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Attacking System


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Hey guys I keep getting this error in my attack I had this ruthless city attack but my users dont like it and its a waste of time so I had this one click attack I had it since my old game and now im trying to put it on my new game and it isnt working.


include "globals.php";

$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['ID']}");
$qo=$db->query("SELECT i.* FROM items i   WHERE i.itmid={$user_class['equip_primary']}");
$q1=$db->query("SELECT i.* FROM items i   WHERE i.itmid={$user_class['equip_armor']}");
$weapon= "{$user_class1['itmname']}";
if(mysql_num_rows($qo) == 0) {
$eq=$db->query("SELECT i.* FROM  items i  WHERE i.itmid IN({$attack_person['equip_primary']})");
           if(mysql_num_rows($eq) == 0) {
               } else {
               while($r=$db->fetch_row($eq)) {
               $enperc=(int) ($ir['energy']/$ir['maxenergy']*100);
               $gq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID={$attack_person['gang']}");
$error = ($enperc < 25) ? "You need to have at least 25% of your energy if you want to attack someone." : $error;
$error = ($user_class['jail'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in jail." : $error;
$error = ($user_class['hospital'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['ID'] == "") ? "You didn't choose someone to attack." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['ID'] == $userid) ? "You can't attack yourself." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['location'] != $user_class['location']) ? "You must be in the same city as the person you are attacking. Duh." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['username'] == "") ? "That person doesn't exist." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['hospital'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['jail'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in jail." : $error;
//$error = ($user_class['level'] > 5 && $attack_person['level'] < 6) ? "You can't attack someone that is level 5 or below because you are higher than level 5." : $error;
////////////// ^^ if you like to have it so noobs stay alive longer

?><div id="main " style="a"><center><?PHP
if (isset($error)){
   echo ($error);

if ($user_class['energy'] >= $user_class['maxenergy']/4) {
           $user_class['energy']-= floor($user_class['maxenergy']/4);
           $db->query("UPDATE users SET energy=energy- {$me} WHERE userid=$userid");

$yourhp = $user_class['hp'];
$theirhp = $attack_person['hp'];
$damagestat = number_format($user_class['strength']) ;
$itstat = $user_class1['weapon'];
$damplu = $damagestat * ($itstat*100);
print "<center>Pirate Battles

   <font color=yellow>The fight Ratio is ".$ratio."%</font>

You are in a Battle with  ".$attack_person['username']." </center>";
echo " You come in with your ".$weapon." With a Strenght of ".$damplu." (+".$itstat."%)

$wait = ($user_class['agility'] > $attack_person['agility']) ? 1 : 0;
$hospital = 600;
$qo=$db->query("SELECT i.* FROM  items i  WHERE i.itmid IN({$attack_person['equip_primary']})");
$qo=$db->query("SELECT i.* FROM  items i  WHERE i.itmid IN({$attack_person['equip_primary']})");
$damage = (int) (($user_class1['weapon']*$user_class['strength']/($attack_person['guard']/1.5)));
$theirdamage = (int) (($r1['weapon']*$attack_person['strength']/($user_class['guard']/1.5)));
while($yourhp > 0 && $theirhp > 0){
   $damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;
   $theirdamage = ($theirdamage < 1) ? 1 : $theirdamage;
   if($wait == 0){
       $yourhp = $yourhp - $theirdamage;
       echo "<font color=red>".$attack_person['usename']."Takes their turn to swing at you!</font>
       echo $attack_person['username'].  " hit you for "  .number_format($theirdamage).  " damage using their ".$wep.". 
   } else {
       $wait = 0;

   if($yourhp > 0) {
$damage = (int) (($user_class1['weapon']*$user_class['strength']/($attack_person['guard']/1.5)));
       $damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;
       $theirhp = $theirhp - $damage;
       echo "<font color=green>You swing at them!</font>
       echo "You hit " .$attack_person['username'].  " for " . number_format($damage) . " damage using your ".$weapon.". 

   if($theirhp <= 0){ // attacker won
        $winner = $user_class['ID'];
        $theirhp = 0;
        $moneywon = floor($attack_person['money'] /10);
        $expwon = 150 - (25 * ($user_class['level'] - $attack_person['level']));
        $expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;

        $hospreason = "Attacked by ".$user_class['username']."" ;
        $newexp = $expwon + $user_class['exp'];
        $newmoney = $user_class['money'] + $moneywon;
        $result = $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."' WHERE `userid`='".$user_class['userid']."'");   
        $newmoney = $attack_person['money'] - $moneywon;
        $result = $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp`= 1,`hospital` ='".$hosptime."', `money` = '".$newmoney."', `hospreason` = '".$hospreason."' WHERE `userid`='".$attack_person['userid']."'");
$db->query("INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',".$user_class['userid'].",".$attack_person['userid'].",'won',unix_timestamp(),".$moneywon.",'$atklog')  ;");
        event_add($attack_person['userid'], "You were hospitalized by ".$user_class['username']." for 20 minutes.");
        $final ="<center>You hospitalized "  .$attack_person['username'].  ".
You gain $expwon exp and stole $".$moneywon." from "  .$attack_person['username'].  ".
       $pwnd ="";
$warq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars WHERE (warDECLARER={$user_class['gang']} AND warDECLARED={$attack_person['gang']}) OR (warDECLARED={$user_class['gang']} AND warDECLARER={$attack_person['gang']})");
if ($db->num_rows($warq) > 0)
$db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT-2 WHERE gangID={$attack_person['gang']}");
$db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT+2 WHERE gangID={$user_class['gang']}");
$pwnd  ="
You earnt 2 respect for your gang!";
       if ($ga['gangRESPECT']<=0 && $attack_person['gang'])
$db->query("UPDATE users SET gang=0 WHERE gang={$attack_person['gang']}");

