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[Please Read] Requesting Help


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It has come to my attention that a lot of users appear to be requesting help for game mods that they may or may not have obtained without the owners consent.

This doesn't bother me much any more, but what does bother me is how people quote whole documents in "code" tags for all to see, without any consideration that what they have just posted could have been a paid mod, whether that person paid for it or not, and that the author may have put a good few hours work in to that piece.

So without any intention of distributing the mod "illegally", that person has just given a mod that could be worth say $50 away for free, and every knows it wouldn't take more than 15 minutes to scan through and work out the correct database properties.


Before requesting help, please take in to consideration that this mod could be for sale and that the author could have put quite a bit of time in to producing it.

If you have an error, quote the line.

If there is a bug, contact the author and I'm sure that person would be more than happy to help providing you have a valid copy.

That's all.

Thanks for reading (if you took the time to)

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help


It has come to my attention that a lot of users appear to be requesting help for game mods that they may or may not have obtained without the owners consent.

This doesn't bother me much any more, but what does bother me is how people quote whole documents in "code" tags for all to see, without any consideration that what they have just posted could have been a paid mod, whether that person paid for it or not, and that the author may have put a good few hours work in to that piece.

So without any intention of distributing the mod "illegally", that person has just given a mod that could be worth say $50 away for free, and every knows it wouldn't take more than 15 minutes to scan through and work out the correct database properties.


Before requesting help, please take in to consideration that this mod could be for sale and that the author could have put quite a bit of time in to producing it.

If you have an error, quote the line.

If there is a bug, contact the author and I'm sure that person would be more than happy to help providing you have a valid copy.

That's all.

Thanks for reading (if you took the time to)

True but it's just like mccode source once it hits the market its going to get passed around and there's really no stopping it

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

It's like this folks, people that use pirated software aren't where the money's at.

Number one, since those are the folks willing to cut corners and break the law, they will have almost no chance of actually getting somewhere. Their game will be like every other mccodes game out there. Most folks that purchase really cool mods, don't trade them because they want exclusivity.

Number two, should those folks make good money off of their pirated software and law breaking, they will be liable for lawsuits. Thus they have a built imposed limit to how successful they can be. Period.

You're better off getting yourself noticed by the folks that do pay, than worrying about the folks that don't.

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

True Floyd... but the lawsuit isn't true... if it was all so true Limewire and all the other P2P programs wouldn't be around... We need to get out of our shell(CE) and realize... We got idiots that share mods and source codes for MCCode and there is no way around it.. Floyd i wouldn't be suprised to see your engine for free here soon

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

I don't think you guys really understood what I was trying to say..

It wasn't a rant about people passing round mods here and there, because you're right, it can't be stopped.

It's just reminding people to consider and think twice about what they are posting before requesting help, whether they intended to stick it up on CE for all to see or not.

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help


I don't think you guys really understood what I was trying to say..

It wasn't a rant about people passing round mods here and there, because you're right, it can't be stopped. [sNIPPED...]

I hear you Silver. In fact, my point (perhaps poorly stated), is that folks that find themselves in the position of having had their software pirated can be encouraged by my statements (hopefully) rather than let themselves worry about the pirated software.


To Kaotic's point, you're comparison of software pirates to Limewire isn't a valid comparison. If anything, CE itself can be compared to Limewire (no, I'm not criticising CE)

Limewire is a legitimate application which is useful for helping people to "communicate" with each other. CE is a forum that does the same thing. Limewire has survived because Limewire doesn't actually distribute pirated software, but it's the users OF limewire that pirate software. Same as CE. CE doesn't pirate game mods, it's the folks that freely post those paid mods ON CE that pirate them.


The BIG difference between CE and Limewire, and this is where the comparison between the two break down, is that CE doesn't tolerate software pirating and Limewire does (at least to an extent, a large extent lol).

With that said, Limewire could well be shut down. It takes a long time for litigation to shut down a company. Many folks will remember the days of Napster when it was a free p2p app. And then there was Kazaa. Can anyone find Kazaa now? And now there's Limewire. If it does get shut down, it won't be the first one that did.

