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Seanybob's Arcade Mod


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Finally, the mod you have all been waiting for...

an arcade mod.

This mod comes with a very nice search feature, an admin panel for uploading new games or editting old ones, a rating system, etc, etc, etc...

Here's some pics, they will explain much better than I ever could.









It keeps track of plays for individual games. On the arcade page(the homepage of it) it lists the top 5 rated game, 5 newest games, and 5 most played games.

The rating system is based on IP's, allowing each IP to only rate each game once (this is to prevent someone spam-rating a game to the top)

If you notice while looking at game.JPG... you will see the link that says open in new window? What that does is... opens the game in a new window. Just the flash game though, and in a popup like window, so they can continue playing your game while playing the flash game from time to time (genius I tell you, pure genius ;P)

Let's see what else...


There are a couple different levels.

$50-Arcade code + 100 flash games(and the sql necessary for each game)

$65-Arcade code + 250 flash games(and the sql necessary for each game)

$90-Arcade code + 600 flash games(and the sql necessary for each game)





You can easily add flash games yourself, however you have to upload each one individually through the admin panel. The packs save you time, as they come with the flash games and also the sql info that the scripts need to run the games.

Any questions? Post em here.

To contact me - [email protected]

or just shoot me an email(also [email protected])

Or, you could just send the money to my paypal (also [email protected]) with the pack you are buying in the description, and I will send the codes to your paypal email

If you would like help installing it, I will do it free or charge (provided I am given phpmyadmin access, and ftp access. I would suggest you first change your pass to something simpler, that way I won't have to know your real pass, then when I'm done you can change it back. However if you are uncomfortable giving me this access, that's fine, install it yourself - the instructions are pretty simple for people familiar with phpmyadmin and ftps)



*some notes... I know this works in v1.1, and LITE

I'm not familiar with Version 2, however I am confident that I can change whatever is necessary to make it work with v2 if that is what you are running

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod

If I had the money I'd definitely like to grab at this mod, would keep my users happy, something EASIER than the game itself to play LMFAO.

Regardless, are there any medieval flash games in there? If there are, how many of them? (course in 600 games, if you don't want to count, don't lol)

Anywho, I'll consider buying this. What's the license on it, I buy it once I can use it on any game i make I assume. :)

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod

Yes, you buy it once, you can use it on your games. (note - that does not include friend's games)

And I'm sure that there are medieval games in there. I only played probably about 20-30 of the 600, so I can't answer for sure.

I'll be releasing an extension to this mod for free in about a week (to people who have purchased it) that will include about 15-20 new flash games (the most popular ones on the internet, for example bowman or defend your castle)

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod

I might be interested in purchasing this mod once I look into a few other options.. A few questions to ask first though.

1. When DBS had an Arcade mod up on Monocountry Classic, he ended up taking it down because of the lag it caused Monocountry. Has your mod been tested enough for you to know if it will cause the same problems?

2. Was this made totally from scratch, or is it based on a modded GPL script?

3. How clean is the code? If I wanted to mod something in it would it be a pain for me to do? Or is it relatively easy to navigate?

4. If I wanted to integrate the flash games into my game a little (eg. giving money or crystals based on scores) would I need to have any experience in flash? If so, how hard would you rate learning it on a scale from one to ten?

5. Did you make all the flash games yourself? Or did you purchase a resellers lisence for them all? I only ask because I want to make sure Im not going to buy it and end up being forced by my host to remove it.

Also, is there any way we could see the mod in action? Rather than just screenshots of it...Id like to try out some of the flash games to see if they are even any good before I put them on my site hehe.

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod


1. When DBS had an Arcade mod up on Monocountry Classic, he ended up taking it down because of the lag it caused Monocountry. Has your mod been tested enough for you to know if it will cause the same problems?

On my LP server it hasn't caused any lag. I don't think it would be a problem


2. Was this made totally from scratch, or is it based on a modded GPL script?



3. How clean is the code? If I wanted to mod something in it would it be a pain for me to do? Or is it relatively easy to navigate?

The code is actually pretty simple. Only thing that might be tough for people to understand is the admin area, where we have the upload options (it uploads the file to your server for you). I even commented a decent portion of the code ;)


4. If I wanted to integrate the flash games into my game a little (eg. giving money or crystals based on scores) would I need to have any experience in flash? If so, how hard would you rate learning it on a scale from one to ten?

yes. I know next to nothing about the makings of flash, but from a couple people I know I'd say it isn't too tough to learn, could probably learn it in about a week if you were motivated ;)


5. Did you make all the flash games yourself? Or did you purchase a resellers lisence for them all? I only ask because I want to make sure Im not going to buy it and end up being forced by my host to remove it.

All the flash games I have are free all over the internet. You can find many of them on addictinggames.com, freeonlinegames.com, etc, etc, etc... as far as I know they have not had any trouble at all. I have not heard of this being a problem


Also, is there any way we could see the mod in action? Rather than just screenshots of it...Id like to try out some of the flash games to see if they are even any good before I put them on my site hehe.


Sure thing, I'll stick up a mccode game tomorrow for a demo. I'll also get about 20 guys I know to test the system, see if I can make it cause any lag, so I can better answer that question

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod

demo is up!




Also a couple of notes...

I'm dropping down the price for all 3 packs by $10

and... first game has successfully installed mod. It went on seamlessly, and has been on for a little over 12 hours. No lag has occurred, but we'll keep an eye on it and I'll keep you updated there

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod

In the edit game section of the admin panel. How about a drop down menu of all the names?

Or even better... I dont know what to call it so I will try to explain it..

Have the categories listed like so.

Action Role Play Sport etc... and they can click the category of the game and it expands downward with the names of the games in that category. They can click the game name from there to edit it.

Just a thought to make it easier.

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Re: Seanybob's Arcade Mod

From the looks of the screenshots, your games are listed in a "text link" table sort thing right? Well, if that's the case, even if not and it's all done in some fancy way, I can give you a small java script that you introduce at the beginning of the page and it allows you to hide things and show then on click. or onmouseover whatever you set it to.

It's a nifty thing, because then it might looks like this



the default is showing all games listed below, if they click one of the others, it'll show that list, I will have to add a few restrictors to it so that you can't show multiple lists at once, but it saves you reloading the page for different lists using submits, it just stays on one page. :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well after much searching around the net i have managed to fine a few sites with the arcade games on them, I have a few of them on my site now, and will soon add an option to download them, It isn't ready yet, but if you would like to check out some of the arcade games i have found you can check them out at http://www.the-arcadia.ga i will make a post of when i make the download option ready. ty

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  • 4 years later...

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