$db->query("DELETE FROM gangs WHERE gangRESPECT<='0'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM gangwars WHERE warDECLARER={$ga['gangID']} or warDECLARED={$ga['gangID']}");
$bots=array(96,94,5,97,98,99,142,138,138,140,141,1  46,143,144,145);//Your Battle Tent Bots
$moneys=array(96 =>5000,94 =>5000,5 => 500,97 => 5000, 98 => 500, 99 => 10000, 142 => 1500,138 =>10000,140 =>10000,141 =>10000,146 =>20000,143 =>15000,144 =>15000,145 =>15000);
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$gain WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
$finalbot ="";
$finalbot ="

Congrats, for beating the Challenge Bot {$attack_person['username']}, you have earnt \$$gain!";


   if($yourhp <= 0){ // defender won
        $winner = $attack_person['ID'];
        $yourhp = 0;
        $moneywon = floor($user_class['money'] /10);
        $expwon = 100 - (25 * ($attack_person['level'] - $user_class['level']));
        $expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
        $hosplost = "Lost to ".$attack_person['username']."" ;
        $newexp = $expwon + $attack_person['exp'];
        $newmoney = $attack_person['money'] + $moneywon;
        $result = $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."' WHERE `userid`='".$attack_person['userid']."'");
        $newmoney = $user_class['money'] - $moneywon;
        $result = $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp`= 1,`hospital` ='".$hosptime."' ,`money` = '".$newmoney."', `hospreason` = '".$hosplost."' WHERE `userid`='".$user_class['userid']."'");
$db->query("INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',".$attack_person['userid'].",".$user_class['userid'].",'won',unix_timestamp(),".$moneywon.",'$atklog')  ;");
        $final = $attack_person2 . " beat you and stole $".$moneywon." from you.";
$pwnd ="";
$warq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars WHERE (warDECLARER={$user_class['gang']} AND warDECLARED={$attack_person['gang']}) OR (warDECLARED={$user_class['gang']} AND warDECLARER={$attack_person['gang']})");
if ($db->num_rows($warq) > 0)
$db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT+1 WHERE gangID={$attack_person['gang']}");
$db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT-1 WHERE gangID={$user_class['gang']}");
$pwnd ="
You lost 1 respect for your gang!";
echo "$final";
echo "$pwnd ";
echo "$finalbot";



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting ')' in /home/fefegx10/public_html/attack.php on line 142

<<<<<<<<This is the error that keep pulling up also i dint make this attack it was just in my old files and I decided to you is it.

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ok now I get this when I do a attack


Pirate Battles The fight Ratio is 0.117647058824% You are in a Battle with ForkingPawn

You come in with your Fists With a Strenght of 0 (+%) Takes their turn to swing at you! ForkingPawn hit you for 8,698 damage using their ArmaLite M-15A4 Rifle . QUERY ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

Query was INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',19,1,'won',unix_timestamp(),214747368,' g') ;

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heres my attack log



require "globals.php";

$id = abs((int)$_GET['id']);


echo "Not in the attack logs.";




$s = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT * FROM `attacklogs` where log_id=$id"));


echo "Not in the attack logs.";




if($s['annon'] == 1){

$nm = $db->fetch_row($db->query("select username from users where userid=$s[attacked]"));

echo "<h2>Someone VS $nm[username]</h2>";


$nm = $db->fetch_row($db->query("select username from users where userid=$s[attacker]"));

$nm1 = $db->fetch_row($db->query("select username from users where userid=$s[attacked]"));

echo "<h2>$nm[username] VS $nm1[username]</h2>";


echo "<br>$s[attacklog]<br><br>$s[outcome]<br><hr><a href=events.php>> Back</a><hr>";




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-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 3.4.9
-- [url]http://www.phpmyadmin.net[/url]
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Feb 17, 2012 at 02:07 PM
-- Server version: 5.0.92
-- PHP Version: 5.2.9

SET time_zone = "+00:00";

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

-- Database: `wisecrim_torn`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `attacklogs`

 `log_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `attacker` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `attacked` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `result` enum('won','lost') NOT NULL default 'won',
 `time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `stole` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `attacklog` longtext NOT NULL,
 `annon` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 `outcome` text NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`log_id`)

-- Dumping data for table `attacklogs`
Edited by Nickson
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Okay, so you have the following columns in your table











Total: 9

And this is your query

INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',19,1,'won',unix_timestamp(),214747368,' g') ;


Total: 7

If you're wanting to insert data into specific columns, use this syntax

INSERT INTO <table> (<columns*>) VALUES (<data*>)

* Separate with a comma

...So, match what you're wanting to insert with the table columns.

I hope you understand.

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