamp(),'$event') , ('',".$r[$f].",unix_timestamp(),'$event')");print "You have accepted surrender, the war is over.";
$db->query("DELETE FROM surrenders WHERE surID={$_POST['sur']}");


Actually tried both of your posts!

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  • 4 years later...

Ok just do it simple. I post for who have never find good anwser in post


$_POST['sur'] = abs((int) $_POST['sur']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT surWAR FROM surrenders WHERE surID={$_POST['sur']}");
list($_POST['war']) = $db->fetch_row($q);
$wq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warID={$_POST['war']}");
if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER']) { $w="You";$f="warDECLARED"; } else { $w="Them";$f="warDECLARER"; }
$db->query("DELETE FROM surrenders WHERE surID={$_POST['sur']}");
$db->query("DELETE FROM gangwars WHERE warID={$_POST['war']}");
$ggq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r[$f]);
$event=str_replace("'","''","<a href='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$ir['gang']}'>{$gangdata['gangNAME']}</a> have accepted the surrender from <a href='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$them['gangID']}'>{$them['gangNAME']}</a>, the war is over!");
$db->query("INSERT INTO gangevents VALUES('',{$ir['gang']},unix_timestamp(),'$event') , ('',".$r[$f].",unix_timestamp(),'$event')");
echo "You have accepted surrender, the war is over."; 


By this

 $_POST['sur'] = abs((int) $_POST['sur']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT surWAR FROM surrenders WHERE surID={$_POST['sur']}");
$warfetch = $db->fetch_row($q);
$wq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warID={$warfetch['surWAR']}");
if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER']) { $w="You";$f="warDECLARED"; } else { $w="Them";$f="warDECLARER"; }
$db->query("DELETE FROM surrenders WHERE surID={$_POST['sur']}");
$db->query("DELETE FROM gangwars WHERE warID={$warfetch['surWAR']}");
$ggq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r[$f]);
$event=str_replace("'","''","<a href='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$ir['gang']}'>{$gangdata['gangNAME']}</a> have accepted the surrender from <a href='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$them['gangID']}'>{$them['gangNAME']}</a>, the war is over!");
$db->query("INSERT INTO gangevents VALUES('',{$ir['gang']},unix_timestamp(),'$event') , ('',".$r[$f].",unix_timestamp(),'$event')");
echo "You have accepted surrender, the war is over.";


Have good day now :)

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