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Help Tutorial


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Hi, i'm been working on enabling the Help Tutorial to be abled to update from the staff page without going into the server.

Well here is what i have so far


include "sglobals.php";

default: index(); break;

function index()
global $db,$h,$set;
print "<h3>Help Tutorial</h3>
<form action='helptut.php?action=helpupdate' method='post'>
<textarea rows=30 cols=90 name='helptext' class='input'>{$set['help']}</textarea><br />
<input type='submit' value='Update Help Tutorial' /></form>";
function helpupdate()
global $db,$h,$set;
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value='{$_POST['helptext']}' WHERE conf_name='help'");
print "Help Updated!<a href='helptut.php'>Back</a>";



The problem i am having is that it shows up the text within the box, but when you click update is doesnt update, is just goes back to the same page,

the link shows its gone to the right page but thats it.


If some could help me figure out whats wrong they can use this aswell,


Fields 'Help' to the Table 'Settings'

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duh lol, thanks djkanna, this works a charm now

Here is completed file for those who to wish to use this


include "sglobals.php";
//This contains general thingies
case 'helpupdate': helpupdate(); break;
default: index(); break;
function index()
global $db,$h,$set;
print "<h3>Help Tutorial</h3>
<form action='helptut.php?action=helpupdate' method='post'>
<textarea rows=30 cols=90 name='helptext' class='input'>{$set['help']}</textarea><br />
<input type='submit' value='Update Help Tutorial' /></form>";
function helpupdate()
global $db,$h,$set;
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value='{$_POST['helptext']}' WHERE conf_name='help'");
print "Help Updated!<a href='helptut.php'>Back</a>";

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