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Are people actually buying mods?


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I'am looking for a mod :) i would like a popup chatbox ,maybe a toolbar with the popup chat built in, somthing like facebook with buttons to links in my game and a css where i can change the colours

somthing like this http://www.wibiya.com

I would aso like a travel mod somthing like the 1 here http://www.gang-land-killers.com/ as you can see when in travel in shows a map

Edited by boots
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There is a market for it.. but it's very hard to get into due to the amount of scammers and people who just steal others work. If you plan to make some decent money you'd need a very unique idea executed very well.

Not really. I've made my share of money from MCCode mods, although it is nothing compared to actual web development work, it's still something.

For young programmers it's an excellent way to gain experience in the "i give this, you do that" market which is web development.

Just don't expect to make a lot.

There are huge gaps in this MCCodes market, the biggest being security. But I wouldn't advise anyone to go into it, unless you are very experienced and want to waste your time on the simpler things in life.

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