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[mccode any vs] Slot Machine [$25 and $35 versions]


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Slot Machine Upgrade for Mccode any version!

Standard Version: $25 USD (no animation)

Premium Version: $35 USD

Paypal/contact email: [email protected]

These slots have two major upgrades from the mccodes slots.

#1 The premium version includes animated slots! it's javascript based and the users have the option of turning the animation on or off. For players that have javascript turned off, the slots will work as they would with animation turned off.

#2 Both versions include virtual money! Players can play as much as they want without having to spend any money!

Features included in both versions are:

#1 Token based betting.

Users get a certain number of tokens every day just like all the other slot mods. They can be their in game money until they run out of tokens. When they run out of tokens, they can still keep playing by using their virtual money!

#2 Tokens can be based on real items or virtual tokens. Real item tokens are items that get given to players and placed in their inventory's. As they play the slots, these tokens are taken. Depending on your game settings, and how you make these token items, players will be able to trade tokens with other players! If you use the virtual tokens, those tokens are stored in a slot_data table. Players cannot trade these tokens.

This option can be cofigured in the easy configuration file included with this mod. Simply change 'item' to 'virtual' or 'virtual' to 'item'. Please keep in mind that if using items, you need to specify an item id for the token item. If an item doesn't exist for that yet, you will need to create one. There is SQL code in the README to help you create an item. If using virtual items, you will need to create the slot_data table. There is SQL code for you in the README that you can run to easily create this table.

#3 There are tons of configurable settings. I'll list some below:

$money_field -- allows you to direct the script to use bankmoney or crystals instead of the default money users table field.

$money_name -- If you use something other than money (Crystals, Diamonds, Euros, etc) you can specify the proper name for your currency here. (uppercase)

$money_name_l -- Same as above but this is the lowercase version.

$money_field = 'money';

$money_name = ucfirst($money_field); // Money

$money_name_l = $money_field; // money

$money_prefix -- Do you need a $ or the Euro sign, or perhaps the Pound sign? This field allows that. Leave it blank if no sign is needed.

$max_bet_multiplier -- The max bet is defaulted to the player's level * $max_bet_multiplier.

$tokens_type -- item | virtual (explained above)

$slot_item_name -- If using virtual tokens, this allows you to name the tokens. It could be Ticket, or anything. When using real item tokens, the name of the actual item will override this.

$tokens_max_daily -- The number of tokens players are credited with per day.

$tokens_compounded -- Here's a quote from the cfg file's comments:


* This is only affective if tokens are items. This setting

* does nothing if you are using virtual tokens.


* If this is set to true, tokens will be credited to the player even if

* they have all their tokens from the prior day.

* If it is set to false, the script will check how many tokens the player has.

* If they have less than $tokens_max_daily, they will have the number of tokens increased to $tokens_max_daily.


* If they have $tokens_max_daily or more, they will not be credited any tokens.


* Virtual tokens do not allow players to save tokens from one day to the next, and

* they do not allow players to have more than $tokens_max_daily at any given time.


$tokens_item_id -- the itmid of the item to use for tokens (this is not used if you are using virtual tokens)

$tokens_credit_if_laston -- Only credit tokens to players who have been online since the last 3 days (3 days is the default, you can set it however you like)

$slot_data_table -- You can name the slot_data table anything you like. It defaults to slot_data.

$slot_session_name -- virtual money uses sessions to propagate the virtual money value from page to page. You can change the name of this session variable if you already have a session variable that conflicts with the default name (SLOT_MACHINE_DATA)

$slot_session_starting_money -- This is how much virtual money players get to start with. They can refill at any time. This is mainly used to scale the starting point to an amount that makes sense and fits in with your game. If players have billions of dollars, you might consider increasing this number to 1 billion or more.

$match_two_payout_multiplier -- When 2 numbers are matched on the slots, what is the payout multiplier. It defaults to 3.

$match_three_payout_multiplier -- When 3 numbers are matched on the slots, what is the payout multiplier. It defaults to 10.

(The default numbers seem to be slightly losing, so you should consider raising these a bit)

$animation_defaults_on_off -- If you have purchased the premium version, you can set whether or not the slots are animated by default. The users will still be able to turn them on/off regardless.

There are options for just about everything. The main idea with this mod is to make a visually appealing slot machine. This gives your game that little bit of bling that just might catch that new player's attention. I highly recommend purchasing the premium version of this mod. Another main idea is that this mod never prevents your users from playing the slots. They can't sit there all day and make money with it, but they can enjoy playing it whenever they want.

It has a highly intuitive user interface. The animation is very short so that it doesn't make playing the slots take too long. No javascript is required. If the player does not have javascript, or it is turned off, the animation will simply not activate and they can play the slots as if they were using the standard version.

I have this mod setup and is ready for you to demo today! Just send me a PM here and I'll get you hooked up.

I fully support my mods. Any bugs will be promptly fixed. Installation is self serve. I have made this mod as easy to install as I can, and the low price means I cannot install it. I will install it for you though for a fee of $10.

