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Well as i have mentioned in other post's that a new game made by me will be opening very soon.

Now i would like to tell you all. Yes the base code is mccode's but i have re programmed all of the file's within the back.

I am looking for 1 person:

GFX Designer:

You will be paid everytime i ask for a image until donation's come in good and then you

will get a monthly pay. You will need to complete the image within the time limit i need it for. Which will be in more or less about 1 week. You have to be good.

What's New:

# New layout compare to all other mccode games.

# 4 Table design

# Rebuilt gang script

# Re programmed php file's

# Faster game play

# Efficient programming

# New Graphics

# Built in SMF to be able to do alot.

# Arcade

# All of my mod's that i have created. Including family's rebuilt.

# Brand new story line

# Competition's

# AJAX Chatroom created by me

# IRC (Hopefully get a space on ce irc rack)

# Many more features to come.

The game is busy in the stage of programming. The php file's have been re programmed already by me.

Now... Why am i making another game you may ask?

I was busy in the making of www.deadlykillah.com but then my laptop crashed. Now i am on my mom's computer and my laptop is busy getting fixed. Hopefully it can be fixed.

You may also ask this to your self:

Why make a new game when the last one just got sold and over again and what what?

This game is going to stay!


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

Laptop as of now is in the repair shop's and is bieng fixed.


New Gang Script. (Will be sold on here maybe)

New Gang Script Description:

Well infact as the visual still stay's the same. It look's alot neater. BBCode is allowed on the gang announcement and gang description. HTML Is strickly forbidden. Gang Pic's. Only 2 file's now that is originaly, and both have been re programmed from top to bottom. Another thing i would like to say is that now gang forum's. Gang forum's are now gone. I have implemented a ajax chatroom specialy just for that gang. Look's pretty sweet and work's very well.


I have already reserved absolute-zero to be doing my graphic's. Graphic's person not need required.

When is game going to open?

As soon has i have got enough money to buy graphic's from absolute-zero i will be getting them. I will then put the design up and position every thing correctly.

Time frame to open: Mid january.


What i am still looking for:

People to make crime's, Item's, Organised Gang Crime's, Schooling's, Job's, Shake Down's (I have only seen one game with this and my game will be the second.).

Crimes => 30 - 100. (Paid), i want as many as posible so the member's don't get bored.

Items => 20 - 50. (Paid), i want as many as posible so member's don't get bored.

Org Crimes => 10 - 20. (Paid), ^^.

Schooling => 30 - 50. (No pay if u do the other's), ^^.

Jobs => 20 - 40. (No pay if u do the other's), ^^.

As of shake down's. I have a custom 100 pre installed. I would like another 100. (I will familiarize you with the system. and u will get pay).

Pay will be evaluate of how much i can afford.

Thank's for reading. that's if you did read.


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

Kyle, I Always Enjoy Playing You're Games ... And I Can't Wait For This One To Be Released ... But We've Kinda Lost Contact, Not Spoke For Along Time Buddy, Add My Msn ;) We'll Make Up For Lost Time.


  • 2 weeks later...

Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

New Update's!

1.- Gang script has been completly re programmed. Efficient. New look. New everything.

2.- If user does not vote or read game rule's. A little notice is now shown at the top.

3.- If the user is not a donator a little image saying "Become Respected Today" image will be appearing at the top. This can be turned on/off using ajax :).

4.- Flash chat is now integrated and purchased. So yes it is legal to use for my site.

5.- Ajax chatroom is now integrated. My shoutbox was early released to ajax and on my new game it will not be displayed at the top of every page. But in a chatroom file. Altho member's will be able to decide where they want it.

6.- MD5 will no longer be available on my game. But instead my own created little script to encrypt password's with a salt. This way when user's request a there old password the system can decrypt it and such. This system is way more secure than you think. It work's similar to protect directories on cpanel. Meaning if you put in kyle as a password and it come's up with #"$%"#. Next time it will be different.


Update's still to come!

1.- Secret Question + Answer. I am sure you all know how this work's. If not. At signup the user can put in a secret question + answer. This way it mean's more security for your game. Answer will be encrypted also.

2.- New lottery modification.

