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Would anyone use this mod if I released it?


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Ok, so I have had this mod for awhile, and it has been altered several times to fit my game.

It's more of advanced Charachter Class mod than the one posted on here before.

What this does is the following.


1. 3 Races to choose from. Upon registration Each Race is sent to a Start city you set up and given a certain set of stats.

ie. i have vampire, werewolves and humans

Vampire starts off in Forks==A vampire only city that humans or wolves cannot go to. They start off 10,10,50,10,10 "somethin to that effect.

Wolf starts in La Push ==A wolf only city starting stats 10,50,10,10,10

Human = human only city 10,10,10,50,10

More can be added to this part of the registration, "ie" what level they start off as etc.



Race specific cities and Monorail.--checks the race of the characther and allows only certain races in places you choose.


Race Specific Items ----------You can create items for each race, and only That race can purchase or Equip that item.


Can alter this a bit--In my game, I have it set up so If you are a human, and you are attacked by a vampire or a werewolf and the species wins. They have the option to Bite a Human and turn you into a 4th race (actually 4th or 5th depending on which species bit you) Named Infected.

The human then has Until the Day Cron resets to Seek a Vaccination to Stay human or else he changes to the race that bit him.


Depending on which race you are, You gain Differant stats in the Gym. i.e if you are a werwolf and you train say..strength you get a (*10 multiplier where as human gets *5 as vampire.



Depending on your Race, Differant Stats raise quicker.

like..humans willpower goes up a bit faster.


I have a few more additions to this mod and I've been fully integrating it to my game. Just having problems getting the Gym to work properly and The crons to update properly.

Would this hold any interest for anyone?

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Guest georgelink

That sounds like an awsome mod. But you need testers, people who test out your mod. If they say

that your mod is good, then it will surely get a lot of money.

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I've already had testers, Other than the Gym and The cron_day not working quite right the mod is 100% functional :-)

Was up all night last night finishing the bite mod. It kinda works off the same concept as the human or zombie mod with a few alterations to the original attackbite.php and some security

I originally purchased a race mod like this a long time ago, but wasnt happy with the limitations. It was a decent mod but had room for expansion. So I completely re-coded it and added more features etc. Still looking for ideas for more features to add to it :-)

Anyone like to help me figure the problem with Gym?

I've gone over and over it, but I can't figure out why it won't update differant races. They always get the equal work-out

I "think" I am seeing the problem though a fix will be a pain, can anyone confirm?

I would need to Race Specify the $gain and not just the $inc?


require "globals.php";
if($ir['hospital']) { die("<prb>This page cannot be accessed while in hospital.</prb>"); }
'Strength' => 'strength',
'Agility' => 'agility',
'Guard' => 'guard',
'Labour' => 'labour');
$_POST['amnt']=abs((int) $_POST['amnt']);

print "<h1>Gym</h1><hr width='90%' align='left' />";
 print "<h1>Jail Gym</h1><hr width='90%' align='left' />";
if($_POST['stat'] && $_POST['amnt'])
   die("<prb>This stat cannot be trained.</prb>");
 if($_POST['amnt'] > $ir['energy'])
   print("<prb>You do not have enough energy to train that much.</prb><hr width='90%' align='left' />");
   for($i=0; $i<$_POST['amnt']; $i++)
     if($ir['will'] < 0) { $ir['will']=0; }
   if($ir['jail']) { $gain/=2; }
   $db->query("UPDATE `userstats` SET `{$stat}` = `{$stat}` + $gain WHERE `userid` = $userid");
   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `will` = {$ir['will']}, energy = energy - {$_POST['amnt']} WHERE `userid` = $userid");

if($ir['race'] == 1 AND $stat=="guard")
else if($ir['race'] == 2 AND $stat=="agility")
else if($ir['race'] == 3 AND $stat=="guard")

     print "You start to lift some weights, You go heavier and heavier until You are out of energy.

     You have gained {$gain} strength by doing {$_POST['amnt']} sets of weights.

     You now have {$inc} strength and {$inc2} energy left.";
     print "You Begin to run on the treadmill, You keep tapping the faster button till you fly off the damn thing!.

     You have gained {$gain} agility by doing {$_POST['amnt']} minutes of running.

     You now have {$inc} agility and {$inc2} energy left.";
     print "You jump into the pool and begin swimming, you keep flapping your arms in the water like Michael Felps, you get a cramp and almost drown.

     You have gained {$gain} guard by doing {$_POST['amnt']} minutes of swimming.

     You now have {$inc} guard and {$inc2} energy left.";
     print "You walk over to the front desk, and ask the manager If you can volunteer to help the gym out, He says unload the boxes In the back, You unload boxes until the gym closes

     You have gained {$gain} labour by unloading {$_POST['amnt']} boxes.

     You now have {$inc} labour and {$inc2} energy left.";
   print "<hr />";
print "<table width='90%'><tr><td>

Welcome to the Second Gym!

You can train up to <prb>{$ir['energy']}</prb> times with your
current energy.</p></td></tr></table>
<hr width='90%' align='left' />

<table width='90%' class='table'>
  <form action='gym2.php' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='stat' value='Strength'></input>
  <th width='15%'><ph2>Strength:</ph2></th>
  <td width='15%'>{$ir['strength']}</td>
  <td width='10%'>(Rank {$ir['strank']})</td>
  <td width='40%'>Times to train: <input type='text' name='amnt' value='{$ir['energy']}' length='5'></input></td>
  <td width='20%'><input type='submit' value='Go!'></input></td>
  <form action='gym2.php' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='stat' value='Agility'></input>
  <th width='15%'><ph2>Agility:</ph2></th>
  <td width='15%'>{$ir['agility']}</td>
  <td width='10%'>(Rank {$ir['agirank']})</td>
  <td width='40%'>Times to train: <input type='text' name='amnt' value='{$ir['energy']}'></input></td>
  <td width='20%'><input type='submit' value='Go!'></input></td>
  <form action='gym2.php' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='stat' value='Guard'></input>
  <th width='15%'><ph2>Guard:</ph2></th>
  <td width='15%'>{$ir['guard']}</td>
  <td width='10%'>(Rank {$ir['guarank']})</td>
  <td width='40%'>Times to train: <input type='text' name='amnt' value='{$ir['energy']}'></input></td>
  <td width='20%'><input type='submit' value='Go!'></input></td>
  <form action='gym2.php' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='stat' value='Labour'></input>
  <th width='15%'><ph2>Labour:</ph2></th>
  <td width='15%'>{$ir['labour']}</td>
  <td width='10%'>(Rank {$ir['labrank']})</td>
  <td width='40%'>Times to train: <input type='text' name='amnt' value='{$ir['energy']}'></input></td>
  <td width='20%'><input type='submit' value='Go!'></input></td>
<hr width='90%' align='left' />

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LOL don't hate :P

It's Underworld + Twilight combined

Kinda inter mixing them.

It's not your mccodes type game tho... :)

If you saw it now you wouldnt even know it's mccodes

as most files have been re-coded, re-named, it's not a "mccodes" layout ;)

going for some originality here :D

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Guest georgelink

Well, i think that no one uses the crap mccodes layout. So if everyone's template is changed, then

that would mean no one uses mccodes. (lol doesn't make sense)

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Oh there are TONS of people with the basic Mccodes layout with a few adjustments or a header.

Beleive that lol.. :)

I dont get why everyone makes the exact same Mafia Based game

there must be a million of them out there, all have the exact same layout for the most part and all are ..eh...the same.

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