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Simple Lastaction Func


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Ok, Time stamps have been confusing quite a few recently...

So heres a small but may come in handy function that will calculate the last time the user was seen.


function lastaction($time) { // $time = the lastaction fetched from users table

// if (!preg_match("[^0-9]", $time)) { die ('Time invalid');} // make sure the $time is actually numeric

$last = time() - $time;

$unit = 'seconds'; // $default unit

if ($last >= 60) { $last = $last / 60; $unit = 'minutes'; } // >= 60, divide by 60 

if ($last >= 60) { $last =  $last / 60; $unit = 'hours'; } // >= 60, divide by 60 again

if ($last >= 24) { $last = $last / 24; $unit = 'days'; } // >= 24, divide by 24

$lastaction = sprintf("%u %s", $last, $unit);

return $lastaction; // return the result..

} // ex: $last = lastaction($fetch['lastaction']); echo $last; result = last time player made an action 
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Re: Simple Lastaction Func


Ok, Time stamps have been confusing quite a few recently...

Including Isomerizer!!

The regex is a waste of time. Are we really going to take the extraordinary action of killing script execution if a number isn't passed to the function? Wow...

Second, minutes, hours, and days will always be plural. That's a small oversight, but when I see 1 days, or 1 hours, or 1 minutes on a game, it makes me think they're lazy folks.

Worst of all is the logic error. You're performing all of your manipulations on the time in the $last variable. But you are returning the $time variable!!!

This function doesn't do a damn thing!!


Here is the cleaned up function:


function lastaction($time) { // $time = the lastaction fetched from users table
settype($time, 'integer'); // make sure the $time is actually numeric
$last = time() - $time;
if ($last >= 24 * 60 * 60) { $last = floor($last / (24 * 60 * 60)); $unit =  $last == 1 ? 'day' : 'days'; } // check days
elseif ($last >= 60 * 60) { $last =  floor($last / (60 * 60)); $unit =  $last == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours'; } // check hours
elseif ($last >= 60) { $last = floor($last / 60); $unit = $last == 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes'; } // check minutes
else { $unit = $last == 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds'; } // lastly check seconds
$lastaction = sprintf("%u %s", $last, $unit);
return $lastaction; // return the result..
} // ex: $last = lastaction($fetch['lastaction']); echo $last; result = last time player made an action 


I tested this function and it operates as required.

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