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bug in mining


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hello   i have a problem 


i have a mining page  

1 line on that page only works 50 procent 🙂 

                $db->query("UPDATE `mining` SET `miningxp`=`miningxp`+ {$xpgain}, `miningpower`=`miningpower`-'{$MSI['mine_power_use']}' WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
users do get there mining xp   but it doesnt take away the needed mining power use 

$macropage = ('mine.php');
$UIDB = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `mining` WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
if (!($db->num_rows($UIDB))) {
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `mining` (`userid`, `max_miningpower`, `miningpower`, `miningxp`, `buyable_power`, `mining_level`) 
    VALUES ('{$userid}', '100', '100', '0', '1', '1');");
$MUS = ($db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT * FROM `mining` WHERE `userid` = {$userid} LIMIT 1")));
echo "<h2>Dangerous Mines</h2><hr />";
if ($api->UserStatus($userid, 'infirmary')) {
    alert('danger', "Unconscious!", "You cannot go mining if you're in the infirmary.");
if ($api->UserStatus($userid, 'dungeon')) {
    alert('danger', "Locked Up!", "You cannot go mining if you're in the dungeon.");
if (!isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $_GET['action'] = '';
switch ($_GET['action']) {
    case 'mine':
    case 'buypower':
function home()
    global $MUS, $db, $api;
    $mineen = min(round($MUS['miningpower'] / $MUS['max_miningpower'] * 100), 100);
    $minexp = min(round($MUS['miningxp'] / $MUS['xp_needed'] * 100), 100);
    $mineenp = 100 - $mineen;
    $minexpp = 100 - $minexp;
    echo "Welcome to the dangerous mines, brainless moron! If you're lucky, you'll strike riches. If not... the mine
        will eat you alive.
    <br />
	<table class='table table-bordered'>
			<th colspan='2'>
				You are mining level {$MUS['mining_level']}.
				Mining Power
				<div class='progress'>
					<div class='progress-bar bg-success' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='{$MUS['miningpower']}' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width:{$mineen}%'>
						{$mineen}% ({$MUS['miningpower']} / {$MUS['max_miningpower']})
				Mining Experience
				<div class='progress'>
					<div class='progress-bar bg-success' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='{$MUS['miningxp']}' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width:{$minexp}%'>
						{$minexp}% ({$MUS['miningxp']} / {$MUS['xp_needed']})
    <u>Open Mines</u><br />";
    $minesql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `mining_data` ORDER BY `mine_level` ASC");
    while ($mines = $db->fetch_row($minesql)) {
        echo "[<a href='?action=mine&spot={$mines['mine_id']}'>" . $api->SystemTownIDtoName($mines['mine_location']) . " - Level {$mines['mine_level']}</a>]<br />";

    echo "<br /><br />
    [<a href='?action=buypower'>Buy Power Sets</a>]";


function buypower()
    global $userid, $db, $ir, $MUS, $h, $api;
    $CostForPower = $MUS['mining_level'] * 75 + 10 + $MUS['mining_level']; //Cost formula, in IQ.
    if (isset($_POST['sets']) && ($_POST['sets'] > 0)) {
        $sets = abs($_POST['sets']);
        $totalcost = $sets * $CostForPower;
        if ($sets > $MUS['buyable_power']) {
            alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You are trying to buy more sets of power than you currently have available to you.");
        } elseif (($ir['iq'] < $totalcost)) {
            alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You need " . number_format($totalcost) . " to buy the amount of sets you want to. You only have " . number_format($ir['iq']));

