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My hitlist doesnt do anything


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I'm trying to create a hitlist, but when I'm adding a hit I can add anyone to the hitlist, even if they dont exist.. Plus there's a few small bugs I can't figure out like when I try to change the userid into the username. I can't see anything wrong in the script but recently I've been missing lots of small stuff. Could anyone help me fix it? Also if I'm using any bad practices, could you tell me so I can use the better way. Thanks


include "globals.php";

switch($_GET['action']) {
case "addhit": addhit(); break;
default: index(); break;

function index() {
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "
<a href='hitlist.php?action=addhit'><h3>Add a Hit!</h3></a><br>
Hits that are up:<br>
<table width='100%' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' class='table' border='1'>
$SELECT = ("
SELECT hl.*, u.userid, u.username, u.level
FROM hitlist AS hl
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON (u.userid = hl.hitADDED)
ORDER BY userid ASC"

$q = $db->query($SELECT);
	print "



function addhit() 
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_POST['user'] = abs(@intval($_POST['user']));
	$sel = $db->query("SELECT username, level, userid FROM users WHERE userid = {$_POST['user']}");
	$row = $db->fetch_row($sel);
	$cost = "{$row['level']} * 50000";
		if($cost > $ir['money']) 
			die("You do not have enough money to place a hit on {$_POST['user']}");	
		else if(!$_POST['user'])
			die("No user exists with this ID!");
	$db->query("INSERT INTO hitlist VALUES ('','{$ir['userid']}','{$_POST['user']}','$cost')");
	$db->query("ALTER TABLE users SET money = money - $cost WHERE userid = {$ir['userid']}");
	print "{$_POST['user']} added to the hitlist!<br>
	<a href='hitlist.php'>> Back</a>";


		echo "
		Adding a hit:<br><br><br>
		<form action='hitlist.php?action=addhit' method='post'>
			<table width=50% border=2>
					<td>User ID:</td>
					<td><input type='text' name='user' /></td>
					<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Add to hitlist!'></td>

Edited by gurpreet
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I've added a few more stuff to this script, but I have a few problems:

Sometimes it says No user exists with this ID! even though the user is there?

I can't seem to add an else if to check if they are in hospital or jail, I just get a blank page.


include "globals.php";

switch($_GET['action']) {
case "addhit": addhit(); break;
default: index(); break;

function index() {
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "
<a href='hitlist.php?action=addhit'><h3>Add a Hit!</h3></a><br>
Hits that are up:<br>
<table width='80%%' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' class='table' border='1'>
$SELECT = mysql_query("
SELECT hl.*, u.userid, u.username, u.level
FROM hitlist AS hl
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON (u.userid = hl.hitADDED)
ORDER BY userid ASC"

	print "
	<td>".finduser($bounty['userid'])." [{$bounty['userid']}]</td>
	<td><a href='attack.php?ID={$bounty['userid']}'>Attack</a></td>

echo "</table>";

function addhit() 
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_POST['user'] = abs(@intval($_POST['user']));
	$sel = mysql_query("SELECT hl.*, u.username, u.level, u.userid FROM hitlist AS hl LEFT JOIN users AS u ON ({$_POST['user']} = hl.hitADDED) WHERE userid = {$_POST['user']}");
	$row = $db->fetch_row($sel);
	$costrand = mt_rand(50000,70000);
	$cost = ($row['level'] * $costrand);

		if($_POST['user'] == $ir['userid'])
			die("Why are you trying to place a hit on yourself?");
		else if($cost > $ir['money']) 
			die("You do not have enough money to place a hit on {$row['username']}");	
		else if($db->num_rows($sel)==0)
			die("No user exists with this ID!");
		else if($_POST['user'] == $row['hitADDED'])
			die("{$row['username']} is already on the hitlist!");

	$db->query("INSERT INTO hitlist VALUES ('','{$ir['userid']}','{$_POST['user']}','$costrand')");
	$db->query("UPDATE users SET money = money - $cost WHERE userid = {$ir['userid']}");
	event_add($_POST['user'], "You were placed on the hitlist by ".finduser($ir['userid'])."!");
	print "{$row['username']} added to the hitlist! The bounty is \$".number_format($cost)." and has been taken by the hitmen contractors.<br>
	<a href='hitlist.php'>> Back</a>";


		echo "
		Adding a hit:<br><br><br>
		<form action='hitlist.php?action=addhit' method='post'>
			<table width=50% border=2>
					<td>User ID:</td>
					<td><input type='text' name='user' /></td>
					<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Add to hitlist!'></td>



Can anyone see anything wrong with this? The problems are all in the addhit() function

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Bump. Can anyone help? 2 problems here:

1) Sometimes it says "No user exists with this ID!" even though the user exists

2) I can't seem to add an else if to check if they are in hospital or jail, I just get a blank page. I've tried many different things, but none seem to work. My hitlist table has the following: hitID, hitADDER, hitADDED, hitBOUNTY.

