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time jail and hospital


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suite jail time and hospital

changed time in prison and hospital in the script for "street research"

my players are from 20 minutes to 3 hours in jail or hospital!

it's much too!

or set it exactly!

sorry I am French and my English is very bad!

thank you

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suite streets

Here is the page "streets" thank you to tell me or make corrections?



$noturns = "Désolé, il fait trop noir pour vous aujourd'hui. Revenez demain";

include(DIRNAME(__FILE__) . '/globals.php');

if($ir['turns'] <= 0) {

echo $noturns;




if($ir['jail'] or $ir['hospital']) { print "Cette page ne peut être consulté en prison ou à l'hôpital.";




$_GET['act'] = isset($_GET['act']) && is_string($_GET['act']) ? trim($_GET['act']) : "";

switch($_GET['act']) {

case 'search': search_streets(); break;

default: index(); break;


function index() {

global $db, $ir, $userid, $h, $db;

$cityname = $db->fetch_single($db->query("SELECT cityname FROM cities WHERE cityid = ".$ir['location']));

$Type = mt_rand(1, 8);

echo "<h2 style='text-align:center;'>".$cityname." Rues</center></h2><br>";

echo "

<style type='text/css'>

.style1 {

text-align: center;



<div class='style1'>

bienvenue dans les rues {$ir['username']}. Vous avez actuellement <b>{$ir['turns']} tours</b> à faire aujourd'hui!<br><br>

Cliquez sur une case pour commencer à chercher ! <br><br>



echo " <center> <img src='images/streets.jpg' border='0' usemap='#Map'></center>

<map name='Map'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,2,66,66' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,2,134,66' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='138,2,202,66' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,2,270,66' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,2,338,66' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,2,407,66' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,70,66,133' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,70,136,133' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='137,70,202,133' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,70,270,133' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,70,338,133' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,70,407,133' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,138,405,202' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,138,406,202' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='137,138,338,202' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,138,271,202' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,138,338,202'href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,138,407,202' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,206,66,270' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,206,136,270' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='137,206,202,270' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,206,270,270' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,206,338,270' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,206,407,270' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,273,66,337' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,273,136,337' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='137,273,202,337' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,273,270,337' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,273,338,337' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,273,407,337' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,341,66,405' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,341,136,405' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='137,341,202,405' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,341,270,405' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,341,338,405' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,341,407,405' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='2,410,66,473' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='69,410,136,473' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='137,410,202,473' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='205,410,270,473' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='274,410,338,473' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>

<area shape='rect' coords='340,410,407,473' href='?act=search&search=".$Type."'>




function search_streets() {

global $db, $ir, $userid, $h;


# Start Config #


$cityname = $db->fetch_single($db->query("SELECT cityname FROM cities WHERE cityid = ".$ir['location']));

$nonrecorded = "What you doing here?<br /><a href='index.php'>Revenir</a>";

$rand = mt_rand(0,2);

$randhard = mt_rand(0,3);

$randmoney = mt_rand(1,100);

$randcrystals = mt_rand(1,8);

$itemidsearch2 = 5; //Item id for search 2

$quantitysearch2 = 1; //Item quantity for search 2

$itemidsearch4 = 10; //Item id for search 4

$quantitysearch4 = 1; //Item quantity for search 4

$itemidsearch5 = 3; //Item id for search 5

$quantitysearch5 = 1; //Item quantity for search 5

$itemidsearch7 = 8; //Item id for search 7

$quantitysearch7 = 1; //Item quantity for search 7

$itemidsearch8 = 5; //Item id for search 8

$quantitysearch8 = 1; //Item quantity for search 8


# End Config #


$_GET['search'] = abs(@intval($_GET['search']));

if(!$_GET['search']) {

echo $nonrecorded;




$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `turns`=`turns`-1 WHERE `userid`=$userid");

if($_GET['search'] == 1) {

if($rand == 1) {

$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`+".$randmoney." WHERE `userid`=$userid");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Succès</span><br />vous avez trouvé ".money_formatter($randmoney)." après avoir cherché dans une case au hasard";

