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Help with forum please


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i am have a forum script and i need some help as it is not showing the topics or creating the topics can some one help please these are my codes the first one is where the main part of the forum is


$fetch = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$username'"));

$re = makesafe($_GET['re']);

$forum = makesafe($_GET['forum']);
if(!$_GET['forum']){ $forum = $fetch->forum; }

if($re){ $target = "right"; }else{ $target = "_self"; }

$view = makesafe($_GET['view']);
$crew = $fetch->crew;
$change = makesafe($_GET['change']);
$id = makesafe($_GET['id']);
$crew = $fetch->crew;

$give = makesafe($_GET['give']);
if($fetch->userlevel == "0"){
echo"You cant give respect, your not staff!"; }
elseif($fetch->userlevel == "4" || $fetch->userlevel == "1"){
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET respect=respect+50 WHERE username='$give'");
echo "
$take = $_GET['take'];
if($fetch->userlevel == "0"){
echo"You cant take respect, your not staff!"; }
elseif($fetch->userlevel == "4" || $fetch->userlevel == "1"){
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET respect=respect-50 WHERE username='$take'");
echo "
//This is the value that sets how long the user must wait after posting or creating a topic (In Minutes) - 0 for none.
define("POSTTIMER", 2.5);
$query_count    = "SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE forum='$forum'";    
$result_count   = mysql_query($query_count);    
$totalrows      = mysql_num_rows($result_count); 
$query="SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE forum='$forum' ORDER BY `lastreply` DESC LIMIT 68, $totalrows";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM topics WHERE id='$fo->id'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM replys WHERE idto='$fo->id'");

//If you have any other forums other than the ones below please add them... Case sensitive
if(!in_array($forum, array('NewsUpdatesNotices', 'Chat', 'PictureProfile', 'Ads', 'OCBJAds', 'HelpBugsSuggestions', 'crew'))){ die; } 
if($fetch->userlevel == "0"){
if(!$crew && $forum == 'crew'){ die("You Are Not In A Crew."); }

$fetchc=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM crews WHERE name='$crew' LIMIT 1"));
$forumm = 0;

if($forum == "crew"){
if(($fetchc->owner == $username) || ($fetchc->underboss == $username) || ($fetchc->lhm == $username) || ($fetchc->rhm == $username)){
$forumm = 1;

if($fetch->userlevel == "3" || $fetch->userlevel == "4" || $fetch->userlevel == "1"){ 
$forumm = 1;

if($forum == 'crew' && $crew)
$getTopics = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE `forum` = '$forum' AND `crew` = '$crew' ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `lastreply` DESC");
$getTopics = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE `forum` = '$forum' ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `lastreply` DESC");

$totalTopics = mysql_num_rows($getTopics);

$topics_per_page = 20;
$offset = (int)$_GET['fpage'] * $topics_per_page;
$pages = ceil($totalTopics / $topics_per_page);
for ($i=0;$i<$pages;$i++)
$n = $i+1;
if ($_GET['fpage'] == $i)
$page .= "<b>$n</b> ";
$page .= "<a href='forumn.php?forum=$forum&fpage=$i'>$n</a> ";

if($forum == 'crew' && $crew)
$getTopics = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE `forum` = '$forum' AND `crew` = '$crew' ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `lastreply` DESC LIMIT $offset, $topics_per_page");
$getTopics = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE `forum` = '$forum' ORDER BY `lastreply` DESC LIMIT $offset, $topics_per_page");

if($forumm == 1){
$topicListOptions = "<tr><td colspan='6' class='sortbottom' align='center'>With Selected: <select name='forumOptionsList' class='text'><option value='delete'>Delete</option><option value='impUnimp'>Important/Unimportant</option><option value='stickUnstick'>Stick/Unstick</option><option value='lockUnlock'>Lock/Unlock</option><option value='clearTopic'>Clear</option></select> <input type='submit' class='custombutton' name='forumOptionsSubmit' value='Go' class='text' /></td></tr>";

