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This code does not connect to the site nor its mysql. Its very simple code that i made in a minute for myself. I just thought I should post it in case anyone is ever interested. Basically what it does is it allows you to keep users from registering during closed beta. They must have a special code, in this case a coupon to enter and proceed with registration. Just do the fallowing below and it will work fine.

Rename your register.php page to w/e you like.

Create the page register.php with the fallowing code...

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Replace 'SPECIAL CODE HERE' with the code you want entered in order to gain access and replace 'NEW REGISTER PAGE LOCATION HERE' with the new renamed register page you just did earlier.

That should be it!!!

http://www.dabmob.iiistudios.com/register.php <<< you can test it there!!!


Re: [mccodes] Register Coupon Lock

Ive no idea, i just like the idea


Re: [mccodes] Register Coupon Lock

Nope... for my games i dont like people i dont want signing up on closed betas. So using this they must have a special pass, in this case also know as a coupon to register. Keeps those out you dont want to join when your games are in closed beta...etc


Re: [mccodes] Register Coupon Lock

Are you seriouse? Forum clutterer ^^ not you martial coder. But ishmell. Come on if you wanted to close your register down just put die(); at the top. Use the admin panel to create friend's, staff's account's!


Re: [mccodes] Register Coupon Lock

Only way to bypass this is if they knew the renamed register.php. And yes this is very basic but I thought I would share it in case anyone is interested.

And yeh killah you can do that but for those that would like to save time while keeping things professional this might be what you need. Im not forcing anyone to use it. Im just posting a free mod. Whether you use it or not is totally up to you.

  • 1 month later...

Re: [mccode] Register Coupon Lock

Even Easier Just Change the File Permissons in your cpanel to 000 then no one can access the register page. Anyone have a way around that one let me know.

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [mccode] Register Coupon Lock



Who got owned? All I see are people offering lame ass excuses that are supposedly better than the original posters.

Now, we have 2 offered solutions, which both suck!

Remove register and make the accounts yourself? Come on! In a closed beta, you could have upto 100 or so accounts still, what dumbass would set theirself up to make 100 accounts through the admin interface? None, I hope!

Then we have CHMOD 000 - What are you achieving other than making yourself look dumb? Did he not say it simple enough, so that you understood that he wants - to let people register while blocking access somewhat.


Now to the task at hand, while the script does what it intended, it can be expanded on and made to work better and does not take alot of knowledge in PHP.

at the top of register.php, add:


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Then add a new field to the form:


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Then it is as simple as adding a block to the page, pre-processing of data:


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No need for a new page.

Good work. Its nice to see some others that see the proper logic behind this idea.

  • 1 month later...

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