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Create gang not working :/


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im not sure whats wrong it says gang created but all it does is take the money and does not inter in into the database not the info under users or under gangs


global $ir, $userid;
$c= 1000000;
if($ir['money'] < $c)
die("You don't have enough money. You need \${$c}.");
die ("You're already in a gang!");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO gangs VALUES('','$name','$desc','','','','',0,0,100,$userid,$userid,5,0,0,'')");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET gang=$i,money=money-$c where userid=$userid");
echo "gang created!";
echo "<h3> Create A gang</h3><form action='creategang.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='submit' value='1' />Name:<input type='text' name='name' /><br />
Description:<br /> <textarea name='desc' cols='40' rows='7'></textarea> 
<br /><input type='submit' value='Create gang for \${$c}' /></form>";
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Add error reporting to this line;


mysql_query("INSERT INTO gangs VALUES('','$name','$desc','','','','',0,0,100,$userid,$userid,5,0,0,'')");


To become;


mysql_query("INSERT INTO gangs VALUES('','$name','$desc','','','','',0,0,100,$userid,$userid,5,0,0,'')") or die (mysql_error());


And see what error it tells you.

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