3.- New Gym modification.

4.- Shakedown's to be completed.


I have alot more thing's but as i have said. this game will be unique and i will not post those unique idea's up. I just post this to show to everyone this game is a GO! and not a NO NO!.

Thank's for your time for reading.

  • 4 weeks later...

Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.


1.- New engine implemented. This is my engine. The coding is like no other. Mccode visual still appear's now. But i have not got my layout yet.

2.- Game gone into ALPHA on the 26 of january. Testing is still being done and implementation.

3.- Game now run's way more faster than usual. Can be viewed on other thread of mine.

Ran 5000 querys in less than a second.


Opening date: End next month. MAX!


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

username: test password: test no offense but you make the game sound incredible when really it has a lame layout and a disgusting color scheme. Maybe you should change the way you code? Just a friendly tip =] maybe you can improve this i would love to see it with a different design,Good color and maybe not using some of the designs from "rapid-riot" i dont play it but i know you coded it as the hooch (new owner) told me. anyway, Good luck with this and i hope you make it into something good.


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

I used to own rapid-riot.com and this is no where near close to it.

Mccode visual still appear's now. But i have not got my layout yet. My layout come's next week i hope.

Change the way i code? It's only the design that's temporaly there so i can see what i am busy doing atleast.

This new layout has no where near to rapid-riot.com and like no other game that i have owned. Why? Because my other designs were made from plain text & html color or made by iamwicked which was a cheap $30. But no more. I am paying $2xx for this layout.



Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

Well good luck with it :-) out of a rating i would give this 4/10 as in the layout and 6/10 for the effort and codes.

  • 4 weeks later...

Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.


1.- Layout integrated onto login (www.deadlykillah.com). 4 Page in 1 => login, register, forgot password, home on index.php.

2.- Layout integrated into header. No preview.

3.- DataBase class has been working for about 1 month now.

4.- Item Market Recoded.

5.- Functions file in place & working.

6.- Custom bbcode engine in place & working.

7.- Items page now uses a tabbed view, to view equiped item's and item's you currently own.

8.- Explore.php now has Hospital & Jail file's all into one.

9.- When in jail or hospital, and go to explore. It will just show you the hospital page.

10.- Gangs Script complete. Now has => Ajax Chatroom per gang.

BBCode descriptions. BBCode announcements. Gang Search.

11.- Staff List is different to other game's.

12.- Town View Recoded.

13.- A complete recode of forums.php, this works similar like the SMF forum's.

14.- Gym Recode. Unique feature's included.

15.- Donator's get a smaller advantage but not a big thing.

16.- More donator feature's.

17.- Staff Panel is now inside a different folder. Recoded also.

18.- A complete new donator page, with IPN system that track's donator log's.


Still To Come

There is to much to mention that is still to come.


Game should release into ALPHA 2 i hope by next friday. Game will proceed in ALPHA 2 for a month, see how thing's are going. If thing's proceed alright without a big game economy, no reset shall hapen. Else reset will hapen and will reduce the economy stat's. While it is in ALPHA 2, people may signup to the site, play on it. Upgrade Account (Donations) will be open and in case of a reset, all your donator pack's will be returned to you when open again.

  • 6 months later...

Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.


lmao you say that every month probably been a year you've been working on it.

Lol, that's the problem around here, a lot of people think it only takes a few weeks or a few months to get a game together. Most good games will take a year or two, at least.


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

4.5 years and I'm still working on mine. However it's running at the same time. So yes take your time, but still having people playing whatever you already have could help too.


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.

I try and get alot of good tester's on once i finish building an addon for the game. So far no bug's have been spotted but then again it's also just a few when i could need alot.

Yes i have been saying i would of had the game done by january, but i took a different approach and it's alot more work than everyone think's. Not to mention it's a custom game script built from scratch.

Been taking around 8 month's so far and i think another 2 month's and game should be really enjoyable.


Re: New Game. Blow your mind's away.


3.- Game now run's way more faster than usual. Can be viewed on other thread of mine.

Ran 5000 querys in less than a second.

Hey, check out MemcacheD or APC, if you use them right, you can cut your queries by 90% (equivalent of running 9 times more :p)

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