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Help with voting mod


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I am trying to convert an mccodes mode over to grgp (simple rating system).

I have made 2 columns inside grpgusers called rate and canrate

Created one file called giverate.php as below. I know the show rating is wrong also... had not got that far as its already falling over.

Don't hate on me please as my level of experience is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.


mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate+1 WHERE user_class->id={$_GET['u']}", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE userid={$user_class->userid}", $c);
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE user_class->id={$_GET['u']}", $c);
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
print "You have given 1 rating to {$user_class->username}!
Their rating is now {$a['rate']}!";
}else if ($_GET['action'] == "take")
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate-1 WHERE user_class->id={$_GET['u']}", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE userid={$user_class->userid}", $c);
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE user_class->id={$_GET['u']}", $c);
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
print "You have taken 1 rating from {$user_class->username}!
Their rating is now {$a['rate']}!";
print "Unknown action!";


Here is the profile code.


       if ($user_class->rate == 0)
$rate = "<font color='blue'>{$user_class->id['rate']}</font>";
}else if ($r['rate'] > 0)
$rate = "<font color='green'>{$user_class->id['rate']}</font>";
}else if ($r['rate'] < 0)
$rate = "<font color='red'>{$user_class->id['rate']}</font>";
print "Rating: [<a href='giverate.php?u={$user_class->id}&action=take'>-</a>] {$rate} [<a href='giverate.php?u={$user_class->id}&action=give'>+</a>]";      
if ($user_class->id != $profile_class->id){


If someone could point me in the correct direction that would be great thanks.


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this is the first file

include "header.php";
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate+1 WHERE username = '".$_GET['name']."'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='".$user_class->id."'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='".$_GET['name']."'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have given 1 rating to ".$_GET['name']."!
Their rating is now ".$a['rate']."!";
if ($_GET['action'] == "take")
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate-1 WHERE username ='".$_GET['name']."'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='".$user_class->id."'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='".$_GET['u']."'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have taken 1 rating from '".$_GET['name']."'!
Their rating is now '".$a['rate']."'!";
echo "Unknown action!";




here is the second code

                <?php        $b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='".$profile_class->username."'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
       if ($a['rate'] == 0)
echo "<font color='blue'>$a['rate']</font>";
}else if ($a['rate'] > 0)
echo "<font color='green'>$a['rate']</font>";
}else if ($a['rate'] < 0)
echo  "<font color='red'>$a['rate']</font>";
print "Rating: [<a href=giverate.php?name=$profile_class->username&action=take>-</a>] rate [<a href=giverate.php?name=$profile_class->username&action=give>+</a>]";      

if ($user_class->id != $profile_class->id){

You will need to protect this as it is not very secure and users can vote over again but if you do need help pm me and i will give you my contact details

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Thankyou for your help adamhull.

I see where a lot of my errors were now. I did warn everyone my skills are poor. However I feel there is but one way to learn. Dive in the deep end.

I was unable to get your actual code to work however I just changed it and now it works ok like below.


$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='".$profile_class->username."'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
$rating = $a['rate'];
print "Rating: [<a href=giverate.php?name=$profile_class->username&action=take>-</a>] $rating [<a href=giverate.php?name=$profile_class->username&action=give>+</a>]";  


As for securing it, one step at a time tiger :)

Just getting it to work is proving difficult enough.

In all seriousness however i am looking into how to protect the $_GET which i assume is the problem?

Again thanks for the replies.

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I figured it was something like that thankyou CodingKid.

Here is where I am now at with it.

There is no voting limits and you can vote yourself which is pretty silly however that's my next mission.


include "header.php";
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate+1 WHERE username = '$name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='".$user_class->id."'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='$name'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have given 1 rating to $name!
Their rating is now ".$a['rate']."!";
include "footer.php";
if ($_GET['action'] == "take")
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate-1 WHERE username ='$name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='".$user_class->id."'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='".$_GET['u']."'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have taken 1 rating from $name!
Their rating is now '".$a['rate']."'!";
echo "Unknown action!";
include "footer.php";
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I figured it was something like that thankyou CodingKid.

Here is where I am now at with it.

There is no voting limits and you can vote yourself which is pretty silly however that's my next mission.


include "header.php";
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate+1 WHERE username = '$name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='".$user_class->id."'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='$name'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have given 1 rating to $name!
Their rating is now ".$a['rate']."!";
include "footer.php";
if ($_GET['action'] == "take")
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate-1 WHERE username ='$name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='".$user_class->id."'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='".$_GET['u']."'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have taken 1 rating from $name!
Their rating is now '".$a['rate']."'!";
echo "Unknown action!";
include "footer.php";


  • Get used to formatting your code for easier readability
  • Why do you have a semi-colon after a closing brace?



include "header.php";
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate+1 WHERE username = '$name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='" . $user_class->id . "'");
$b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='$name'");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
echo "You have given 1 rating to $name!
Their rating is now " . $a['rate'] . "!";
include "footer.php";
if ($_GET['action'] == "take") {
   mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET rate=rate-1 WHERE username ='$name'");
   mysql_query("UPDATE grpgusers SET canrate=canrate-1 WHERE id=`id`='" . $user_class->id . "'");
   $b = mysql_query("SELECT username,rate FROM grpgusers WHERE username='" . $_GET['u'] . "'");
   $a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
   echo "You have taken 1 rating from $name!
Their rating is now '" . $a['rate'] . "'!";
} else {
   echo "Unknown action!";
   include "footer.php";

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Thankyou for the advice Sniko.

There is a good reason for a semi-colon after a closing brace.

Because I have no idea what I am doing and the most simple things to you are extremely complicated to myself.

However as each day passes I learn a little more.

(semi-colon now removed :))

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The $_GET is the problem, add this:


$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);


And then change $_GET['name'] to $name everywhere it is used in the file.

I would go a step further, and validate the contents.


if( preg_match("/^[a-z0-9-_\ ]+$/i", $_GET['name']) == 0 ) {
   //Invalid name.

//Carry on.


For example; https://eval.in/199780


$arrNames = array();
$arrNames[] = "sniko";
$arrNames[] = "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;-"; //Bobby tables :)
$arrNames[] = "&";
$arrNames[] = "MakeWebGames";
$arrNames[] = "Admin";

foreach($arrNames as $strName) {
  if( preg_match("/^[a-z0-9-_\ ]+$/i", $strName) == 0 ) {
      //Invalid name.
      echo $strName ." is invalid.". PHP_EOL;
  } else {
      echo $strName ." is valid!". PHP_EOL;


Also, don't forget to urlencode() and urldecode() $_GET['name'].


But then again, the user id is probably indexed, and we should query on that instead.

Edited by sniko
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