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The Coder

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Hey all, while struggling with my SQL error on the other thread, I stumbled across a "Topsite Voting Script" made by Cronus, however, how do I make the feature accessible for one more user? ID 1 & 2, as ID 1 is the only administrator which can edit the rewards & links. Do I change something in the voting.php file if so, what? I'll include the file below:-


include "globals.php";

$huj=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userid=0");
if($ts['site'] < $time)
$db->query("DELETE FROM votes WHERE userid>0");
$db->query("UPDATE votes SET site=$new WHERE userid=0");

print "<br><br><center>";
if($userid == 1)
print"<a href=voting.php?add=site>Add New Voting Site</a><br><br>";
if($userid == 2)
print"<table width=$width% border=1>
<tr><th>Voting Site</th><th>Reward</th><th>---</th>$second</tr>";
$hk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites");
$blahhh=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE site={$r['id']} && userid=$userid");
if($db->num_rows($blahhh) > 0)
$link="<font color=red><i>Done!</i></font>";
$link="<a href=voted.php?ID={$r['id']} target=_blank><b><font color=green>Vote</font></b></a>";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 1)
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2 && $r['reward'] > 1)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Crystals";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2 && $r['reward'] == 1)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Crystal";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid={$r['reward']}");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 4)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Energy";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 5)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Brave";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 6)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Will";
if($userid == 1)
$sekond="<td><center><a href=voting.php?edit={$r['id']}><font color=blue>Edit</font></a></center></td><td><center><a href=voting.php?del={$r['id']}><font color=red>Del</font></a></center></td>";

if($userid == 2 && $_GET['add'])
print"<br><hr width=75%><br>";
if($_POST['name'] && $_POST['link'] && $_POST['type'] && $_POST['reward'])
$type = abs((int) $_POST['type']);
$reward = abs((int) $_POST['reward']);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['name']));
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['link']));
$link = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
if($type == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid=$reward");
if($db->num_rows($juk) == 0)
print"<center>The item you have selected for a reward does not exist.<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
$db->query("INSERT INTO votingsites VALUES ('','$name','$link','$type','$reward');");
print"<center>You have successfully added the site: $name<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
print"<form action='voting.php?add=site' method='post'>
<table width=40% border=1>
<th colspan=2>Add A New Voting Site</th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='name' value='{$_POST['name']}' /></center></td>
<th>Voting Link:<br><font size=1 color=red>Include http://<font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='link' value='{$_POST['link']}' /></center></td>
<th>Reward Type:</th>
<td><center><select type='dropdown' name='type'>
<option value='1'>Money
<option value='2'>Crystals
<option value='3'>Item
<option value='4'>Energy
<option value='5'>Brave
<option value='6'>Will
<th>Reward Amount:<br><font size=1 color=red>If Item Put ID #</font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='reward' value='{$_POST['reward']}' /></center></td>
<th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Add New Voting Site' /></form></th>

if($userid == 2 && $_GET['edit'])
$_GET['edit'] = abs((int) $_GET['edit']);
$blak=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites WHERE id={$_GET['edit']}");
if($db->num_rows($blak) == 0)
print"<center>This voting site does not exist!<br>>Back</center>";
print"<br><hr width=75%><br>";
if($_POST['name'] && $_POST['link'] && $_POST['type'] && $_POST['reward'])
$type = abs((int) $_POST['type']);
$reward = abs((int) $_POST['reward']);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['name']));
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['link']));
$link = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
if($type == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid=$reward");
if($db->num_rows($juk) == 0)
print"<center>The item you have selected for a reward does not exist.<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET name='$name' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET url='$link' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET rewardtype='$type' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET reward='$reward' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
print"<center>You have successfully edited the site: $name<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
print"<form action='voting.php?edit={$_GET['edit']}' method='post'>
<table width=40% border=1>
<th colspan=2>Edit An Existing Voting Site</th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='name' value='{$r['name']}' /></center></td>
<th>Voting Link:<br><font size=1 color=red>Include http://<font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='link' value='{$r['url']}' /></center></td>
<th>Reward Type:</th>
<td><center><select type='dropdown' name='type'>
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 1)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 3)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 4)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 5)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 6)
print"selected ";
<th>Reward Amount:<br><font size=1 color=red>If Item Put ID #</font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='reward' value='{$r['reward']}' /></center></td>
<th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Edit Voting Site' /></form></th>

if($userid == 2 && $_GET['del'])
$_GET['del'] = abs((int) $_GET['del']);
$blak=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites WHERE id={$_GET['del']}");
if($db->num_rows($blak) == 0)
print"<center>This voting site does not exist!<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a></center>";
print"<br><hr width=75%><br>";
$db->query("DELETE FROM votingsites WHERE id='{$_GET['del']}'");
print"<center>You have successfully deleted the site: {$r['name']}<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
print"<form action='voting.php?del={$_GET['del']}&confirm=delete' method='post'>
<table width=55% border=1>
<th colspan=2>Are you sure you would like to delete {$r['name']}?</th>
<th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Delete Voting Site' /></form></th>


Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. :)

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Hey all, while struggling with my SQL error on the other thread, I stumbled across a "Topsite Voting Script" made by Cronus, however, how do I make the feature accessible for one more user? ID 1 & 2, as ID 1 is the only administrator which can edit the rewards & links. Do I change something in the voting.php file if so, what? I'll include the file below:-


include "globals.php";

