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Account creation failure


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Made a new account named demo

Got this message: A username cannot contain more than 5 characters.

Then set the username to: demo4

Registered, logged in, choose class as farmer. Bam, send to an error page with no details. Stuck there every time I log in. I had just logged out as admin, before creating the account. By manually entering index.php?p=logout I can re-login as admin.

I also tried to login using another browser, with no luck.


Was my error, and now I know that the sent in error reports contain more information if the user is not admin. The first part here is still valid though.

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I might be able to help on the location part.

Made a system that should be adaptable. It is structured as

Main location: ie country, star system, realm, planet

Sub location: ie state,city, planet

Local location: ie city part

Sub locations can be setup to have an airport, or portal or something. You can then travel between these sub locations. Same with the local locations, but then by using another traveling method.

Player location is currently controlled by three userStat variables. These are sent to a function that calls up the text for the location. Traveling is currently working, but still messing around with how I want it to work.

While the player is traveling, the module is locked, so stuff can happen while traveling.

Some sample images





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So now we add some stats for the location to customize them. Perhaps Picture_Url to display at the top of the screen or a Picture_Url for Heathrow for the airport. Or customizable stats like the player/character has so we can add Population or NumBanks or CowGrowthBonus etc. Just to customize it.

Have you considered ownership of a location? Like the England Government owns London, Leeds, Liverpool but the American Government owns New York, Las Vegas. THEN if I had tanks and troops my England position can attack Las Vegas and let the England Government have its value or something.

Thank you for the help!!!


Edited by gmoore
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I do have some plans down the road, but for now I think I will focus on the core function of the module. Actually the version I am working on right now is customized to me in the output. But will make a more skeleton version, where only the core functionality of traveling is in place. Then we can have module(s) built around that.

Layout of the tables:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ngm_destinations_main` (
 `id` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
 `short` char(3) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ngm_destinations_sub` (
 `id` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `mainLocation` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
 `hasMainStation` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Does this city have a station like airport',
 `hasSubStation` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ie has train station',

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ngm_destinations_local` (
 `id` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `sublocation` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

 `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `toMain` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `toSub` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `toLocal` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `travelMethod` enum('hike','bus','drive','fly') COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
 `stepsTotal` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `stepsCurrent` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `currentStepTime` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `eventid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `optionid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (`userid`),
 KEY `toMain` (`toMain`,`toSub`,`toLocal`)



And the ability to travel between them. I based this of something I made a long time ago, and I had country population in the main table, but to make it more modular I removed it, and will rather have it another table.ngm_destinations_main.short is a shortcode used for getting country flags. just getting it working atm, so (trying) not to be concerned about the look yet, but ability to have images should be there, and if none defined show a default image.

The images shows time used to travel, I changed that in my current version and uses AP instead, the skeleton version should allow for setting what stat to use for traveling.

Hope this is readable, in a bit of a hurry

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1331 how did you get the nice code layout above. Is it a function I am not seeing?

Also, latter today I will post my location thoughts. I have some tables and such for what I was thinking. I just have to do some home repairs and don't have time to post them at the moment.


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1331 how did you get the nice code layout above. Is it a function I am not seeing?

As in the code highlighter?

If so, here's a few options. :)


 Some random code 


$v = 0; 


 SELECT `prize` FROM `bingo`




[CSS].class { color:#000; } [/CSS]

(Remove periods :) )

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