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[For Hire] php/mySQL/js/jQuery/Ajax Coder [Custom Scripts/Modifications]


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Hey. I have been programming for over 10years and freelancing for over 2years. I have worked on some large sites non related to gaming with over 100,000 members and some sites with over 1,000,000 downloads.


I can do custom CMS scripts, blogging systems, rating systems, image manipulations.


I have created several scripts from scratch and have also done modifications for many game scripts. Any feature you can think of can be coded. I have done coding on quests system's, image manipulation such as placing things such as paperdolling systems (tattoo systems), guild/clan systems and much more.



Price per hour is roughly $15-$20/hr.

The longer hours I am hired for the lower the hourly rate.

You can contact me


email: [email protected]

Edited by Sim
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I am looking for work again guys/gals. Below is some code sample:


include "../includes/constants.php";
class category
private $db;
private $smarty;

public function __construct($dbRef, $smartyRef)
	$this->db = $dbRef;
	$this->smarty = $smartyRef;

	//if adding a category
		$this->AddCategory($_POST['textCat'], $_POST['select'], $_POST['textDesc'],$_POST['selectLogin'], "new");

	//see what we are doing here...
	switch ($_GET['what'])
		case "add";
			$this->smarty->assign("site_page", "Add category");
		case "manage";

				$this->AddCategory($_POST['textCat'], $_POST['select'], $_POST['textDesc'],$_POST['selectLogin'], "edit");
				$this->smarty->assign("site_page", "Manage Categories");



//delete categories and file's
public function proccessDelete()
	//current category
	$rec = $this->db->fetch("SELECT catSubID, catTitle FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catID='" . $this->db->escape($_POST['hidden']) . "'");
	$rows = $this->db->fetch_array("SELECT imageID, imageFileType FROM " . IMAGE_TABLE . " WHERE imageCatID='" . $rec['catSubID'] . "'");

	//delete current category images
	foreach($rows as $rec2)
		unlink("../images/" . $rec2['imageID'] . '.' . $rec2['imageFileType']);

	//get sub categories
	$recs = $this->db->fetch("SELECT COUNT(catID) AS ammount FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catSubID='" . $this->db->escape($_POST['hidden']) . "'");

	//if sub categories
	if($recs['ammount'] > 0)
		//set some default values..
		$cont = false;
		$max = 1;
		$i = 0;

		$IDS[] = $this->db->escape($_POST['hidden']);

		//loop threw all words
		while($max > $i)
			$rec = $this->db->fetch("SELECT *, COUNT(catID) AS amount FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catSubID='" . $IDS[$i] . "'");
			$msg .= $rec['catTitle'] . " Category and Images deleted...<br>";

			if($rec['amount'] > 0)
				$IDS[] = $rec['catID'];



		//loop threw all cat ids to be deleted
		for($i=0; $i<count($IDS);$i++)

			//get all images associated with category being deleted
			$rows = $this->db->fetch_array("SELECT imageID, imageFileType FROM " . IMAGE_TABLE . " WHERE imageCatID='" . $IDS[$i] . "'");

			//cycle threw all image records
			foreach($rows as $rec)
				//if file exists
				if(is_file("../images/" . $rec['imageID'] . '.' . $rec['imageFileType']))
					//delete image file
					unlink("../images/" . $rec['imageID'] . '.' . $rec['imageFileType']);

			//delete records
			$this->db->del("DELETE FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catID='" . $IDS[$i] . "'");
			$this->db->del("DELETE FROM " . IMAGE_TABLE . " WHERE imageCatID='" . $IDS[$i] . "'");

	//first category.. delete from
	$this->db->del("DELETE FROM " . IMAGE_TABLE . " WHERE imageCatID='" . $this->db->escape($_POST['hidden']) . "'");
	$this->db->del("DELETE FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catID='" . $this->db->escape($_POST['hidden']) . "'");
	$this->smarty->assign("msg", $msg);

//display confirm delete buttton
public function displayConfirmDelete()
	$this->smarty->assign("delete", 'y');
	$this->smarty->assign("id", $_POST['hidden']);


//display details to edit
public function displayEditDetails($id)
	$rec = $this->db->fetch("SELECT catID, catSubID, catSubID, catTitle, catDesc, catReqLogin FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catID='$id'");

	//set template vars
	$this->smarty->assign("edit", 'y'); 
	$this->smarty->assign("id", $rec['catID']); 
	$this->smarty->assign("name", $rec['catTitle']); 
	$this->smarty->assign("desc", $rec['catDesc']); 
	$this->smarty->assign("login_" . $rec['catReqLogin'], "selected"); 

	//list categories

//attempt to add category
public function addCategory($cat_name, $select, $desc, $login_req, $action)
	//query to check if category name exists for sub category if one selected..
	$rec = $this->db->fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) AS ammount FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " WHERE catTitle='" . $this->db->escape($cat_name) . "' AND catSubID='" . $this->db->escape($select) . "'");

	//setup data
	$data = array("catTitle" => $cat_name, "catDesc" => $desc,"catReqLogin" => $login_req,  "catSubID" => $select, "catDate" => time());

	if($action == "edit")
		//update record
		$this->db->update(CAT_TABLE, $data, "catID='" . $_POST['hidden'] . "'");
		$this->smarty->assign("msg", "<BR>Category updated...");

	//category doesn't exist, create it
	if($rec['ammount'] == 0 && $action == "new")
		//insert data
		$this->db->insert(CAT_TABLE, $data);
		$this->smarty->assign("msg", "<BR>Category created...");
	elseif($action == "new")
		$this->smarty->assign("msg", "<BR>Category name allready exists...");

//display categories for category add form
public function displayAddCategory($selected)
	$rows = $this->db->fetch_array("SELECT catID, catSubID, catTitle FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " ORDER BY catTitle");

	$selects[0] = "None"; 
	//loop through records
	foreach($rows as $rec)
		$selects[$rec['catID']] = $rec['catTitle']; 

	//set template var
	$this->smarty->assign("selects", $selects); 
	$this->smarty->assign("selected", $selected); 

//display all categories with some stats
public function displayCategoryListings()
	$Data = array();
	$rows = $this->db->fetch_array("SELECT * FROM " . CAT_TABLE . " ORDER BY catTitle");

	//loop through records
	foreach($rows as $rec)
		//set data for category in template
		$Data[] = array('name' => $rec['catTitle'], 'login_req' => $rec['catReqLogin'], 'id' => $rec['catID'], 'downloads' => $row['ammount'], 'views' => $rec['catViews'], 'description' => $rec['catDesc']);

	//assign template vars
	$this->smarty->assign("looper", $Data); 
	$this->smarty->assign("list", 'y'); 

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