$huj=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userid=0");
if($ts['site'] < $time)
$db->query("DELETE FROM votes WHERE userid>0");
$db->query("UPDATE votes SET site=$new WHERE userid=0");

print "<br><br><center>";
if($userid == 1)
print"<a href=voting.php?add=site>Add New Voting Site</a><br><br>";
if($userid == 2)
print"<table width=$width% border=1>
<tr><th>Voting Site</th><th>Reward</th><th>---</th>$second</tr>";
$hk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites");
$blahhh=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE site={$r['id']} && userid=$userid");
if($db->num_rows($blahhh) > 0)
$link="<font color=red><i>Done!</i></font>";
$link="<a href=voted.php?ID={$r['id']} target=_blank><b><font color=green>Vote</font></b></a>";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 1)
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2 && $r['reward'] > 1)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Crystals";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2 && $r['reward'] == 1)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Crystal";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid={$r['reward']}");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 4)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Energy";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 5)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Brave";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 6)
$reward="{$r['reward']} Will";
if($userid == 1)
$sekond="<td><center><a href=voting.php?edit={$r['id']}><font color=blue>Edit</font></a></center></td><td><center><a href=voting.php?del={$r['id']}><font color=red>Del</font></a></center></td>";

if($userid == 2 && $_GET['add'])
print"<br><hr width=75%><br>";
if($_POST['name'] && $_POST['link'] && $_POST['type'] && $_POST['reward'])
$type = abs((int) $_POST['type']);
$reward = abs((int) $_POST['reward']);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['name']));
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['link']));
$link = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
if($type == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid=$reward");
if($db->num_rows($juk) == 0)
print"<center>The item you have selected for a reward does not exist.<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
$db->query("INSERT INTO votingsites VALUES ('','$name','$link','$type','$reward');");
print"<center>You have successfully added the site: $name<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
print"<form action='voting.php?add=site' method='post'>
<table width=40% border=1>
<th colspan=2>Add A New Voting Site</th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='name' value='{$_POST['name']}' /></center></td>
<th>Voting Link:<br><font size=1 color=red>Include http://<font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='link' value='{$_POST['link']}' /></center></td>
<th>Reward Type:</th>
<td><center><select type='dropdown' name='type'>
<option value='1'>Money
<option value='2'>Crystals
<option value='3'>Item
<option value='4'>Energy
<option value='5'>Brave
<option value='6'>Will
<th>Reward Amount:<br><font size=1 color=red>If Item Put ID #</font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='reward' value='{$_POST['reward']}' /></center></td>
<th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Add New Voting Site' /></form></th>

if($userid == 2 && $_GET['edit'])
$_GET['edit'] = abs((int) $_GET['edit']);
$blak=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites WHERE id={$_GET['edit']}");
if($db->num_rows($blak) == 0)
print"<center>This voting site does not exist!<br>>Back</center>";
print"<br><hr width=75%><br>";
if($_POST['name'] && $_POST['link'] && $_POST['type'] && $_POST['reward'])
$type = abs((int) $_POST['type']);
$reward = abs((int) $_POST['reward']);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['name']));
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
$info=str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("'","<br />"),strip_tags($_POST['link']));
$link = mysql_real_escape_string($info);
if($type == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid=$reward");
if($db->num_rows($juk) == 0)
print"<center>The item you have selected for a reward does not exist.<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET name='$name' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET url='$link' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET rewardtype='$type' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
$db->query("UPDATE votingsites SET reward='$reward' WHERE id='{$_GET['edit']}'");
print"<center>You have successfully edited the site: $name<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
print"<form action='voting.php?edit={$_GET['edit']}' method='post'>
<table width=40% border=1>
<th colspan=2>Edit An Existing Voting Site</th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='name' value='{$r['name']}' /></center></td>
<th>Voting Link:<br><font size=1 color=red>Include http://<font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='link' value='{$r['url']}' /></center></td>
<th>Reward Type:</th>
<td><center><select type='dropdown' name='type'>
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 1)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 3)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 4)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 5)
print"selected ";
<option ";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 6)
print"selected ";
<th>Reward Amount:<br><font size=1 color=red>If Item Put ID #</font></th>
<td><center><input type='text' name='reward' value='{$r['reward']}' /></center></td>
<th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Edit Voting Site' /></form></th>

if($userid == 2 && $_GET['del'])
$_GET['del'] = abs((int) $_GET['del']);
$blak=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites WHERE id={$_GET['del']}");
if($db->num_rows($blak) == 0)
print"<center>This voting site does not exist!<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a></center>";
print"<br><hr width=75%><br>";
$db->query("DELETE FROM votingsites WHERE id='{$_GET['del']}'");
print"<center>You have successfully deleted the site: {$r['name']}<br>><a href=voting.php>Back</a>";
print"<form action='voting.php?del={$_GET['del']}&confirm=delete' method='post'>
<table width=55% border=1>
<th colspan=2>Are you sure you would like to delete {$r['name']}?</th>
<th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Delete Voting Site' /></form></th>


Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. :)

change all $userid == 1 to $ir['user_level'] == 2 (or which staff members you want to allow access to)

Edited by mixmaster
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One problem with using $ir['user_level']==2 is its still not the safest way because of the vast amounts of user level hacks. Try using an array and add in the userids into it but this is just a preference and im sure some may disagree.



$votestaff = array('1','2','3');
if (in_array($userid,$votestaff))
    //insert code here


Something like that, I believe.

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