} else {

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Pas de chance!</span><br />Vous recherchez dans ".$cityname." Vous n'avez rien rencontré d'utile<br />";


} else if($_GET['search'] == 2) {

if($rand == 1) {

$db->query("INSERT INTO `inventory` VALUES('',$itemidsearch2,$userid,$quantitysearch2)");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Succès</span><br />Vous cherchez dans ".$cityname." vous avez trouvé un objet mystérieux. Allez à votre inventaire pour savoir ce que c'est";

} else {

$Time = mt_rand(2,30);

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Unlucky!</span><br />En recherchant dans".$cityname." un officier de police vous arrête.";

$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = %u, `jail_reason` = 'Arrêter pour avoir traîner %s' WHERE `userid` = %u", $Time, $cityname, $userid));


} else if($_GET['search'] == 3) {

if($rand == 1) {

$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`+".$randmoney." WHERE `userid`=$userid");

echo "<font color = 'green'><b>Succès</b></font><br />Vous trouvez ".money_formatter($randmoney)." après avoir volé un vieil homme au hasard";

} else {

$Time = mt_rand(2,300);

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Unlucky!</span><br />En cherchant dans ".$cityname." tu as reçu une balle.";

$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `hospital` = %u, `hospreason` = 'While searching %s they got shot' WHERE `userid` = %u", $Time, $cityname, $userid));


} else if($_GET['search'] == 4) {

if($randhard == 1) {

$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',$itemidsearch4,$userid,$quantitysearch4)");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Success</span><br />recherche dans ".$cityname." vous avez trouvé un objet mystérieux. Allez à votre inventaire pour savoir ce que c'est";

} else {

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Pas de chance!</span><br />En cherchant dans ".$cityname." vous n'avez rien trouvé!";


} else if($_GET['search'] == 5) {

$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',$itemidsearch5,$userid,$quantitysearch5)");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Success</span><br />Vous cherchez dans ".$cityname." vous avez trouvé un objet mystérieux. Allez à votre inventaire pour savoir ce que c'est";

} else if($_GET['search'] == 6) {

if($rand == 1) {

$db->query("UPDATE users SET `crystals`=`crystals`+".$randcrystals." WHERE userid=$userid");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Success</span><br />Recherche dans".$cityname." Vous êtes tombé dans un trou et avez trouvé la mine de cristal, vous avez pris ".number_format($randcrystals);

} else {

$Time = mt_rand(2,30);

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Unlucky!</span><br />En cherchant dans ".$cityname." un officier de police vous arrête.";

$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = %u, `jail_reason` = 'Arrêter pour traîner dans les rues %s' WHERE `userid` = %u", $Time, $cityname, $userid));


} else if($_GET['search'] == 7) {

if($rand == 1) {

$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',$itemidsearch7,$userid,$quantitysearch7)");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Success</span><br />Recherche dans ".$cityname." vous avez trouvé un objet mystérieux. Allez à votre inventaire pour savoir ce que c'est";

} else {

$Time = mt_rand(2,30);

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Unlucky!</span><br />En cherchant dans ".$cityname." un officier de police vous arrête.";

$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = %u, `jail_reason` = 'Arrêter pour vagabondage %s' WHERE `userid` = %u", $Time, $cityname, $userid));


} else if($_GET['search'] == 8) {

if($randhard == 1) {

$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',$itemidsearch8,$userid,$quantitysearch8)");

echo "<span style='color:green;font-weight:700;'>Succès</span><br />En cherchant dans ".$cityname." vous avez trouvé un objet mystérieux. Allez à votre inventaire pour savoir ce que c'est";

} else {

$Time = mt_rand(2,30);

echo "<span style='color:red;font-weight:700;'>Pas de chance!</span><br />En cherchant dans ".$cityname." un officier de police vous arrête.";

$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = %u, `jail_reason` = 'Arrêter pour vagabondage %s' WHERE `userid` = %u", $Time, $cityname, $userid));






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