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Can a knowledgable designer give me tips?

Blade Maker

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I want to know requirements, things to learn, practices, anything in order to make something like this or similar: http://i.imgur.com/dFr0mFp.jpg (excuse the noob watermarks)

I'm lost at where to start, I was going to take photoshop classes from digital tutors site for $45 a month. Not sure where to start, how I would make anything like that from scratch.

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Well no one can tell you how to use your imagination so that could be the reason. It took me about 2 months to memorize all PS tools and to get use to them. I started with CS4 and upgraded as time went. You tube might seem un legit but trust me YOU will learn a lot of things from it. I have never took a class a day in my life for designing and my imagination is very limited and I don't really like art, yea it's odd.

I scheme around alot on sites and such to grab ideas which gives me a picture in my head of what I want to create.

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