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Converting Car mod v1 to v2


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Looking for some help if possible please i have attempted to convert the following car mob v1 to v2

But as always just have problems i can't figure out how to resolve.

First problem is with tune.php

Fatal error: Call to undefined function power() in /home/swisou/public_html/tune.php on line 9


include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Tuning Shop</h3><hr />
> <a href='garage.php'>Back To Garage</a><hr />";
if(!$_GET['id']) { die("Invalid Usage"); }
$q=$db->query("SELECT cp.*,ct.* FROM cars_playercars cp LEFT JOIN cars_types ct ON ct.carID=cp.cpcCAR WHERE cp.cpcID={$_GET['id']} AND cp.cpcPLAYER=$userid", $c);
if($db->num_rows($q) == 0) { die("Invalid Car"); }
if($_GET['buy'] != "acc" && $_GET['buy'] != "han" && $_GET['buy'] != "spd" && $_GET['buy'] != "shd") { die("Abusers suck."); }
if($ir['money'] < $upgr_cost) { die("You don't have enough money to tune this stat."); }
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money-{$upgr_cost} WHERE userid=$userid", $c);
$db->query("UPDATE cars_playercars SET $stat=$stat+1 WHERE cpcID={$_GET['id']}", $c);
print "Car tuned!<br />
> <a href='tune.php?id={$_GET['id']}'>Tune some more</a>";
foreach($cost as $k => $v)
print "Current Stats for your {$r['carNAME']}<br />
<table width='90%'><tr> <th>Stat</th> <th>Amount</th> <th>Cost To Tune</th> <th>Tune</th></tr>
<tr> <td>Acceleration</td> <td>Lv{$r['cpcACCLV']} ($acc)</td> <td>{$costf['acc']}</td> <td><a href='tune.php?id={$_GET['id']}&buy=acc'>Tune</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Speed</td> <td>Lv{$r['cpcSPDLV']} ($spd)</td> <td>{$costf['spd']}</td> <td><a href='tune.php?id={$_GET['id']}&buy=spd'>Tune</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td>Handling</td> <td>Lv{$r['cpcHANLV']} ($han)</td> <td>{$costf['han']}</td> <td><a href='tune.php?id={$_GET['id']}&buy=han'>Tune</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td>Shield</td> <td>Lv{$r['cpcSHDLV']} ($shd)</td>  <td>{$costf['shd']}</td> <td><a href='tune.php?id={$_GET['id']}&buy=shd'>Tune</a></td></tr>


The second problem is with carmarket.php

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /home/swisou/public_html/carmarket.php on line 25


include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Car Market</h3><hr />";
case "buy":

case "remove":

function cmarket_index()
global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "
Viewing all listings...
<table width=100% border=6> <tr style='background:#cc9966'> <th>Seller</th> <th>Car</th> <th>Acceleration Level</th> <th>Handling Level</th> <th>Speed Level</th> <th>Shield Level</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Links</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT cm.*, u.*,ct.* FROM carmarket cm LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid=cm.cmADDER LEFT JOIN cars_types ct ON ct.carID=cm.cmCAR ORDER BY cmPRICE ASC",$c);
if($r['cmADDER'] == $userid) { $link = "<a href='carmarket.php?action=remove&ID={$r['cmID']}'>Remove</a>"; } else { $link = "<a href='carmarket.php?action=buy&ID={$r['cmID']}'>Buy</a>"; }
print "\n<tr> <td><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}'>{$r['username']}</a> [{$r['userid']}]</td> <td>{$r['carNAME']}</td> <td>{$r['cmACC']}</td> <td>{$r['cmHAN']}</td> <td>{$r['cmSPD']}</td> <td>{$r['cmSHD']} <td>\$".number_format($r['cmPRICE'])."</td> <td>[$link]</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function crystal_remove()
global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT cm.*,c.* FROM carmarket cm LEFT JOIN cars_types c ON cm.cmCAR=c.carID WHERE cmID={$_GET['ID']} AND cmADDER=$userid",$c);
print "Error, either this car does not exist, or you are not the owner.<br />
<a href='carmarket.php'>> Back</a>";

$db->query("INSERT INTO cars_playercars VALUES('', $userid, {$r['cmCAR']}, {$r['cmACC']}, {$r['cmHAN']}, {$r['cmSPD']}, {$r['cmSHD']})", $c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO imremovelogs VALUES ('', {$r['cmCAR']}, {$r['cmADDER']}, $userid, {$r['cmID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} removed a {$r['carNAME']} from the car market belonging to ID {$r['cmADDER']}.')", $c);
$db->query("DELETE FROM carmarket WHERE cmID={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
print "Car removed from market!<br />
<a href='carmarket.php'>> Back</a>";
function crystal_buy()
global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT cm.*,ct.* FROM carmarket cm LEFT JOIN cars_types ct ON ct.carID=cm.cmCAR WHERE cmID={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
print "Error, either this car does not exist, or it has already been bought.<br />
<a href='carmarket.php'>> Back</a>";
if($r['cmPRICE'] > $ir['money'])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this car.<br />
<a href='carmarket.php'>> Back</a>";
$db->query("INSERT INTO cars_playercars VALUES('', $userid, {$r['cmCAR']}, {$r['cmACC']}, {$r['cmHAN']}, {$r['cmSPD']}, {$r['cmSHD']})", $c);
$db->query("DELETE FROM carmarket WHERE cmID={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money-{$r['cmPRICE']},cars_owned=cars_owned+1 where userid=$userid",$c);
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+{$r['cmPRICE']} where userid={$r['cmADDER']}",$c);
event_add($r['cmADDER'],"<a href='viewuser.php?u=$userid'>{$ir['username']}</a> bought your {$r['carNAME']} from the market for \$".number_format($r['cmPRICE']).".",$c,'trading');
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['cmCAR']}, {$r['cmADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['cmPRICE']}, {$r['cmID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['carNAME']} from the car market for \${$r['cmPRICE']} from user ID {$r['cmADDER']}')", $c);
print "You bought the {$r['carNAME']} from the market for \$".number_format($r['cmPRICE']).".";



Any help we be great.

Thank You

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