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50/50 game


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hey all i found this 5050 game on cronus old fourm and its not working properly the person who posted hasnt been on in ages


anyways it was just saying "You are trying to bet more than you have"


i managed to fix that because the poster had [points] instead of [crystals]

now when you type in your bet it doesnt do anything just refreshes the screen

can anyone else have a look see if iam missing anything



include 'globals.php';
global $h,$ir;
//original mod by mark mascola August 11, 2011
if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match'])){

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
$r = $db->fetch_row($q);
$win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
  if($ir['second'] < $r['wager']){ 
     echo"<br />You are trying to bet more than you have";
  }elseif($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor']){
     echo"<br />You cannot match your own bets";
     $db->query("UPDATE users SET second = second - {$r['wager']} WHERE userid={$ir['userid']}");
     if($j==1){//the winner is the original bettor
     $db->query("UPDATE users SET second = second + ".$win." WHERE userid = {$r['bettor']}");
     event_add($r['bettor'], "You won your 50/50 bet of ".$r['wager']." points and earned ".floor($r['wager']*(1.8))." points!");
     event_add($ir['userid'], "You lost your 50/50 bet of ".$r['wager']." points.");
     if($j==2){//the winner is the matcher
     $db->query("UPDATE users SET second = second + ".$win." WHERE userid = {$ir['userid']}");
     event_add($r['bettor'], "You lost your 50/50 bet of ".$r['wager']." points.");
     event_add($ir['userid'], "You won your 50/50 bet of ".$r['wager']." points and earned ".floor($r['wager']*(1.8))." points");
  //need to add events to both the bettor and the taker.. need to delete the bet and update  players with points
  $db->query("DELETE FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$r['bet_id']}");
if(isset($_POST['cryatals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
  if($_POST['cryatals'] < 10){
  echo "<br />You are not betting enough";
  elseif($_POST['cryatals'] > 5000){
  echo "<br />You are trying to bet too much";
  elseif($ir['second'] < $_POST['cryatals']){
     echo "<br />You are trying to bet more than you have";
     $db->query("UPDATE users SET `second` = `second` - {$_POST['crystals']} where userid={$userid}");
     $db->query("INSERT INTO fifty VALUES('',{$ir['userid']},{$_POST['crystals']},unix_timestamp())");
echo"<h2>50/50 Points Game</h2>";
echo"<p>The rules are simple.<br /> 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>";
echo"<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>";
echo "<p>
     <form method='post'>
        <input type='text' name='points' size='8' maxlength='7'> points (10-5000)<br /><br />
        <input type='submit' name='bet' value='PlaceBet'>
    <h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
   <table width='90%'>
     <th><b>Bet Age</b></td>
     <th align='center'><b>Bet</b></td>
  $q = $db->query("SELECT f.*,u.username FROM fifty f LEFT JOIN users u ON f.bettor = u.userid ORDER BY bet_id ASC");
  while($r = $db->fetch_row($q)) {
  echo "<td><form method='post'>";
  echo"<input type='hidden' name='match' value='".$r['bet_id']."' /><input type='submit' value='Match Bet'></form></td>";




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$name = 'crystals'; //Name it points or crystals?

if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match']))	{
$q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
$r = $db->fetch_row($q);
$win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
if($ir['second'] < $r['wager'])	{exit('You are trying to bet more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
if($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor'])	{exit('You cannot match your own bet\s.'.$h->endpage());}

$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` - '.$r['wager'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
if(mt_rand(0,1))	{// either word's. if true or false
	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$r['bettor']);
	event_add($r['bettor'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
	event_add($ir['userid'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
else	{
	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
	event_add($ir['userid'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
	event_add($r['bettor'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
$db->query('DELETE FROM `fifty` WHERE `bet_id` = '.$r['bet']);

