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Hi, I was just wondering what advertising sites you use to advertise your websites?

I'm looking for one's that do not require credit cards, and that can have funds added to the advertisers account directly through paypal.

Reachad's do this and im using them atm, with 3 campaigns running.

Im also using some PTC sites....

Ive tried adsense, adbrite and some other big advertising companies but they require credit cards :(..

Any other good advertising sites that can be payed with paypal?

Ive also looked at game advertising online, but that seems way to expensive for a newish small RPG.

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Re: Advertising


I recommend Bidvertiser, it does not require a credit card.

You will just need to transfer funds from your Publisher account to your advertiser, to save money.

They are rather expensive though, but they do give results.

Thanks Ferdi, Never knew they accepted paypal, I'm going to start using that soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Advertising

Looking for advertising?

Currently, Adverbux.com offers 3 different types

1) Unique hits

If you just want to increase the traffic to your site, this is the way to go. Thousands of visitors will come to your site. If you have something interesting on the page you're advertising, there is a very good chance you will get return visitors - these unique hits have to look at your website for 30 seconds to get the incentive prize

2) Reviews

This gets you unique hits, but each unique hit has to enter a quick review of your site to get the incentive prize. To do this, they need to look at your site, and tell you what they think of it, how you could improve it, how the color scheme is, etc. Great way to get feedback about your site.

3. Sign Ups

Want more members? With this type of advertising, traffic not only goes to your site, but SIGNS UP, LOGS IN, and finally LOOKS AROUND! Guaranteed!!! Great for forums, games, and anything else that needs a large userbase.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Re: Advertising

No, Im talking about the PayPal Debit card. After having your paypal account for 60 days in good standings and your a verified business you can get a PayPal Business Member Debit card.

Also, Check out the Virtual Terminal. You can install it and link it to your paypal account (Its a PayPal addon made by them), It installs to your Broswer, And on any site you wish to use a Credit Card which takes from your PayPal account, You click "Create Secure Card". It will give you a Credit Card Number, Exp Date, CV2 code and any other information. This Addon works on IE and FF. Doesnt on Google Chrome yet. If you need me to get you the PayPal links to review the material just ask, Ill be more than happy to help! I use my PayPal Debit card, But if im in a hurry, I will use my Secure Card which takes the money right out of my PP account.

PayPal Debit card gives you a 1.9% cash back also.

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Re: Advertising

Correction. Its called the PayPal Plug-in. You download it from PayPal. Go to your account, Sign in. Go to Products and Service, Then look at the bottom, And click on PayPal Plug-in. Install it and start using your PayPal account as a Credit Card. So no more worrying about not having a Credit Card!!!

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Re: Advertising


Correction. Its called the PayPal Plug-in. You download it from PayPal. Go to your account, Sign in. Go to Products and Service, Then look at the bottom, And click on PayPal Plug-in. Install it and start using your PayPal account as a Credit Card. So no more worrying about not having a Credit Card!!!

That would be good, though a lot of countries are yet unsupported by that system, unfortunatelly!

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