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What do you mean? I can't because I have to add the checks in the addhit function? This is how I've done it, and I've commented the erroneous parts


include "globals.php";

switch($_GET['action']) {
case "addhit": addhit(); break;
default: index(); break;

function index() {
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "
<a href='hitlist.php?action=addhit'><h3>Add a Hit!</h3></a><br>
Hits that are up:<br>
<table width='80%%' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' class='table' border='1'>
$SELECT = mysql_query("
SELECT hl.*, u.userid, u.username, u.level
FROM hitlist AS hl
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON (u.userid = hl.hitADDED)
ORDER BY userid ASC"

	print "
	<td>".finduser($bounty['userid'])." [{$bounty['userid']}]</td>
	<td><a href='attack.php?ID={$bounty['userid']}'>Attack</a></td>

echo "</table>";

function addhit() 
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_POST['user'] = abs(@intval($_POST['user']));
	$sel = mysql_query("SELECT hl.*, u.username, u.level, u.hospital, u.jail, u.userid FROM hitlist AS hl LEFT JOIN users AS u ON ({$_POST['user']} = hl.hitADDED) WHERE userid = {$_POST['user']}");
	$row = $db->fetch_row($sel);
	$costrand = mt_rand(50000,70000);
	$cost = ($row['level'] * $costrand);

		if($_POST['user'] == $ir['userid'])
			die("Why are you trying to place a hit on yourself?");
		else if($cost > $ir['money']) 
			die("You do not have enough money to place a hit on {$row['username']}");	

		//This else if below is a bit messed up too. It outputs the die message when a user exists
		else if($db->num_rows($sel)==0)
			die("No user exists with this ID!");
		else if($_POST['user'] == $row['hitADDED'])
			die("{$row['username']} is already on the hitlist!");

		//The else if below this are the messed up ones
		else if($row['hospital'] > 0)
			die("This user is in the hospital and therefore cannot be placed on the hitlist.");
		else if($row['jail'] > 0)
			die("This user is in jail so a hit cannot be placed on them.");

	$db->query("INSERT INTO hitlist VALUES ('','{$ir['userid']}','{$_POST['user']}','$costrand')");
	$db->query("UPDATE users SET money = money - $cost WHERE userid = {$ir['userid']}");
	event_add($_POST['user'], "You were placed on the hitlist by ".finduser($ir['userid'])."!");
	print "{$row['username']} added to the hitlist! The bounty is \$".number_format($cost)." and has been taken by the hitmen contractors.<br>
	<a href='hitlist.php'>> Back</a>";


		echo "
		Adding a hit:<br><br><br>
		<form action='hitlist.php?action=addhit' method='post'>
			<table width=50% border=2>
					<td>User ID:</td>
					<td><input type='text' name='user' /></td>
					<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Add to hitlist!'></td>

Edited by gurpreet
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Try this one... addhit() slightly changed only


include "globals.php";

switch($_GET['action']) {
   case "addhit": addhit(); break;
   default: index(); break;

function index() {
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
   print "
   <a href='hitlist.php?action=addhit'><h3>Add a Hit!</h3></a>
   Hits that are up:
   <table width='80%%' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' class='table' border='1'>
$SELECT = mysql_query("
SELECT hl.*, u.userid, u.username, u.level
FROM hitlist AS hl
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON (u.userid = hl.hitADDED)
ORDER BY userid ASC"

       print "
       <td>".finduser($bounty['userid'])." [{$bounty['userid']}]</td>
       <td><a href='attack.php?ID={$bounty['userid']}'>Attack</a></td>

echo "</table>";

function addhit() 
   global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
   $_POST['user'] = abs(@intval($_POST['user']));
           $sel = mysql_query("SELECT hl.*, u.username, u.level, u.hospital, u.jail, u.userid FROM hitlist AS hl LEFT JOIN users AS u ON ({$_POST['user']} = hl.hitADDED) WHERE userid = {$_POST['user']}");
           $row = $db->fetch_row($sel);
           $costrand = mt_rand(50000,70000);
           $cost = ($row['level'] * $costrand);
           if($_POST['user'] == $ir['userid'])
               die("Why are you trying to place a hit on yourself?");
           if($cost > $ir['money']) 
               die("You do not have enough money to place a hit on {$row['username']}"); 
       //This else if below is a bit messed up too. It outputs the die message when a user exists
               die("No user exists with this ID!");
           if($_POST['user'] == $row['hitADDED'])
               die("{$row['username']} is already on the hitlist!");
           //The else if below this are the messed up ones
           if($row['hospital'] > 0)
               die("This user is in the hospital and therefore cannot be placed on the hitlist.");
           if($row['jail'] > 0)
               die("This user is in jail so a hit cannot be placed on them.");
               $db->query("INSERT INTO hitlist VALUES ('','{$ir['userid']}','{$_POST['user']}','$costrand')");
               $db->query("UPDATE users SET money = money - $cost WHERE userid = {$ir['userid']}");
               event_add($_POST['user'], "You were placed on the hitlist by ".finduser($ir['userid'])."!");
               print "{$row['username']} added to the hitlist! The bounty is \$".number_format($cost)." and has been taken by the hitmen contractors.
               <a href='hitlist.php'>> Back</a>";
           echo "
           Adding a hit:
           <form action='hitlist.php?action=addhit' method='post'>
               <table width=50% border=2>
                       <td>User ID:</td>
                       <td><input type='text' name='user' /></td>
                       <td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Add to hitlist!'></td>
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Oh ok, one last thing I can't get working is the attack bit. I'm using this but nothing comes up when I attack a person on the hitlist:


$bounties = mysql_query("SELECT hl.*,u.userid,u.username FROM `hitlist` hl LEFT JOIN `users` u ON (u.userid = hl.hitADDED) WHERE u.userid={$r['userid']}", $c);
while($bounty = mysql_fetch_object($bounties)) {
	if($bounty->hitADDED == $r['userid']) {
		echo "You have successfully killed {$r['username']}! Because they were on the hitlist, you have earned \${$bounty->hitBOUNTY}.";


I've put that in all of my attack pages but it doesn't come up.

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