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Ravans Script bites again


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As most of you know I got caught out with buying ravens script which once I found out that it was the MCCODES engine I went ahead and purchased the $100 licence.

Well I have now run into another problem as the ravens site has been supsended the staff.php calls for a licence check using the ravens site, but because his site is now supended the licence check can not be made so the admin panel can not be accessed anymore. It is also encrypted using code base 64

Does anybody know if this can be fixed or is there a work around for this or if I upload the original MCCODES staff.php and over wright the one which comes with raven script will this give us access back into the admin panel.



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Base64 encoding? lol.

Just dump all that code in a base64 decoder, then boom. I thought you meant it was like IonCubed or something.

Hi we have allready tried to decode it online but it just returns a load of letters similar to the actual code itself so unless we have done it wrong I really dont know

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Hi Dave long time no talk, hope you are well

Can you suggest some where to get this done ?

Also about the new donations mod which you released how do I go about getting that as well. I know you said something about paying $1 or something for the new version as I purchsed the first version from you

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Not bad thanks.

Depends how it's encoded? Is it base 64/ioncube/zend...

Shoot me a PM with the transaction ID.


Ok will send you an email with the transaction ID thanks

How do you tell if it is base 64/ioncube/zend.

It starts with this at the top and all the rest is encrypted

"<?php $codelock_decrypter["filename"] = __FILE__; eval(base64_decode"

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Ok will send you an email with the transaction ID thanks

How do you tell if it is base 64/ioncube/zend.

It starts with this at the top and all the rest is encrypted

"<?php $codelock_decrypter["filename"] = __FILE__; eval(base64_decode"

Some form of retarded base64 encoding then... Probably easy to decode.

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Okay I only got so far, I think the rest is located in the 'file' that should be on Ravan's server.

However staff.php is just for announcements and settings (in MCCodes) so just grab that file.

Ravan's staff.php file (version 1.2)


The bag of crap that came after decoding parts of it, it's not formated (I got so far and couldn't be bothered/ may also have messed up a part of it.).


(notice at the end we're grabbing the next part from their server (the information stored within eval($codelock_decrypter["locker"]->output()); ).

Edited by Djkanna
Changed message as unsure.
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Holy god there is a lot of base64 encodings over and over. I messed up a copy n paste without saving, and now off to classes.

One part after the first base64 decode is actually base64->gz->raw_data

OH ok lol, so its not good looking good then maybe I should just upload the original staff.php from the MCCODES script

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You'll only get part of the file decoded, as the other part is located (or was) on Ravan's server.

However staff.php is just for announcements and settings (in MCCodes) so just grab that file.


Ravan's staff.php file (version 1.2)


The bag of crap that came after decoding parts of it, it's not formated (I got so far and couldn't be bothered/ may also have messed up a part of it.).


(notice at the end we're grabbing the next part from their server (the information stored within eval($codelock_decrypter["locker"]->output()); ).

Thanks so I would be better off just replacing it with the MCCODES staff.php

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