if(isset($_POST['cryatals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
if($_POST['cryatals'] < 10)	{exit('You are not betting enough.'.$h->endpage());}
if($_POST['crystals'] > 5000)	{exit('You are trying to bet too much.'.$h->endpage());}
	if($ir['second'] < $_POST['crystals'])	{exit('You are trying to met more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = (`second` - '.$_POST['crystals'].') WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
$db->query('INSERT INTO `fifty` VALUES(NULL, '.$ir['userid'].', '.intval($_POST['crystals'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
echo '<h2>50/50 '.ucfirst($name).' Game</h2>';
echo '<p>The rules are simple. 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>';
echo '<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>';
echo '<p>
<form method="post" action="">
	<input type="text" name="crystals" size="8" maxlength="7" /> '.ucfirst($name).' (10-5000)
	<input type="submit" name="bet" value="Place Bet" />
<h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
<table width="90%">
		<th><strong>Bet Age</strong></td>
		<th align="center"><strong>Bet</strong></td>
	$q = $db->query('SELECT `f`.`wager`, `f`.`bet_time`, `f`.`bet_id`, `u`.`username` FROM `fifty` `f` LEFT JOIN `users` `u` ON `f`.`bettor` = `u`.`userid` ORDER BY `bet_id` ASC');
		while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))	{
			echo '
		<td><form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="match" value="'.$r['bet_id'].'" /><input type="submit" value="Match Bet"></form></td>



Your issue?

<input type='text' name='points' size='8' maxlength='7'> points (10-5000)

Still referencing 'points' where you stated

if(isset($_POST['cryatals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){

which is looking for a field with the name 'crystals' to post value.

Edited by HauntedDawg
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still didnt work and i dunno quite what you mean by

if(isset($_POST['cryatals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){

which is looking for a field with the name 'crystals' to post value.

do you mean its looking outside of users? because thats where crystals is

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lol...am I the only one noticing the spelling error ?...

My ubber n foolish mistake..


$name = 'crystals'; //Name it points or crystals?

if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match']))	{
$q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
$r = $db->fetch_row($q);
$win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
if($ir['second'] < $r['wager'])	{exit('You are trying to bet more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
if($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor'])	{exit('You cannot match your own bet\s.'.$h->endpage());}

$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` - '.$r['wager'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
if(mt_rand(0,1))	{// either word's. if true or false
	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$r['bettor']);
	event_add($r['bettor'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
	event_add($ir['userid'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
else	{
	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
	event_add($ir['userid'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
	event_add($r['bettor'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
$db->query('DELETE FROM `fifty` WHERE `bet_id` = '.$r['bet']);

if(isset($_POST['crystals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
if($_POST['crystals'] < 10)	{exit('You are not betting enough.'.$h->endpage());}
if($_POST['crystals'] > 5000)	{exit('You are trying to bet too much.'.$h->endpage());}
	if($ir['second'] < $_POST['crystals'])	{exit('You are trying to met more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = (`second` - '.$_POST['crystals'].') WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
$db->query('INSERT INTO `fifty` VALUES(NULL, '.$ir['userid'].', '.intval($_POST['crystals'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
echo '<h2>50/50 '.ucfirst($name).' Game</h2>';
echo '<p>The rules are simple. 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>';
echo '<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>';
echo '<p>
<form method="post" action="">
	<input type="text" name="crystals" size="8" maxlength="7" /> '.ucfirst($name).' (10-5000)
	<input type="submit" name="bet" value="Place Bet" />
<h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
<table width="90%">
		<th><strong>Bet Age</strong></td>
		<th align="center"><strong>Bet</strong></td>
	$q = $db->query('SELECT `f`.`wager`, `f`.`bet_time`, `f`.`bet_id`, `u`.`username` FROM `fifty` `f` LEFT JOIN `users` `u` ON `f`.`bettor` = `u`.`userid` ORDER BY `bet_id` ASC');
		while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))	{
			echo '
		<td><form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="match" value="'.$r['bet_id'].'" /><input type="submit" value="Match Bet"></form></td>

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My ubber n foolish mistake..


$name = 'crystals'; //Name it points or crystals?

if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match']))	{
$q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
$r = $db->fetch_row($q);
$win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
if($ir['second'] < $r['wager'])	{exit('You are trying to bet more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
if($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor'])	{exit('You cannot match your own bet\s.'.$h->endpage());}

$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` - '.$r['wager'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
if(mt_rand(0,1))	{// either word's. if true or false
	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$r['bettor']);
	event_add($r['bettor'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
	event_add($ir['userid'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
else	{
	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
	event_add($ir['userid'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
	event_add($r['bettor'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
$db->query('DELETE FROM `fifty` WHERE `bet_id` = '.$r['bet']);