        } else {
            $db->query("UPDATE `userstats` SET `iq` = `iq` - '{$totalcost}' WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
            $db->query("UPDATE `mining` SET `buyable_power` = `buyable_power` - '$sets', 
						`max_miningpower` = `max_miningpower` + ($sets*10) 
						WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
            $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Exchanged {$totalcost} IQ for {$sets} sets of mining power.");
            alert('success', "Success!", "You have traded " . number_format($totalcost) . " IQ for {$sets} of mining power.", true, 'mine.php');
    } else {
        echo "You can buy {$MUS['buyable_power']} sets of mining power. One set is equal to 10 mining power. You unlock
            more sets by leveling your mining level. Each set will cost you " . number_format($CostForPower) . " IQ.
            How many do you wish to buy?";
        echo "<br />
        <form method='post'>
            <input type='number' class='form-control' value='{$MUS['buyable_power']}' min='1' max='{$MUS['buyable_power']}' name='sets' required='1'>
            <br />
            <input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary' value='Buy Power'>

function mine()
    global $db, $MUS, $ir, $userid, $api, $h;
    if (!isset($_GET['spot']) || empty($_GET['spot'])) {
        alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "Please select the mine you wish to mine at.", true, 'mine.php');
    } else {
        $spot = abs($_GET['spot']);
        $mineinfo = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `mining_data` WHERE `mine_id` = {$spot}");
        if (!($db->num_rows($mineinfo))) {
            alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "The mine you are trying to mine at does not exist.", true, 'mine.php');
        } else {
            $MSI = $db->fetch_row($mineinfo);
            $query = $db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = {$MSI['mine_pickaxe']} && `inv_userid` = {$userid}");
            $i = $db->fetch_row($query);
            if ($MUS['mining_level'] < $MSI['mine_level']) {
                alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You are too low level to mine here. You need mining level {$MSI['mine_level']} to mine here.", true, 'mine.php');
            } elseif ($ir['location'] != $MSI['mine_location']) {
                alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "To mine at a mine, you need to be in the same town its located.", true, 'mine.php');
            } elseif ($ir['iq'] < $MSI['mine_iq']) {
                alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "Your IQ is too low to mine here. You need {$MSI['mine_iq']} IQ.", true, 'mine.php');
            } elseif ($MUS['miningpower'] < $MSI['mine_power_use']) {
                alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You do not have enough mining power to mine here. You need {$MSI['mine_power_use']}.", true, 'mine.php');
            } elseif (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $MSI['mine_pickaxe']) {
                alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You do not have the required pickaxe to mine here. You need a " . $api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_pickaxe']), true, "mine.php");
            } else {
                if (!isset($xpgain)) {
                    $xpgain = 0;
                if ($ir['iq'] <= $MSI['mine_iq'] + ($MSI['mine_iq'] * .3)) {
                    $Rolls = Random(3, 5);
                } elseif ($ir['iq'] >= $MSI['mine_iq'] + ($MSI['mine_iq'] * .3) && ($ir['iq'] <= $MSI['mine_iq'] + ($MSI['mine_iq'] * .6))) {
                    $Rolls = Random(3, 10);
                } else {
                    $Rolls = Random(4, 15);
                if ($Rolls <= 1) {
                    $NegRolls = Random(1, 3);
                    $NegTime = Random(5, 25) * ($MUS['mining_level'] * .25);
                    if ($NegRolls == 1) {
                        alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You begin to mine and touch off a natural gas leak. Kaboom.", false);
                        $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and was put into the infirmary for {$NegTime} minutes.");
                        $api->UserStatusSet($userid, 'infirmary', $NegTime, "Mining Explosion");
                    } elseif ($NegRolls == 2) {
                        alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You hit a vein of gems, except a miner nearby gets jealous and tries to take your gems! You knock them out cold, and a guard arrests you. Wtf.", false);
                        $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and was put into the dungeon for {$NegTime} minutes.");
                        $api->UserStatusSet($userid, 'dungeon', $NegTime, "Mining Selfishness");
                    } else {
                        alert('danger', "Uh Oh!", "You failed to mine anything of use.", false);
                        $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and was unsuccessful.");
                } elseif ($Rolls >= 3 && $Rolls <= 14) {
                    $PosRolls = Random(1, 3);
                    if ($PosRolls == 1) {
                        $flakes = Random($MSI['mine_copper_min'], $MSI['mine_copper_max']);
                        alert('success', "Success!", "You have successfully mined up " . number_format($flakes) . " " . $api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_copper_item']), false);
                        $api->UserGiveItem($userid, $MSI['mine_copper_item'], $flakes);
                        $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and mined {$flakes}x {$api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_copper_item'])}.");
                        $xpgain = $flakes * 0.15;

