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How to add an item to everyones inventory?


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I think that only adds to one person inventory doesn't it?

I would liek to add an items to everyone's. What would the mysl query for that be?

With Mccodes V2 there is a mass give items. You should be able to give to everyone.. It should look something like this


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Open up staff_items.php





case 'massitemgive': mass_give_item(); break;
case 'massitemgivesub': mass_give_item_sub(); break;


At the bottom of the page before






function mass_give_item()
global $db,$ir,$c;
print "<h3>Giving Item To All Users</h3>
<form action='staff_items.php?action=massitemgivesub' method='post'>
Item: ".item_dropdown($c,'item')."<br />
Quantity: <input type='text' name='qty' value='1' /><br />
<input type='submit' value='Mass Send' /></form>";
function mass_give_item_sub()
global $db,$ir,$c;
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE fedjail=0",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory
VALUES('',{$_POST['item']},{$r['userid']},{$_POST['qty']})",$c) or
event_add($r['userid'],"All users were given an item $itemname, Click <a href='inventory.php'>Here</a> to check.",$c);
print "Item Sent To {$r['username']}</br>";
print "<br /><font color=blue>Mass item sending complete!</br></font>";
stafflog_add("Gave {$_POST['qty']} of item ID {$_POST['item']} to all users");

You'll have to add the link if its not there already but that should do it.

Edited by chicka
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Add laston in your select query, then do something like this:


$week = time() - (60*60*24*7);
if($r['laston'] < $week)
the code for giving items and such goes here


Something like that, there may be a better way to do it but that should work fine.

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Add laston in your select query, then do something like this:


$week = time() - (60*60*24*7);
if($r['laston'] < $week)
the code for giving items and such goes here


Something like that, there may be a better way to do it but that should work fine.

Indeed just put it in the actual query your check for players that have been on in the last 7 days. No need for the if...

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Indeed just put it in the actual query your check for players that have been on in the last 7 days. No need for the if...

Ah ok, so just something like this? I think I got it backwards lol:


$week = time() - (60*60*24*7);
if($r['laston'] > $week)
query here


Sorry I'm noob and hwo do I just put it in the query?


function mass_give_item_sub()
global $db,$ir,$c;
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE fedjail=0",$c);
$week = time() - (60*60*24*7);
if($r['laston'] > $week)
$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory
VALUES('',{$_POST['item']},{$r['userid']},{$_POST['qty']})",$c) or
event_add($r['userid'],"All users were given an item $itemname, Click <a href='inventory.php'>Here</a> to check.",$c);
print "Item Sent To {$r['username']}</br>";
print "<font color=blue>Mass item sending complete!</br></font>";
stafflog_add("Gave {$_POST['qty']} of item ID {$_POST['item']} to all users");


That should work.

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