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Casino Blackjack System [$30]


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Login to your own site. The one you posted here.....Then when you see that you cannot do basic crossbrowser css as the left menu is off the screen so you cannot use it and the main window is too far over to the right.

Enter the url provided as posted by yourself here. Place a bet and tada mysql error. Try and repeat the process and tada mysql error no.2

Secure....well hard to tell as it does not work.

Judging by the errors the quality of the coding I would dispute so again not worth anything at all and you cannot compare on the basis that the one on sale for $25 is insecure as yours does not work!

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this first thread was posted on 07-03-2011 09:08 PM

and the second posts problem was with the free host i used for testing the codes had no probs

and as i told you in the last post mafia-valley was my first site when i was a newbie and 8 months are enough to learn php to make mods for an rpg game

you guys will come to know that i am a coder once i release my new game and my new buyable engine

Edited by prototype
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First thing first

The site you are working on is not your codes anyway.... all mods on there were not made by you.

Also this blackjack mod looks a hell of alot like http://mrwq.com/blackjack.php?act=deal with new images

Untill i see something made by you and not just from game backups

Try and scam players from MWG ill always be here to stop you just a heads up.

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