                    } elseif ($PosRolls == 2) {
                        $flakes = Random($MSI['mine_silver_min'], $MSI['mine_silver_max']);
                        alert('success', "Success!", "You have successfully mined up " . number_format($flakes) . " " . $api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_silver_item']), false);
                        $api->UserGiveItem($userid, $MSI['mine_silver_item'], $flakes);
                        $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and mined {$flakes}x {$api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_silver_item'])}.");
                        $xpgain = $flakes * 0.35;
                    } else {
                        $flakes = Random($MSI['mine_gold_min'], $MSI['mine_gold_max']);
                        alert('success', "Success!", "You have successfully mined up " . number_format($flakes) . " " . $api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_gold_item']), false);
                        $api->UserGiveItem($userid, $MSI['mine_gold_item'], $flakes);
                        $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and mined {$flakes}x {$api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_gold_item'])}.");
                        $xpgain = $flakes * 0.45;
                } else {
                    alert('success', "Success!", "You have carefully excavated out a single" . $api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_gem_item']), false);
                    $api->UserGiveItem($userid, $MSI['mine_gem_item'], 1);
                    $api->SystemLogsAdd($userid, 'mining', "Mined at {$api->SystemTownIDtoName($MSI['mine_location'])} [{$MSI['mine_location']}] and mined 1x {$api->SystemItemIDtoName($MSI['mine_gem_item'])}.");
                    $xpgain = 3 * $MUS['mining_level'];
                echo "<hr />
                [<a href='?action=mine&spot={$spot}'>Mine Again</a>]<br />
                [<a href='mine.php'>Pack it Up</a>]";
                $db->query("UPDATE `mining` SET `miningxp`=`miningxp`+ {$xpgain}, `miningpower`=`miningpower`-'{$MSI['mine_power_use']}' WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");


function mining_levelup()
    global $db, $userid, $MUS;
    $MUS['xp_needed'] = round(($MUS['mining_level'] + 1) * ($MUS['mining_level'] + 1) * ($MUS['mining_level'] + 1) * 4.4);
    if ($MUS['miningxp'] >= $MUS['xp_needed']) {
        $expu = $MUS['miningxp'] - $MUS['xp_needed'];
        $MUS['mining_level'] += 1;
        $MUS['miningxp'] = $expu;
        $MUS['buyable_power'] += 1;
        $MUS['xp_needed'] =
            round(($MUS['mining_level'] + 1) * ($MUS['mining_level'] + 1) * ($MUS['mining_level'] + 1) * 4.4);
        $db->query("UPDATE `mining` SET `mining_level` = `mining_level` + 1, `miningxp` = {$expu},
                 `buyable_power` = `buyable_power` + 1 WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");



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7 minutes ago, Magictallguy said:

This is a user-created module, not an original part of the engine.
The code appears to check out at first glance.

Does the corresponding row in your database have a value for mine_power_use?

No not in mining. 


It's mining power that needs to go down when they do something 

I have tryed to change that line and added miningpower = miningpower - 10 

But that didn't work as well 

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.. Yes. You want to subtract miningpower. The code you've posted is written to use `$MSI['mine_power_use']`.
`$MSI` is an associative array coming from the table mining_data.
In that table, there should be some rows (run the query below).
Do all the rows in that table have a mine_power_use of at least 1?


SELECT * FROM mining_data


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Yes there is one row mine_power_use in mining_data

well i have an update for this 


the line does work   i changed the power use to 50  instead of 10 

it takes away 50 from miningpower

only it fills up very very fast  ( in seconds) 


more info     the systems gives back 10 each time i click a random page 

when no pages are loaded it stays 


Edited by orsino
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