if(isset($_POST['crystals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
if($_POST['crystals'] < 10)	{exit('You are not betting enough.'.$h->endpage());}
if($_POST['crystals'] > 5000)	{exit('You are trying to bet too much.'.$h->endpage());}
	if($ir['second'] < $_POST['crystals'])	{exit('You are trying to met more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = (`second` - '.$_POST['crystals'].') WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
$db->query('INSERT INTO `fifty` VALUES(NULL, '.$ir['userid'].', '.intval($_POST['crystals'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
echo '<h2>50/50 '.ucfirst($name).' Game</h2>';
echo '<p>The rules are simple. 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>';
echo '<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>';
echo '<p>
<form method="post" action="">
	<input type="text" name="crystals" size="8" maxlength="7" /> '.ucfirst($name).' (10-5000)
	<input type="submit" name="bet" value="Place Bet" />
<h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
<table width="90%">
		<th><strong>Bet Age</strong></td>
		<th align="center"><strong>Bet</strong></td>
	$q = $db->query('SELECT `f`.`wager`, `f`.`bet_time`, `f`.`bet_id`, `u`.`username` FROM `fifty` `f` LEFT JOIN `users` `u` ON `f`.`bettor` = `u`.`userid` ORDER BY `bet_id` ASC');
		while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))	{
			echo '
		<td><form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="match" value="'.$r['bet_id'].'" /><input type="submit" value="Match Bet"></form></td>



nope :( just get a blank white screen when i use this

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That help's :P


$name = 'crystals'; //Name it points or crystals?

if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match']))   {
   $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
   $r = $db->fetch_row($q);
   $win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
   if($ir['second'] < $r['wager'])  {exit('You are trying to bet more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor'])   {exit('You cannot match your own bet\s.'.$h->endpage());}

   $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` - '.$r['wager'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
   if(mt_rand(0,1))    {// either word's. if true or false
       $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$r['bettor']);
       event_add($r['bettor'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
       event_add($ir['userid'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
   else    {
       $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
       event_add($ir['userid'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
       event_add($r['bettor'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
   $db->query('DELETE FROM `fifty` WHERE `bet_id` = '.$r['bet']);

if(isset($_POST['crystals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
   if($_POST['crystals'] < 10)  {exit('You are not betting enough.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($_POST['crystals'] > 5000)    {exit('You are trying to bet too much.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($ir['second'] < $_POST['crystals'])   {exit('You are trying to met more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
   $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = (`second` - '.$_POST['crystals'].') WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
   $db->query('INSERT INTO `fifty` VALUES(NULL, '.$ir['userid'].', '.intval($_POST['crystals']).' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
echo '<h2>50/50 '.ucfirst($name).' Game</h2>';
echo '<p>The rules are simple. 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>';
echo '<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>';
echo '<p>
   <form method="post" action="">
       <input type="text" name="crystals" size="8" maxlength="7" /> '.ucfirst($name).' (10-5000)
       <input type="submit" name="bet" value="Place Bet" />
<h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
   <table width="90%">
           <th><strong>Bet Age</strong></td>
           <th align="center"><strong>Bet</strong></td>
       $q = $db->query('SELECT `f`.`wager`, `f`.`bet_time`, `f`.`bet_id`, `u`.`username` FROM `fifty` `f` LEFT JOIN `users` `u` ON `f`.`bettor` = `u`.`userid` ORDER BY `bet_id` ASC');
           while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))   {
               echo '
           <td><form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="match" value="'.$r['bet_id'].'" /><input type="submit" value="Match Bet"></form></td>

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thanks that gave a new error but i did this and it fixed it


$name = 'crystals'; //Name it points or crystals?

if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match']))   {
   $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
   $r = $db->fetch_row($q);
   $win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
   if($ir['second'] < $r['wager'])  {exit('You are trying to bet more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor'])   {exit('You cannot match your own bet\s.'.$h->endpage());}

   $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` - '.$r['wager'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
   if(mt_rand(0,1))    {// either word's. if true or false
       $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$r['bettor']);
       event_add($r['bettor'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
       event_add($ir['userid'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
   else    {
       $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
       event_add($ir['userid'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
       event_add($r['bettor'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
   $db->query('DELETE FROM `fifty` WHERE `bet_id` = '.$r['bet']);