So, the difference between CE and p2p apps, being their respective tolerance or lack of tolerance of pirated software is the difference there, and why CE would never be subject to lawsuits.

There are many cases though of users of Limewire being slapped with major lawsuits....Can anyone say RIAA.......



Anyways, to finish this off, it is annoying to see entire mods posted. Most of the times it's someone that didn't pay for the script and thus doesn't get any official support. Dabs doesn't seem to be actively supporting anything he's selling/has sold though. I find it hard to see how someone can claim copyright protections against someone that needs legitimate support when he himself doesn't seem to be willing to provide that support. So, folks are forced to turn to third party sources for that help.

If you put a mod out there, support it. Make sure the folks you sold the script to are happy. Make sure they never find the need to post your script somewhere because they couldn't get support from you. And if you stay on top of it, you and the CE community will know 100% for sure that any of your scripts that get posted are stolen mods.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

poorly stated wow it's like reading a book.

ill just skip over this and come to some points i thought kinda wrong.

illegal software is wrong but sometimes the companies charge way to much just like mono city.

unreliable un-secure and basically crap the only way mc got good is because coders secured it we basically cleaned up their mess.

If people edit mc and sell it props to them for fixing mc's major errors and fixing the entire engine, i mean if someone was to buy mc v2 edit it to make it 2000% better i think they deserve the right to sell it.

codes by coders / programmers with copyrights no that is a issue which should be cracked down on maybe some type of encryption could be set forth so that you have to buy the software to decrypt from coders...

unique keys is a option but crackable obviously look at the software.

i really didn't read this post so im just hoping im on the right track

i do know many will disagree but mc is garbage it needs a make over.

i still prefer horizon engine sounds like the most secure engine so far...

but if i find someone selling mc with new functions fixed errors and way better modifications (their own) then i think it is not effecting me so why should i care.

what have mc done for us besides take our money and run like hell, they could have taken a dump on a plate and just given it to us and it would have been more satisfactory,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

torrents are much better.....

But Limewire is not illegal....If it was they would shut it down. In fact they are after Torrent sites(Demonoid) more than limewire..... Remberer Demnoid was shut down..

Limewire is just a program that connects people.(Not Illegeal)

uTorrent is just a program that connects..(Not Illegal)..

They don't shut down Limewire, utorrent, and programs cuase they don't break the Law. Its the users that do.

That is why the Sites are shut down (refering to torrents) cause they have allowed Users to upoad illegal software

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

I haven't heard Pro was illegal.....

In my opion that can go both ways i guess. Making someone pay for opensource, lol...SHould be illegal lol..

But paying for it should make it legal.....napster? lol

I like demonoid to...but dont use it to much, since it came back new owners and they screwed everys ratio...at least a few people i know inlcudiong mine...I had overa 4.0 ratio and when it came back my ratio was .3 and there is no way to get it back, lol..i would have to upload 300gigs loll..they screwed me on that..

I use "more" private trackers now :)

But I'm not here to argue about limewire....3 reasons..

1. I honestly don't know lol..

2. Limewire sucks a**

3. Limewire is a "shu win" for virus is you have nasty winblows lol

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Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

Back on topic now.

The thing is whatever we do there will always be a back alley way that somebody will be able to go through to get to where they wanna go.

The best thing we can do is be a little more careful.

Nice one for trying Silver.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Re: [Please Read] Requesting Help

i have to agree with silver if you need help go back to the coder u got it from if you paid they should help dont post some thing if its one out of 100 lines of code that is wrong

and as for limewire its not the site its the stuff people post that makes it "illegal" as long as you know what you are getting your fine

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  • 11 months later...
Guest Drizzle

McCodes shouldnt have even been pirated. Thats just like getting crap for free. Paying 300 dollars is outrageous. I bet if he lowered the price to 200 and secured it, he'd be getting many more sales, and McCodes would have a reason to be pirated. Lol.

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lol I think only one reply so far has been on topic.

I agree with silver - it's pretty easy for people to just keep this in mind when posting for help.

Of course, it should be up to the mod writers to provide support if the mod is paid. Nobody can help if we can't see the source.

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