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[mccode] Gang Status [$5.00]


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this mod allows you to pick if your gang is a peaceful gang or a waring one and if you are a peaceful one you cant declare or be declared on the only one that can war and be wared is the waring gangs i requested this in tc(torn city) forums a little bit after i did it on my game and now tc(torn ciy) has it and i feel it is a great function to have if you would like this just post here and i will give you details


copies sold:4

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Guest Anonymous

Re: [$5]Gang Status


if you are not gona say nothing good please do not post and for one thing most people cant get it working

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and to voice it...as long as you do so in a polite manner. Its not the first time users havent agreed with someone charging for a mod...nor will it be the last .. in most of these cases someone usually puts up a free version to rectify the issue so again...noone is treating you differently.

What I wont stand for is all the bs and arguing...so keep your threads clean.

PS: You may not care how you spell but I can tell you I would not buy ANYTHING from someone who cant form a complete sentence. Especially code ...I would think spelling is a necessary skill for coding, but I guess if you misspell it the same way everytime you will be ok.

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Re: [$5]Gang Status

Well I gotta say, it is a little nice addon, but can be easily done, and would be something which could of gone on the "Free Modifcations" sections, however I know what you are like for money iseeyou :mrgreen:

I'm the same...

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