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Notepad++ issue


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is anyone who is using Notepad++ having an issue where by you save a file send to FTP and you get a unexpected T_Include one line 1

Then when you paste to normal notepad the whole script is on line one instead of being spaced out ??





-- Mono Country v1.0 BETA

-- A product of DBS-entertainment

-- Copyright held 2005 by Dabomstew

-- INDEX.php


-- Armory Script PLUS v1.0

-- A product of Flash Fire Gaming

-- Copyright held 2006 by Cronus

include "globals.php";


die("You are in the hospital for {$ir[hospital]} minutes.");


die("You are in jail for {$ir[jail]} minutes.");

$_GET['ID']= abs((int) $_GET['ID']);

$_POST['qty']= abs((int) $_POST['qty']);

if(!$_GET['ID'] || !$_POST['qty'])


print "Invalid use of file";


else if($_POST['qty'] <= 0)


print "You have been added to the delete list for trying to cheat the game.";




$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid={$_GET['ID']}",$c);

if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0)


print "Invalid item ID";





if($ir['money'] < $itemd['itmbuyprice']*$_POST['qty'])


print "You don't have enough money to buy this item!";




if($itemd['itmbuyable'] == 0)


print "This item can't be bought!";





mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',{$_GET['ID']},$userid,{$_POST['qty']},0);",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money-$price WHERE userid=$userid",$c);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO itembuylogs VALUES ('', $userid, {$_GET['ID']}, $price, {$_POST['qty']}, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought {$_POST['qty']} {$itemd['itmname']}(s) for {$price}')", $c);

print "You bought {$_POST['qty']} {$itemd['itmname']}(s) for \$$price";






Infact that seemed to work fine when posting on here so i'll try do a screen shot

Edited by illusions
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It only seems to do it when a php file has multiple line spacing ive never had problems with Notepad++ and used it for a long time but the file worked fine before i edited it UNLESS it was sent from the FTP to my comp in that state... so might be a transfer problem....

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I have noticed that the only way that I can get any mods from here into Notepad++ (lately) is to first put it into Word as an html file, then copy it from there into Notepad++. For some reason Notepad++ takes the mod and just writes it as one continual line without line breaks. It does not seem to recognize the formatting of the mods anymore.

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It's to do with character encoding, and from what seems like a flaw in the copy-to-clipboard method they use.

Notepad is keen on using *nix line endings, and formatting them. I've been using Notepad++ for almost a month now, and my main reason for it is to replace original notepad for compatibility with those "\n" line endings.

a_bertrand, being a desktop developer should be able to give a more detailed explanation for this.

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