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In development - Backpack

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So I'm working on a backpack system. The idea is members will buy more space for their backpack with crystals (or my case credits). And when traveling they will only be able to access the items they have in their backpack. But getting the items transferred to the backpack is an issue. Here's the form that I have for the transfer




global $db, $userid, $ir;

$_GET['ID'] =
       (isset($_GET['ID']) && is_numeric($_GET['ID']))
               ? abs(intval($_GET['ID'])) : '';
$_GET['user'] =
       (isset($_GET['user']) && is_numeric($_GET['user']))
               ? abs(intval($_GET['user'])) : '';
$_POST['qty'] =
       (isset($_POST['qty']) && is_numeric($_POST['qty']))
               ? abs(intval($_POST['qty'])) : '';
if (!empty($_POST['qty']) && !empty($_GET['user']))
   $id =
                   "SELECT `inv_qty`, `inv_itemid`, `itmname`, `itmid`
                    FROM `inventory` AS `iv`
                    INNER JOIN `backpack` AS `it`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_GET['ID']}
                    AND iv.`inv_userid` = {$_GET['user']}
                    LIMIT 1");
   if ($db->num_rows($id) == 0)
       echo 'Invalid item ID';
       $r = $db->fetch_row($id);        
       $space = ($ir['maxbackpack'] - $ir['backpack']);
       $m =
                       "SELECT `lastip`,`username`
                        FROM `users`
                        WHERE `userid` = {$_POST['user']}
                        LIMIT 1");
       if (!isset($_POST['verf'])
               || !verify_csrf_code("senditem_{$_GET['ID']}",
           echo '<h3>Error</h3><hr />
              This transaction has been blocked for your security.<br />
           Please send items quickly after you open the form - do not leave it open in tabs.<br />
           > <a href="itemsend.php?ID=' . $_GET['ID'] . '">Try Again</a>';
       else if ($_POST['qty'] > $r['inv_qty'])
           echo 'You are trying to pack more than you have!';
       else if ($_POST['qty'] > $space)
       echo 'You do not have that much room in your backpack';
           $rm = $db->fetch_row($m);
           item_remove($userid, $r['inv_itemid'], $_POST['qty']);
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `backpack`(`inv_id`, `inv_itemid`, `inv_userid`, `inv_qty`, `inv_lent`, `equip_helmet`, `equip_boots`, `equip_amulet`, `equip_braclet`, `equip_ring`, `equip_special`) VALUES ('',{$_POST['itemid']},{$_POST['userid']},{$_POST['qty']},'','','','','','','')");
           echo 'You packed ' . $_POST['qty'] . ' ' . $r['itmname'] . '(s)';

else if (!empty($_GET['ID']))
   $id =
                   "SELECT `inv_qty`, `itmname`
                    FROM `inventory` iv
                    INNER JOIN `items` AS `it`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_GET['ID']}
                    AND `iv`.`inv_userid` = $userid
                    LIMIT 1");
   if ($db->num_rows($id) == 0)
       echo 'Invalid item ID';
       $r = $db->fetch_row($id);
       $code = request_csrf_code("senditem_{$_GET['ID']}");
       $space = ($ir['maxbackpack'] - $ir['backpack']);
       echo "
       <b>Enter how many {$r['itmname']} you want to pack.
           You have {$r['inv_qty']} and $space spaces available.</b>
       <br />
       <form action='packit.php' method='post'>

           Quantity: <input type='text' name='qty' value='' />
           <br />
           <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='{$_GET['user']}' />
           <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}'>
           <input type='hidden' name='verf' value='{$code}' />
           <input type='submit' value='Pack' />
   echo 'Invalid use of file.';


with the inventory page having this link


<a href='packit.php?user={$ir['userid']}&ID={$i['inv_id']}' class='button'>Pack</a>


but every submit is a invalid use. btw this is my code, mixed with a multitracker, and the itemsend. Thus the reason, I'm confused here.

Edited by boionfire81
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Yeah, get rid of the user={$ir['userid']}. You can call the user's ID using {$userid} inside the code itself.

Basic troubleshooting tells me that you should first echo out the variables you're testing for at the top of the page after they're sanitized.


echo $_GET['ID'];
echo $_GET['user'];


If any of those return nothing, that means you need to recheck your link you setup.

I do believe its 100% how you have your conditional setup.


if (!empty($_POST['qty']) && !empty($_GET['user']))


if ((!empty($_POST['qty'])) && (!empty($_GET['user'])))


Let me know the results.

