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I need a "Game Name"


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So I plan on release this on Android shortly: http://orpgcreator.com/3blocks/3blocks.html This is a very simple prototype of the game.

I am need of a Game Name. I also need a way IF its even possible to try to generate revenue. As of now,

I thought of making a free version that "shows an advertisement between every round".

I thought of making a paid version with no advertisements.

For both versions, there will be a default block set, so I came up with an idea to release like 9 additional block sets that can be purchased. I am thinking like $1.49 for all the block sets.


This will be a single player game, no multiplayer.

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  • 1 month later...
lol about no Score @ArchEclipse that's nice to know about the crash. Wish you woulda got the line # ;\

edit; nvm.. the feedback bar was in the way of that ;\

Never noticed the feedback bar but yeh line 119 in 3blocks_core.js

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