if(isset($_POST['crystals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
   if($_POST['crystals'] < 10)  {exit('You are not betting enough.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($_POST['crystals'] > 5000)    {exit('You are trying to bet too much.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($ir['second'] < $_POST['crystals'])   {exit('You are trying to met more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
   $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = (`second` - '.$_POST['crystals'].') WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
   $db->query('INSERT INTO `fifty` VALUES(NULL, '.$ir['userid'].', '.intval($_POST['crystals']).' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
echo '<h2>50/50 '.ucfirst($name).' Game</h2>';
echo '<p>The rules are simple. 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>';
echo '<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>';
echo '<p>
   <form method="post" action="">
       <input type="text" name="crystals" size="8" maxlength="7" /> '.ucfirst($name).' (10-5000)
       <input type="submit" name="bet" value="Place Bet" />
<h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
   <table width="90%">
           <th><strong>Bet Age</strong></td>
           <th align="center"><strong>Bet</strong></td>
       $q = $db->query('SELECT `f`.`wager`, `f`.`bet_time`, `f`.`bet_id`, `u`.`username` FROM `fifty` `f` LEFT JOIN `users` `u` ON `f`.`bettor` = `u`.`userid` ORDER BY `bet_id` ASC');
           while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))   {
               echo '
           <td><form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="match" value="'.$r['bet_id'].'" /><input type="submit" value="Match Bet"></form></td>
       </tr>    </table>



but now it comes up You are trying to met more than you have. when you bet anything over 10


edit: when i try to add a bet manualy through the database i get this error aswell

Fatal error: Call to undefined function datetime_parse() in /home/mobst996/public_html/mobs9/fifty.php on line 59

Edited by Newbie
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You should really try replying abit faster.


$name = 'crystals'; //Name it points or crystals?

if(isset($_POST['match']) && is_numeric($_POST['match']))   {
   $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM fifty WHERE bet_id = {$_POST['match']}");
   $r = $db->fetch_row($q);
   $win = floor($r['wager']*(1.8));
   if($ir['second'] < $r['wager'])  {exit('You are trying to bet more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($ir['userid'] == $r['bettor'])   {exit('You cannot match your own bet\s.'.$h->endpage());}

   $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` - '.$r['wager'].' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
   if(mt_rand(0,1))    {// either word's. if true or false
       $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$r['bettor']);
       event_add($r['bettor'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
       event_add($ir['userid'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
   else    {
       $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = `second` + '.$win.' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
       event_add($ir['userid'], 'You won your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' '.$name.' and earned '.floor($r['wager'] * 1.8).' '.$name.'!');
       event_add($r['bettor'], 'You lost your 50/50 bet of '.number_format($r['wager']).' points.');
   $db->query('DELETE FROM `fifty` WHERE `bet_id` = '.$r['bet']);

if(isset($_POST['crystals']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystals'])){
   if($_POST['crystals'] < 10)  {exit('You are not betting enough.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($_POST['crystals'] > 5000)    {exit('You are trying to bet too much.'.$h->endpage());}
   if($ir['second'] < $_POST['crystals'])   {exit('You are trying to met more than you have.'.$h->endpage());}
   $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `second` = (`second` - '.$_POST['crystals'].') WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
   $db->query('INSERT INTO `fifty` VALUES(NULL, '.$ir['userid'].', '.intval($_POST['crystals']).' WHERE `userid` = '.$ir['userid']);
echo '<h2>50/50 '.ucfirst($name).' Game</h2>';
echo '<p>The rules are simple. 2 players wager the same bet, the winner gets 90% of the pot. The house keeps 10%</p>';
echo '<p>The maximum bet is 5000 points but you may wager more than once.</p>';
echo '<p>
   <form method="post" action="">
       <input type="text" name="crystals" size="8" maxlength="7" /> '.ucfirst($name).' (10-5000)
       <input type="submit" name="bet" value="Place Bet" />
<h3>Awaiting Bets</h3>
   <table width="90%">
           <th><strong>Bet Age</strong></td>
           <th align="center"><strong>Bet</strong></td>
       $q = $db->query('SELECT `f`.`wager`, `f`.`bet_time`, `f`.`bet_id`, `u`.`username` FROM `fifty` `f` LEFT JOIN `users` `u` ON `f`.`bettor` = `u`.`userid` ORDER BY `bet_id` ASC');
           while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))   {
               echo '
           <td>'.date('G:s', $r['bet_time']).'</td>
           <td><form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="match" value="'.$r['bet_id'].'" /><input type="submit" value="Match Bet"></form></td>
           }   echo '



I've now tested this in my XAMPP and came out with 0 error's.

Edited by HauntedDawg
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not had much time to myself recently but i tried out your code today and it shows that the fifty.php is working fine until a user bets its not inserting the bet into the database

i have looked at the op post on cronwerks forum and there is no sql for second i tried to add it manually and still no success

op here http://www.cronwerks.com/forum/free-user-created-mccode-mccodes-mods/5050-game-for-redux/


this is what i used

ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `second` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'



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