Edited by TheMasterGeneral
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           item_remove($userid, $_GET['ID'], $_POST['qty']);
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `backpack`(`inv_id`, `inv_itemid`, `inv_userid`, `inv_qty`, `inv_lent`, `equip_helmet`, `equip_boots`, `equip_amulet`, `equip_braclet`, `equip_ring`, `equip_special`) VALUES ('{$_POST['ID']}',{$_POST['ID']},{$userid},{$_POST['qty']},'','','','','','','')");
           echo 'You packed ' . $_POST['qty'] . ' ' . $r['itmname'] . '(s)';



A critical error has occurred, and page execution has stopped. Below are the details:

1052: Column 'inv_qty' in field list is ambiguous

Action taken: Attempted to execute query: SELECT `inv_qty`, `inv_itemid`, `itmname`, `itmid`, `inv_id`

FROM `inventory` AS `iv`

INNER JOIN `backpack` AS `it`

ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`

WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = 156

AND iv.`inv_userid` = 1


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ok changed all instances of inv_ to bp_ in phpmyadmin

modified the item insert to


$db->query("INSERT INTO `backpack`(`bp_id`, `bp_itemid`, `bp_userid`, `bp_qty`, `bp_lent`, `bp_helmet`, `bp_boots`, `bp_amulet`, `bp_braclet`, `bp_ring`, `bp_special`) VALUES ('',{$_POST['ID']},{$userid},{$_POST['qty']},'','','','','','','')");


but not sure about how to mod this part


$id =
                   "SELECT `inv_qty`, `itmname`
                    FROM `inventory` iv
                    INNER JOIN `items` AS `it`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_GET['ID']}
                    AND `iv`.`inv_userid` = $userid
                    LIMIT 1");


as is it gives this error:

A critical error has occurred, and page execution has stopped. Below are the details:

1054: Unknown column 'itmname' in 'field list'

Action taken: Attempted to execute query: SELECT `inv_qty`, `inv_itemid`, `itmname`, `itmid`, `inv_id`

FROM `inventory` AS `iv`

INNER JOIN `backpack` AS `bp`

ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `bp`.`itmid`

WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = 156

AND iv.`inv_userid` = 1


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Yeah, I'm not good with Inner joins. So here is the new pack it file.


Created by: Boi
Fixed By: MWG Community
This is a FREE mod
for McCodes V2
Distribution is ok BUT
It is NOT to be sold

global $db, $userid, $ir;

$_GET['ID'] =
       (isset($_GET['ID']) && is_numeric($_GET['ID']))
               ? abs(intval($_GET['ID'])) : '';
$_POST['qty'] =
       (isset($_POST['qty']) && is_numeric($_POST['qty']))
               ? abs(intval($_POST['qty'])) : '';
if (!empty($_POST['qty']) && !empty($_POST['ID']))
   $id =
                   "SELECT `inv_qty`, `inv_itemid`, `itmname`, `itmid`, `inv_id`, `bp_qty`, `bp_itemid`, `bp_id`
                    FROM `inventory` AS `iv`
                    INNER JOIN `items` AS `it`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`
                    INNER JOIN `backpack` AS `bp`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `bp`.`bp_itemid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_POST['ID']}
                    AND `bp`.`bp_id` = {$_POST['ID']}
                    AND iv.`inv_userid` = {$userid}
                    LIMIT 1");

   if ($db->num_rows($id) == 0)
       echo 'Invalid item ID';

       $r = $db->fetch_row($id);        
       $space = ($ir['maxbackpack'] - $ir['backpack']);

       if ($_POST['qty'] > $r['inv_qty'])
           echo 'You are trying to pack more than you have!';
       else if ($_POST['qty'] > $space)
       echo 'You do not have that much room in your backpack!';

           item_remove($userid, $_GET['ID'], $_POST['qty']);
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `backpack`(`bp_id`, `bp_itemid`, `bp_userid`, `bp_qty`, `bp_lent`, `bp_helmet`, `bp_boots`, `bp_amulet`, `bp_braclet`, `bp_ring`, `bp_special`) VALUES ('',{$_POST['ID']},{$userid},{$_POST['qty']},'','','','','','','')");
           echo 'You packed ' . $_POST['qty'] . ' ' . $r['itmname'] . '(s)';


else if (!empty($_GET['ID']))
   $id =
                   "SELECT `inv_qty`, `itmname`
                    FROM `inventory` iv
                    INNER JOIN `items` AS `it`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_GET['ID']}
                    AND `iv`.`inv_userid` = $userid
                    LIMIT 1");
   if ($db->num_rows($id) == 0)
       echo 'Invalid item ID';
       $r = $db->fetch_row($id);
       $space = ($ir['maxbackpack'] - $ir['backpack']);
       echo "
       <b>Enter how many {$r['itmname']} you want to pack.
           You have {$r['inv_qty']} and $space spaces available.</b>
       <br />
       <form action='packit.php' method='post'>

           Quantity: <input type='text' name='qty' value='' />
           <br />
           <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='{$userid}' />
           <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}'>
           <input type='submit' value='Pack' />

       echo $_GET['ID'];

   echo 'Invalid use of file.';


now it is Invalid item ID

Edited by boionfire81
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