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Danger Boy looking for a coder


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This Thread was locked and I didn't get a chance to explain my self so I thought i'd start a new thread.

http://makewebgames.io/showthread.php/40585-Looking-for-a-coder was his original post.

Just to clear things up I have been talking to danger boy for almost 3 years and did not imply that he had attempted to scam me or anyone else. To my Knowledge he's always been honest and no one has ever had a problem with him. What I was trying to say is that what he was asking for seemed pretty simple, If he's offering me (back in the day) to do paid work, why don't he just do it him self.

All I was wondering is why would he offer me to do work on my site but all of a sudden ask for a coder to something easy fo him.

I have never attacked anyone or criticized anyone on these forums since I joined years go and I don't plan on starting now.

Just thought I'd put that out there..

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The mod I wanted was not simple. After talking to Djkhanna, he stated most pages of the actual game would need editing. I did not go into much detail about the tutorial mod as I would have told the chosen coder what I was fully looking for. Even if I was able to do the mod, I may not have the time to do it like stated in my previous post. When I asked you back in the day if you needed work done, I would have probably referred you to a coder that was available.

The previous topic has been locked, lets just forget about the whole thing. I knew I shouldn't have posted here. I know now I won't be opening any new topics any more.


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I am assuming, you are thinking a page by page tutorial and if that is correct, then no, you do NOT have to edit multiple pages.

You can use this and expand on it, if I am right:


Table: users

Row: tutorial_state

Field: enum

Values: On, Off

Default: On

In header.php wherever you want it to display

## Start Tutorial
if($ir['tutorial_state'] === 'On') {
 // If you want to add a page to this, just add it to the array like it is displayed below
 $tutorial_array = array
   'crimes' => 'This is the crime page tutorial...',
   'bank'   => 'This is the bank page tutorial...'
 // The following explode etc, is to account for people who use sub-directories for their game
 // This explodes all the PHP_SELF server variable and uses only the last
 $tutorial_explode = explode("/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
 $tutorial_count   = count($tutorial_explode);
 // This strips the / and .php from the server PHP_SELF, which is something like: /bank.php
 $page = str_replace(array("/", ".php"), "", $tutorial_explode[$tutorial_count - 1]);
 // Checks the tutorial has the page inside
 if(isset($tutorial_array[$page])) {
   // Style the div, just did a quick one for a placeholder
   echo '<div style="background: white; color: black; border: solid 1px black; width: 65%; height: 50px; text-align: left;">';
   echo '<b>Tutorial for ' . htmlspecialchars($page) . '.php</b><br />';
   echo htmlspecialchars($tutorial_array[$page]);
   echo '</div>';
## End Tutorial

Then a preference function to toggle tutorial_state

Yes that's certainly a way to do it, I chose not to do it this way and go for the editing certain files, to make the code a little easier, as we had to have certain goals for certain steps to move on to the next step, in which your idea (which is an idea I did think about) just really would be bloated and probably a little a tricky when adding new conditions.

I suppose you could grab the query string, then see if they say for example do a certain crime (but checking if they successfully did this crime and not failed would be a little tricky).

But then doing that for say 14+ steps, you can see it's really going to get quite big for such a simple thing, so I decided to go for the edit certain pages way.

(to clarify he wants something like I did a while ago, that's the only reason why I said he would need to edit the majority of his files, or at least the ones he wants specific conditions for.)


Edited by Djkanna
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I made a system like this ages ago for one of my games. It allowed you to specify which page to show it on and various database requirements till the user would move to the next "step". Was a god awfully confusing system and didn't really work cause it was all running from the globals.

So Djkanna is right you would need to edit all the files you want in the system to make the tutorial interactive as such.

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If I may ask, at what point in this thread did anyone question your skill level, or what you could and could not do.

We are sharing our experiences, and both myself and Dave have come to the conclution that due to the possible specific nature of each tutorial step it would be much easier to maintain and customise,

if the logic behind the system wasn't all located in a global file, but rather split between files that are needed.

Now if you feel you can put it all in a global file and still retain the maintainability, customisablity and still support the specifics with each step, then more power to you.

If not then fair enough, I couldn't think up of an effecient way to do it like that, so I didn't, doesn't me we don't understand that there's other ways to go about things,

just means based upon our experiences our opinion is that we feel doing the mentioned way made more sense.

No this opinion doesn't mean we were right, it means it was the better choice for us and what we had to work with at that time.

Edited by Djkanna
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Points noted, but to be fair, you said it yourself - maintainable.

A single page is always more maintainable than multiple, right?

That's a valid point, I guess it's a two way street, more often than not, yes. However I do believe there is cases where it is not.

I guess an example(albeit probably not a good one) the majority can relate to here, is using some form of the MVC pattern, opposed to having your logic mixed in with your markup.

Edited by Djkanna
I cannot spell...
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