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bmw11 and xenomorph

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Xenomorph recently made a topic to try and sell a template that looked like a past client of mine

Client - http://www.criminals-nightmare.com/login.php

It seems in the topic bmw11 agreed to given the template to xenomorph, which led me to believe that he is either part of it or not. A while back this template got ripped from my clients ftp and was passed through the web. Xenomorph then came on here and tried to sell it. I fair warn that no one should buy this template as it will get removed admediately from your site and could put you in harms way of being scammed.

I don't know much about these two accounts but I can only go off of what they were trying to do.


If anyone has this template on their site please notify me, so I can track down the person who is scamming others.

Edited by W3Theory || Peter
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http://www.year1920.com/images/cheat1.png - is another template he stole from a client of mine (http://www.w3theory.com/Clients/DS/index.html)

http://www.year1920.com/images/cheat2.png - is the template of crminals nightmare

Easily can see the tend of the title in cheat2 of Criminals Nightmar(3) with the banner trying to block it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are his work! I proved it to him from bw11 website he did not have his images secured or blocked from outsiders, and he even had material from one of Peters clients that stated criminals nightmar, not cool at all. They should be removed from his site but who's to say where else he has them, because his site is on free hosting, so it would not matter if he lost his account on there.

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Yes, the both try to pretend they have done a design that someone else has created and sell it off. The evidence is shown in the above links. Seeing them post on someone else design makes me wonder if they haven't stopped yet. These guys have no skills at all, besides taking images and placing crappy quality effects to it and pretending it is theirs. Be warn.

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