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50/50 Chance


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I made or well attempted to make a different 50/50 Chance, but I can't seem to get it to work right.. It works, but when someone tries to match my bet it doesn't do anything.. And when I try to remove my bet, nothing.. Can someone fix it for me, lol


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Lawls, I guess not.. I'll just figure it out on my own, thanks for nothing :|

I am sorry but you can't expect everyone to jump and help out, especially on a dying forum as this one. Secondly, there are way too many issues in your script to just point it out. Hint, secure you $_GET as right people can insert sql injections if they wanted to

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  • 7 months later...

It's been a while since I coded anything but i'd say:

Don't suppress Errors like here: $betAmount = abs(@intval($_POST['betAmount']));

And the $_GET['something']

unless you have done something like this in classes, is a major security problem.

$_GET['something'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['something']);

You should of just made a points mod (C&P) the money and changed the $_POST['money'] and changed it to points.

Then added a table and stuck em both together?


This code (from what i've read) isn't as random as it could be. You are giving the poster the value of 0 and the taker the value of 1.

You should randomize the value you give each player as much as possible.

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