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[$10] Secure Password System


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New Secure Password System

Price: $10

Paypal: [email protected]


This mod is a re-written password system for your game, Your user passwords will be md5'd md5 with a nice long salt. Making decryption of passwords impossible! So, if a hacker does get to view your DB, They wont be able to decrypt any passwords ;)

This Mod Includes:

-Re-written Password function

-Re-written securer authenicate.php

-Register.php edit

Seeing as the whole DB passwords cannot be secured in one, unless you go through every single user password, users have an option to be able to change there password so its salted and md5'd twice so its secure. If its not secure, the password function will inform them of it..

New users wont have to change there password for it to be secured, as the registry tweak will do that automatically. So if you want super secure passwords for your users and want to cut down hacking, this is the mod for you!!

I'll offer installation support on this mod as it may be confusing to new users of PHP.

Oh heres a little screenshot for you...


Also can be seen working @ www.amazon-survival.com

Edited by Isomerizer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [$10] Secure Password System


Do you take pay by card? PayPal stopped working (I'm 16, gotta be 18 to use)


Alot of under 18's use paypal, Im 16 and been using paypal since i was 13 :-P

I been using since i had my 13th Bday xd. Also i might try this is i can quickly get some money

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  • 3 months later...

Re: [$10] Secure Password System

Really..well someone who is using this, please give me a decrypted password that that password system uses. I wanna see if I can decrypt it.

No offence just wanna make sure people don't buy bullshit. NOt saying your work is bullshit, great work just making sure..about others.

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Re: [$10] Secure Password System


Huh..Your saying MD5 cannot be decrypted?...

Your really making me laugh..I can decrypt MD5 in a minute...

As I've said a few times, you do not decrypt MD5, you just type it in a site that contains a massive database full of MD5 strings, it then compares them all and see if it can match any. If it can it will give you the password, is pretty rare if you use a long enough password.


Really..well someone who is using this, please give me a decrypted password that that password system uses. I wanna see if I can decrypt it.

No offence just wanna make sure people don't buy bullshit. NOt saying your work is bullshit, great work just making sure..about others.

How can you possibly crack it if you have no idea what the salt is?

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Re: [$10] Secure Password System

Don't think theres any point in this.

Just use something like this:






If anyone can crack that i would give them $10 right now :wink:


PM me if anyone wants help putting this on there site.

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Re: [$10] Secure Password System

Yes techno, you sure can actually 'decrypt' a hashing function which by definition is a one-way process. We're talking about hashes which are used only for comparison, not actually storing data, which would be encryption. There's no such thing as de-hashing

@Ghetto, way to add a heap of functions together that don't need to be. Why would you base64 encode a sha256'd string? You just made it even longer.

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