$createTitle = "<a href='forum2.php?forum=$forum&view=newTopic' target='$target' class=\"style5\"><font color='white'>New Topic</font></a> / <a href='newForum.php?forum=$forum&change=true' target='$target' class=\"style5\"><font color='white'>Set as Default.</font></a> / <a href='newForum.php?change=false' target='$target' class=\"style5\"><font color='white'>Categories</font></a>";
$createTitle = "<a href='forum2.php?forum=$forum&view=newTopic' target='$target' class=\"style4\"><font color='white'>New Topic</font></a> / <a href='newForum.php?forum=$forum&change=true' target='$target' class=\"style4\"><font color='white'>Set as Default.</font></a> / <a href='newForum.php?change=false' target='$target' class=\"style4\"><font color='white'>Categories</font></a>";
$createTitle2 = "";

if($forumm == 1 && $_POST['checkbox'] != '')
$option = makesafe($_POST['forumOptionsList']);
if($option == 'delete')
foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $id)
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '$id'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `replys` WHERE `idto` = '$id'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `topic_votes_new` WHERE `idto` = '$id'");
elseif($option == 'stickUnstick')
foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $id)
$fetchStickTopic = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `sticky` FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));
if($fetchStickTopic[sticky] == 1){ mysql_query("UPDATE `topics` SET `sticky` = '0' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); }
else{ mysql_query("UPDATE `topics` SET `sticky` = '1' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); }
elseif($option == 'impUnimp')
foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $id)
$fetchImpTopic = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `imp` FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));
if($fetchImpTopic[imp] == 1){ mysql_query("UPDATE `topics` SET `imp` = '0' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); }
else{ mysql_query("UPDATE `topics` SET `imp` = '1' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); }
elseif($option == 'lockUnlock')
foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $id)
$fetchLockTopic = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `locked` FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));
if($fetchLockTopic[locked] == 1){ mysql_query("UPDATE `topics` SET `locked` = '0' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); }
else{ mysql_query("UPDATE `topics` SET `locked` = '1' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); }
elseif($option == 'clearTopic')
foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $id)
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `replys` WHERE `idto` = '$id'");

?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
.style4 {	font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
}.style5 {	font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="example.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sortable.js"></script>

<body><form method="post" action="" name="dd" id="dd">

 <table  width="<?php if($re){ echo"99%"; }else{ echo"600"; }?>" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="thinline" id="anyid">
 <tr class="unsortable">
   <td colspan="3" class="topic"><span ><?php echo"$createTitle"; ?></span></td>
<table  width="<?php if($re){ echo"99%"; }else{ echo"600"; }?>" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="sortable" id="anyid">
   <th width="360"  >Title</th>
    <?php if(!$re){ ?> <th width="15%"><span style="cursor: help">Views</span></th>
 <th width="15%"><span style="cursor: help">Posts</span></th>
   <th width='15%'><span style="cursor: help">Username</span></th><?php } ?>
   <?php if($forumm == 1){ ?> <th width='23' class="unsortable"></th> 
   <?php } ?>


if($p->sticky == "1" && $p->options == ""){ $pic2 = "<font color=orange><b>Sticky</b>:</font>";
$pic = "";
}elseif($p->sticky == "0" && $p->options == ""){ $pic2 = "";
$pic = " <img src='../images/folder.jpg'> ";
}elseif($p->sticky == "0" && $p->options != ""){$pic2 = "<font color=black>Poll:</font>"; $pic = " <img src='../images/poll.jpg'> ";
if($p->imp == "1"){	  $pic2 = "<font color=red><u><b>Important</b></u>:</font>";
$pic = " <img src='../images/imp.png'> "; $mess = ""; }

if($p->locked == "1"){ $lock = "<font color=black><b>(Locked)</b></font>"; }else{ $lock =""; }

$title2 = lang($p->title);

$title = "$pic2 <a href='forum2.php?forum=$forum&view=topic&id=$p->id$addOn' class='thumbnail'  target='$target'><font color='$col23'>$title2</font></a> $lock";
$posts = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `replys` WHERE `idto` = '$p->id'"));

if(!$re){ $pu = "       <td width='15%' class=\"tableborder\" align=\"center\">$p->views</td>       <td width='15%' class=\"tableborder\" align=\"center\">$posts</td>

         <td width='15%' class=\"tableborder\" align=\"center\">$p->username</td>"; }else{ $pu = ""; }

if($forumm == 1){  $listo = "<td align='center' height='5' width='5%'><input type='checkbox' style='height: 5px;' name='checkbox[]' value='$p->id'></td>"; }

echo "<tr >

         <td class=\"tableborder\" height=\"24\" align=\"center\">$title</td>




<td colspan='5'  class='sortbottom' align='center'><?=$page?></td>
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