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C# XNA help passing things to php?? :S


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I'm kind of a beginner to C#, I know the basics and little bit more and have been learning XNA. I have made a few small games which were very basic. I was just wondering if it is possible to pass information over from a game to say a mysql database? Is it even possible. As I wanted to be able to send scores etc over and retrieve them.



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Use the mysql dot net connector:


Or if you want to use Linq use something like:


I personally use LINQ exclusively since a year, much faster to develop, safer, and code lot more readable.

Now if you want at any costs to have your C# code "chatting" with a PHP code, I would suggest to make a web service via PHP and call it from C# as C# have a full integrated solution for SOAP. You may want to check:


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In addition to what a_bertrand has said above. Make sure you know what you want to do! From reading the posts title, I get the impression that you want to pass things from the c#/xna code to php. While you speak of connecting to a mysql database in your topic.. These are two different things which have different solutions.

Connecting to a mysql database is rather easy in .net, use the link a_bertrand provided.

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I'm with a_b on that one.

If you are hosting the database server at a remote location, the closest relatives to the database server should handle the communication to the database.


Assuming you are making a client with C# and the server with PHP, then the client could easily overlook what's being sent over the network.

If you need to have a database on the clientside, I'd suggest a simple Flatfile db, or even access. The client could just periodically send the altered version of the database over to the server. This would, of course, come at a cost: less strain on the server and more secure, but there would be delays on the server side.

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