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Hexidecimal Color Code Tutorial.


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This tutorial will only cover the light-to-dark shades of basic colors such as black, white, green, yellow, etc. as i haven't figured out the 6 letter long code.

Basically, lets say we have #FFF. Now there are only six shades of gray. The last one, #FFF is white. So the farther in the alphabet, the lighter the color will be.

Now RGB, or Red/Green/Blue should be mentioned, as they are basically the blocks of it all. For example, our first F gives red the light color. our second F gives blue a light color.

our third f gives blue a light color. When they are all light, what better to give than white? Now since Hexidecimals are 0-9 and A-F, that means A = dark, F=light, 0=dark,9=lighter than dark, but not fully lit, because of course, F is light. So instead of the more complex scenario i just said, 0 is dark, and F is light.

I will try to post the 6 letter long explanation as well, but i havent figured it out yet.

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If I remember correctly 6 digits Make it possible to make different shades of color to be more precise for example #FFF you may want #FFFFFE (a very slightly darker color) and even darker #FFFFFD etc ...

Think of it as maths for example 0.1 could be different the all of the below




Etc etc ....

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Dayo: 0.1 is the same as 0.10 or 0.100 etc...

The hex code of the color is so build:

RR GG BB => Red Green Blue

where you have 2 characters (hex number) for each. The numbers are between 0 and 255 (inclusive) where 0 is 00 and 255 is FF then it is simply matter of transforming your decimal number in hexadecimal. Also, 0 is the darkest and 255 is the lightest.

You may use this tool to build visually the color or photoshop will do it too ;)


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Ahhhh a Bertrand you are wrong ;) by adding an 0 at the end of any number you are making it more precise for example if I were to pay 1.01125 dollars into your bank it would show up as 1.01 dollars

Another example is petrol let's say you get £20 of petrol and the pump says you have 15.02L that could be 15.015-15.24

Another is the exchange rates ATM 1gbp = 1.54 usd but go into more detail 1 Gbp = 1.54010451 usd

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How a zero after the last number after a decimal point will make it any precise? It will have simply NO impact:


And your examples are rounding, nothing to do with trailing 0... So of course if you round the number it is not the same anymore where you stated originally 0.1 or 0.10 which are 2 identical numbers. Sorry but really here you are wrong ;)

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Yes but imwas using it as an example for the colors so instead of it being #RGB it is #RRGGBB therefore making more possible shades of coloring I go back to my example #000000 is very slightly different to #000001 provost not that noticeable until you lookinto it in more detail :)

If you don't agree let's agree to

Disagree ;)

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I understand how to convert the RR, GG, BB values into hexidecimal, i just cba to write about the colors they bring.

First, take RR for example:


50 / 16 = 3.125 = 3 ( which based on the 16 possible outcomes of hex, is actually 4 )

Now we take the remainder, .125 in this case...:

.125 x 16 = 2 (which is 3 in hex), so for a RR of 50, you would get #43. Then you just do it for all the other values and come up with the color.

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