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Criminal Madness

I clicked on to the ad and had to wait a little while for the whole login page to load up.

Then the register was no better took it longer to load-up for me.

The layout on the login and register is all one image so that is probably why it takes so long to load try cutting it into slices and adding it on.

In-game it keeps the layout type but it loads a little quicker than the login images.

I liked the bars they were using for the Energy etc..

On the loggedin page i like the way it says Good Evening if its night and Good Morning if its daytime.

It has 10 mods that i could see.

It has an IRC also availbale in JAVA.

It has an off site forum on DreamBurst Studios.

It has 10 staff members the 2 owners are Cyanide & Vorlen , the staff are active everyday.

It has a fan base of 1169.

It has good cash circulation of $19,444,930 for that amount of users.

The staff are really nice and supportive.

There are updates everyday.

VERDICT : A good amount of users and a nice looking layout also i could not see any errors present.

Visual Rating : 4/5 (I like the layout with the blood splatters but would be better if they loaded quicker.)

Game Play Rating : 3/5 (It has lots of mods but many off limits so it need more for non-donating users to use.)

  • 4 weeks later...

Re: [REVIEW] Ciminal Madness

CM rocks :D

"The drawing is complete!! Results are as follows: Winner of the $50.00 DP is El Gran[1150], Winner of the $100.00 DP is MysticalMarie00[683], and the GRAND PRIZE WINNER od the 30 GB Zune Media Player is......Matthew[3]!! Please mail me. ID[1] to claim your prize!!"

I won a zune w00t w00t.

  • 3 weeks later...

Re: [REVIEW] Ciminal Madness

We have a whole new layout, and the loading times have been worked on quite a bit.

I'd like to ask you guys to possibly check it out and toss me another review, here or otherwise.

We've also fixed a lot of bugs and are working on some really cool features that should be out soon!

Security's been updated quite a bit as well.


Hope to see another review soon, thank you all!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Re: [REVIEW] Ciminal Madness


Cool game


Hehe thanks, since the new layout change a while back, and the bug-fix mayhem, with some additions the game is running cleaner, and faster by a lot.

Hope to get some more reviews on it at some point, I have another game coming out for review in a couple of months, given it'll take at least a month to get it prepped for being online :D


Re: [REVIEW] Ciminal Madness


happy birthday vorlen how old are you now :-D

I'm 19 now :)

Game's going to be getting some more updates this week, possibly today/tomorrow depending on how they go. :D


Re: [REVIEW] Ciminal Madness

Happy Late Birthday Vorlen :wink: Sorry I couldn't Say It On Time Because I Just Seen The Topic But Atleast I Said It :wink: And By The Way You Got A Nice Game good

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