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[mccode] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

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I was fed up of the way that the Forums were on the standard MCC talk about rubbish so i decided to install an SMF forum instead...

Download link for SMF forums..


Forum Themes Downloads (free) Use drop down at top of the theme to change, view, download


My little bit..

call this file forumframe.php


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and replace the old menu forum link in mainmenu.php to point to the one placed in your forumframe.php file

The outcome..



Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

that is pretty awesome illusions. I am prolly gonna use this. Seems to be a bit safer that using the mccodes forums since they are pretty exploitable. Now I just gotta figure out if I can figure out how to sync my users login/password with the smf so that they don't have to signup for them as well. Plus find the right theme to make it work with my game lol.


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy


that is pretty awesome illusions. I am prolly gonna use this. Seems to be a bit safer that using the mccodes forums since they are pretty exploitable. Now I just gotta figure out if I can figure out how to sync my users login/password with the smf so that they don't have to signup for them as well. Plus find the right theme to make it work with my game lol.

Too be honest the registration for your users will take less than 30 seconds to do it would take you longer messing about trying to get everyones username and passwords from your mcc to place into the SMF..

I would give them a clean slate and make the SMF as it is for them to Register


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

a thought could you take the username and password from your users table...

then import that into your SMF??



Forgot to say Great mod...

This will be great for new games...just implant this to sign up for this nad game.


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

Too be honest im not sure i havent gone as far as doing that.

It ptobably can be done but may also need extra info like email addresses for all members so they can retrieve lost passwords..


Again i would just let your members just Re-reg for the forum its only 30 seconds but that 30 seconds is what makes their accounts safer,,,


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

yeah true. But to my advantage I am the only one that is registered on my game right now lol. So if I can figure out how to make it when they register for the game it also inserts the required info into the smf database then all is well lol. But that will be later.


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy


yeah true. But to my advantage I am the only one that is registered on my game right now lol. So if I can figure out how to make it when they register for the game it also inserts the required info into the smf database then all is well lol. But that will be later.

That sounds good but your also going to have to put your SMF tables inside of your MCC tables which reduces your security.. The SMF on mine is away from tha MCC tables thus making it a bit more secure..


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

it wont be that hard to use "both" databases..

just connect to both in the register and put info into it or make is where they register for game, and after that page it links you to the smf register page..


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

You could if you wanted to, Make it were on next users log-in the UserName and Password will Insert into a SMF database, Therfore They are already Signed up. As a Note, I wouldnt leave this running as it could cause some Trouble on securing as Illusions has said.

Overall, Iv used SMF before, And its a great forum overall. Though I dont use an off-site forum because its just one more page my users need to open.

But Great Post Illusions, +1 for you mate.


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Lol What Luck :P


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

yeah I would definately keep it in seperate databases. I used a forum at one point in time that you could merge the usernames/passwords from your existing db into it, I just can't remember which one it was. but yeah I could make it where something like

if (!$ir['forumreg'])

it sends them to the register page for the forums.

or puts a reminder at the top of the page something along those lines.


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

great mod mate.


i tryed using the iframe method but my forums dont fit, so im using a different page. plus i have an auto registration so once you sign up on the main game and press forum you get registered there too

but i like your idea


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy


great mod mate.


i tryed using the iframe method but my forums dont fit, so im using a different page. plus i have an auto registration so once you sign up on the main game and press forum you get registered there too

but i like your idea

Cheers matey the simple ideas always prove to be the best ones :)


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

Can i mention...


The guys tat created the forums have done a great job as with the Theme Creators so give them Credit by leaving their Copyright Notices Intact.



Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

actually smf isn't copyrighted and in forums they say they don't mind, but i suggest leaving them on the ad's though can be removed via skin.php in misc.

i have this installed for other purposes i don't really like the idea of adding it into mc though


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy


actually smf isn't copyrighted and in forums they say they don't mind, but i suggest leaving them on the ad's though can be removed via skin.php in misc.

i have this installed for other purposes i don't really like the idea of adding it into mc though

I think Regardless if its copyrighted or not we should always give credit where credit is due..

the link to place nito your mainmenu.php is

Forums <font color='yellow'>[NEW]


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

For those that are having problems getting the Iframe to fit then use this one it will add Scrollbars to Bottom and Side


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you can change the width and zie to suit your site..


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

interesting i was meaning that has a option not a rule and the copyrights have stayed intack on my website which isn't using this but actually is the forum lol

just simply removed the annoying ads


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

To get your game users on the forum without registering you just merge the database from smf into the game db right ?

~ Mickey


Re: [MOD Mcc V1 + V2] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

Mm.. It might be difficult to have the username/password they registered with to your game into SMF..

But, It would be better if the players don't need to register to the forums again..

Possible edit the SMF database to the structure of your games users table and then just import/export every night?

Or try and edit the code to instruct it to select username from <gamedatabase>_users etc etc


Re: [mccode] A better Safer Forum for your members to enjoy

Hi All,

Firstly, thanks for bringing these forums to my attention :-D

Secondly... i have read through the thread and i was thinking about how to make it so that they register for both the game and the forums, but without leaving the tables for the forum in the same one as the games data.

Would adding the register for the forums been placed into the register.php for the game work?

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