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.htaccess url extension tutorial my version


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Ok guys have you ever wondered how some sites urls are e.g mydomain.com/home instead of /home.php or html ?


Well for people who don't know this they use a haccess or .htaccess now if you want your url to be like for example home instead of home.php then here is my tutorial (can be any file once its in the directory).


1.)Ok first look for a file in your main Directory by default the directory is Public_html on Cpanel if files does not exist the create a file called .htaccess


2.) Open the htaccess and add this line of code below


#---- Made by Jcvenom ----
#---- Establishes a custom 403 error ----
ErrorDocument 403.shtml

#---- Prevents directory from listing in all folders ----
IndexIgnore *

#---- Makes page render(work) without extensions example php or html or asp etc ----

Options +MultiViews

#----End of code do not claim this is yours & do not sell----


That should make your Urls work without extension


before: mydomain.com/test.php

After: mydomain.com/test


Both Urls will still work



Edited by jcvenom
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This is un-efficient.

By using "Options +MultiViews", you put more strain on your server, by making it "compute" and "find" the file it must serve.

You should be using mod_rewrite for this.

yes you can use mod_rewrite but mod_rewrite may not be activated some hosts and only works on a Apache server

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yes you can use mod_rewrite but mod_rewrite may not be activated some hosts and only works on a Apache server

Then, perhaps you should state that in your "tutorial" (Really, it's just an example). Just for clarity's sake.

Something like... "This is definitely not the most efficient, but if you have no other option, you can do this." should work.

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Then, perhaps you should state that in your "tutorial" (Really, it's just an example). Just for clarity's sake.

Something like... "This is definitely not the most efficient, but if you have no other option, you can do this." should work.

this is a simple way of doing it but there is a advanced way where it automatically hides the extension but this is just a simple way

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