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Select highest users


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Want to run a daily cron that gives the top 5 users with the highest "battlepoints" rewards. But having some trouble figuring out how i would select the users, i can get a list of the top 5 players but i'm not sure how i would get each of their i'd's individually to send the rewards. Don't know if i should be using the MAX() funtion.

Help would be awesome.

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Use an identifier.

$query = "SELECT `userid`,`username` FROM `users` ORDER BY `battlepoints` DESC LIMIT 5";
$n = 1;
while($r = $db->fetch_row( $db->query($query) ) ) {
     //Do logic here.
    //$r['userid'] for their userid
    //$r['username'] for their username


Use the value of $n for their position. Simple.

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Using sniko's method still, and since you only want 5 you can do this


$query = "SELECT `userid`,`username` FROM `users` ORDER BY `battlepoints` DESC LIMIT 5";
$n = 1;
while($r = $db->fetch_row( $db->query($query) ) ) {
     //Do logic here.
    //$r['userid'] for their userid
    //$r['username'] for their username
   if ($n == 1)
       //do this
   //and just continue until you reach 5
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