This mod is compatible with any version of mccodes. The header code is different from one version of mccodes to another, so you will need to copy your header code and place it into the slotsmachine.php file unless you are using mccdoes lite.

The mod comes with a README that documents the entire installation process and all files have all relevant portions of code very clearly marked (like the header on slotsmachine.php and all settings in slotsmachine.cfg.php are fully documented.)

I will answer any questions I can, so don't hesitate to get a hold of me. I have a very extensive list of references, so if you don't know me or haven't had me do work for you before, I can give you a list of 10 or so sites that I have done a lot of work for. I could list a lot more sites, but I'd only list sites with a substantial amount of work from me.

I do have a portfolio on my business website and I'll link you to it upon request.

This is a screenshot of the slots. Please click on it to enlarge.


This screenshot shows the slot wheels in motion!


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Excellent, upgrade. Good detail, in the explanation, to tell the customers exactly what they are getting for there money. One improvement, in the post could be list emails where you can be contacted like: Yahoo, Messenger, Google mail. In addition to that, you could also list your paypal email, for anyone wanting to send you money, if your not online, then you can contact them from there paypal address, and send them the modification. Overall, it's a nice upgrade from the basic McCodesv2 script and I'm pretty sure it is going to be a successful modification and used by many. The style, and graphics, of the slots caught my attention, so that was a positive point as well, because no-one want's a modification which looks dull. Talking about the target market, i think you will be appealing this mod to both genders. Loyalty, I'm sure many people agree with me here, and we think your a loyal Website Developer, so we assume that if the customer has any problems, whilst installing the modification then you will help them right? I'm sure you will, just conforming for other people though. Nice use of different languages, and i would recommend, text based game owners to buy this, as it's obviously more detailed from the original, but also well coded i would think because it's a modification from Floydian. In my opinion, since this modification is going to be appealing to both genders it's a good investment, because if you want to edit this slightly then you could make the Tokens, a donator item for people to actually buy with real money, if they want more than which is provided in-game. Talking about making this tokens, into also a donator item, Floydian, if you want to make a donator add-on for this then I'm sure many people would like that as well. Since you have made two versions, it's good for the customers, because they can decide what features they want in their Slot Machine, and then choose the version which fits the needs of their game. Thanks for providing screenshots, because sometimes, Website Developers forget screenshots, and that becomes a negative side to the modification they are selling but you got it spot on. Good luck with the sales.


Best Regards: Redex

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Thanks for the nice words and thoughtful critique of my post! The suggestion about putting a contact email has been implemented.


Loyalty, I'm sure many people agree with me here, and we think your a loyal Website Developer, so we assume that if the customer has any problems, whilst installing the modification then you will help them right?

Yes, I anticipate folks having questions about installing the mod. Whilst I'm not personally installing this, I am available to answer questions and point folks in the right direction.

The donor features is an interesting angle. Perhaps folks who are interested in this mod might offer up their suggestions for a donor feature for this mod.


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One more edit i'm thinking about is make it compatible with other modifications availaible on McCodes. Example if you make this and edit it into the code of Crystal temple for McCodes, then people can swap there tokens for anything in the crystal temple. This would also, be a posotive point for the game owner, because then donators will be buying more tokens, and will increase the role of tokens in the game.

Donator feature - please let me explain in more detail. Along with the other donator packs, on your game you can add a pack called Tokens to the donator page in your game. One advantage of this donator feature could be, the Tokens purchased from the Donator section of the game, have better value. They are worth for example two normal tokens and this would increase the demand for the donator tokens in the game. Donators with less money and crystals, in the game could also take this as a trading opportunity, because they can fix a deal with a in-game member saying they will trade this donator token, for a set amount of money or crystals. Tokens, in donator feature, could also be implemented into the crystal temple for McCodes, because that way, you will be able to take some of the tokens from the game back, concluding to the sales of more donator tokens again. The way I'm thinking for this to work with crystal temple, is you have to exchange this donator token for a set amount of money in the crystal temple. One more addition, you have to do, if you implement the above into the modification is you have to have a section where it displays normal tokens and donator tokens so the members, are aware of how much they got of each. This would increase, the circulation of money,crystals and tokens in the game whilst making it more interesting for the users.


Best regards: Redex.

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Thanks Big-Bad-Ass, Jordan - Pudda, and Zero-Affect for all your good words.

Next on my agenda is a gang mod. It's going to be a plugin based gang mod. The main module will be free. It will have very little functionality on it's own, but plugins will provide all the functionality. For instance, a plugin can add new gang staff panel content like making alies. This same plugin can add in a gang panel that allows gang members to see their allies.

The main gang module will load the plugins and provide a framework for plugging in links/tabs to the gang page. It will use variables for "gang", "gangs", "Gang", and "Gangs" so that people can easily change the nomenclature to fit their games.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. Let me know if any of ya'll want to try out the slot mod. I have it up and running on my mccode lite demo site.


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